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K-27 Old Question - Counterweights (Again?)

Started by rrjTooele, January 16, 2009, 04:19:17 PM

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Your indulgence, please. I was finally able to get my K-27 out of the box. (It's been over a year since I made the purchase - what patience!) I've lubed it in anticipation of testing the DCC install with sound I just completed. Then (shudder) I remembered to check the counterweights.

All axles, except the third one, seem to have considerable play in the counterweights. Yikes! I probably need replacements. However, I forgot what the policy is to get the replacements. I tried to call support, but the line was busy. (Voice mail, anyone?)

What do I need to send to Bachmann to get the new counterweights? Also, I downloaded the replacement instructions from the Gallery several months ago, so I should be good to go there. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.

the Bach-man

Dear rrj,
Give the service department a call and explain the situation. I'm sure they'll be happy to help.
Have fun!
the Bach-man


Thank you. I'll try again Monday morning. Support has been good to me in the past; I was just surprised to get a busy signal when I called yesterday in the afternoon.



I was able to reach Customer Support. Irvin was great and gave me some good pointers. He'll also send me the replacements. Thank you. ;D


Mr. Bachmann,

Is there any way to tell if you have received the 'new and improved' counterweights? I received my unit in May of 2008. I do have about 40 hours running time on it without any signs of looseness. Are there any serial numbers on them anywhere?


the Bach-man

Dear Armor,
Any locos shipped since the new counterweights arrived a year ago have had the counterweights replaced.
You'll have to ask the dealer when he got the one you bought.
Have fun!
the Bach-man


I Just got a new one on Friday.
The counterweights are loose.
Also, there was no physical evidence on the outside of the shipping box, but the corner of the cab was broken and the doors and windows lying in the cab.
I'll give them a call....................


I finally made it back to town and to my hobby shop where I purchased the K.
The owner and I filled out a fax form, with my bill of sale, and sent it to Bill.
Bill, just send the replacement weights to the hobby shop. His address is on the fax.
I glued the cab back together.
The weathering will start next.


No response from fax or e-mail yet.
K-27 still setting in dead line, waiting on counter weights.


Bringing this back to the top again.
I checked with my dealer and no counterweights have been shipped to him.
Can someone please tell me what is going on?
Should I mail a copy of my bill of sale to the Bachmann service dept?

the Bach-man

Dear John,
Call the service department Monday, speak to Bridget, and you should have counterweights by Wednesday or Thursday.
the Bach-man


I called and left a message for Bridget on Monday.
I called and left a message on Tuesday.
I called today.
I have faxed, e-mailed, and called several times in the last three weeks.
I have not received the courtesy of a return call, nor the counter weights.
I want to know what is going on.
Why am I being treated like I don't exist?
Everyone I have talked to says, "Bachmann service is the best."

the Bach-man

Dear  John,
Call (215)533-1600. You'll get a  live person who will route your call to a live person. Ask for Erv in service, and you'll be taken care of.
the Bach-man


Thank You!
At least a live person would be a relief. I was beginning to wonder if everyone had left the building.
I will call Monday morning and report back here the results.


Got them today.
Even though I have them, it would be interesting to find out why it took a month after my faxing my bill of sale to Bill.
BTW, they forgot to include the new bushing caps with the weights.