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Bachmann, what in the h*** were you thinking???

Started by Dusten Barefoot, July 14, 2008, 06:27:08 PM

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Dusten Barefoot

Bachmann, what in the h*** were you thinking making that 4-4-0, I was fine with the originall Mt. Gretna, but you have made one of the uglliest things I have ever seen, if you wanted to apeal to the south american market, start off a different branch!!!???. This nothing personall or towrds the company, but comon.
I know I pester the hell out of everone over a 4-6-0
#12 and 10-Wheelers
Black River & Southern
Rock On & Live Strong

Hamish K

Each to his or her own.  I like the OF  4-4-0 and prefer it to the inside frame version. It should appeal to quite a few running inside frame versions who like the idea of a somewhat different loco as a comapnion and also to others including those modelling overseas prototypes, where small outside frame narrow gauge locos were common.  It is close to a genuine 30 inch gauge loco which will appeal to some modellers.

I think the point is that with this model Bachmann is able to produce a distinctively different locomotive for relatively little expenditure as many of the parts will be the same as the existing 4-4-0. The cost of tooling a brand new model would be a lot more.



I agree Dusten

it seems a curious choice to me    ???  and IMHO, after the "new" has worn off the OF 4-4-0, the two 4-4-0s will simply cannibalize the sales of one another...

it seems there is no niche that one 4-4-0 would fill that the other wouldn't fill nearly as well...and at the same time there are dozens or more other locos that would have given On30 modelers choices of something they can't get now...

ah well, maybe someday Bachmann will make another loco I can use, but I'm not betting on it  :'( :'( :'(
mike miller
San Juan Pacific Lines
On31.17 California 3' narrow gauge


I'm going to throw out the thought that the OF 4-4-0 was intended for Bachmann's international market.  They may have decided to market in the U.S. as an alternative to the original 4-4-0, one that is more modern in appearance.  Speculation, but the world market grows ever smaller.


i agree with with Dusten.

i would rather see more models that come from north america then south america. instead of making the same kind of loco over just in a different way. i would rather see a verity of different locos.

I know you have those who want to model backwoods railroads with small locos that are made and use kitbashes

but there is also those who want to model main line narrow gauges lines like the DRGW  WP&Y and ET&WNC and maybe like the SR&RL. I know those are not 30in gauge railroads but on30 allows an easier way to model those with out spending a S**T load of money on brass models.

I say if Bachmann can do engines like the newer 4-4-0 but switch off with other engines that are bigger like a WP&Y 2-8-2 or an ET&WNC 4-6-0, then they can do a small backwoods engine againfor those modelers and then another bigger engines and so on and so on.

Charlie Mutschler

'What were they thinking?' Dusten asks.  I would say they were listening to a segment of their market.  There was a lot of enthusiasm for these little outside frame Baldwin 4-4-0s when the discussion about an On30 4-4-0 got serious a few years ago.  Are they everyone's cup of tea?  No.  No more than the Fn3 K-27 is everyone's cup of tea, or the On30 Forney, or the T Boiler Shay, or even the original 2-6-0.  We have modelers, some in north America, many elsewhere who are modeling actual 76 cm or 30 inch gauge prototypes, not using it as an inexpensive way to model what would correctly be On2 or On3 north American prototypes.  Many of those prototype 30 inch gauge modelers may be very happy to have this little 4-4-0.  I suspect many of the free lance modelers may like it as well. 

But when you think about it Bachmann has really done a rather impressive job of covering the waterfront with (dare I say it?) a broad spectrum of locomotives in their On30 line.  Two foot gauge prototypes:  Porter 0-4-0T, 4-4-0, Forney.  Thirty inch gauge prototypes:  Porter 0-4-0T, 0-4-2T, 2-8-0, and now the outside frame 4-4-0.  Three foot gauge prototypes:  Porter 0-4-0T, 0-4-2T, T Boiler Shay, 2 truck Climax, Rail Truck (RGS 1), 2-6-0. 

No, the new outside frame 4-4-0 isn't my favorite prototype locomotive, but I hope it sells well for Bachmann, and I applaud them for listening to their customers.  A lot of customers emphatically expressed a desire for a 30 inch gauge export loco rather than a 36 inch gauge 4-4-0 like E&P EUREKA.  It will be interesting to see what's coming along - my guess is if the list of what's been offered is a guide, over the course of time, most of us find some of the prototypes we love show up in the familiar boxes. 

Happy modeling and modifying. 
Charlie Mutschler


If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either.


Charlie and ebtnut

Thank you for an intelligent reply not full of *****.

A relief from those who constantly complain because they didn't get their wish.


Matt Bumgarner


From a pure business standpoint, it makes sense to come out with this locomotive, as 90% of the tooling already exists from the IF 4-4-0. No, its not my cup of tea either, but I do applaud  Bachmann for continuing to come out with some very unique and niche type locomotives.

Hang in there. Maybe next time around we'll get what we're looking for!


C.S.R.R. Manager

I found a set of drawings for this new loco, and printed them out to scale.  My impression is that the new 4-4-0 is larger than the IF 4-4-0, and I doubt if any major components were shared.  Looks like we will find out soon enough.  To date, Bachmann has never taken the easy way out, and reused major components.  Even though I think the results could be great.

I like the new loco, and I'm hoping that it "fits" visually in front of a line of boxcars better than the IF 4-4-0 did.  From the drawings, I think it will.  I've already picked out the version that will work best for me, and I need to check the box, to see if I have a crew ready.

And me with a birthday coming up... No tie this year!  

The Manager


why is it some people seem to get so defensive if someone says they don't like a new Bachmann product?

if Bachmann doesn't have any interest in making more "common, standard, North American style, common carrier locos that is certainly their business, and if that is the direction they want to take their product line, so be it, but that certainty doesn't mean I have to happy about it  :-\

and I might take a small exception to the statement that there is a broad spectrum of locomotives too...outside of the original 2-6-0, there isn't any any non-logging, non industrial "3'-ish" North American locos available from Bachamnn...

mike miller
San Juan Pacific Lines
On31.17 California 3' narrow gauge


hello Everyone

I think it is time we said think you to Bachmann Industries for the excellent way the average modeller can now enter the narrow gauge model scene in a non expencive way. We will all want different types of motive power and rolling stock to suit our personal taistes, but for Bachmann to do that would be a huge undertaking and make the models very expencive.Being Australian anything remotely like the VR narrow gauge would be a plus ( puffing Billy ) but reality says no, and the products by Bachmann are excellent for kit bashing or just good as they are.
So my point is the overall way the choose the models is diven by economics and sale ,and they have covered almost everthing from small industrial th larger motive power.So who knows we may get a 4-6-0 , hiesler, garret or a mallet but it may just take time.
Lets enjoy the stuff we have and wait and see what other surprises the Mr Bachmann has in the bag or planning stage

A happy Modeller



C.S.R.R. Manager

Mike has a point about the Mogul being unique in the On30 line.  I would add that the Mogul is also the only On30 steam loco with a plastic boiler and cab, and with a lower price.  I would like to see more locos like the Mogul, smaller 36" gauge locos, more basic in their construction, better for bashing, suitable for use in train sets and collector editions, and able to handle 18" curves.  A generic 4-6-0 would be ideal, and perhaps a Mason Bogie. 

At the same time, they could continue with the 30" and 24" prototypes in metal, with the high level of detail.


 Double edged sword , I am happy Bachmann has kept up in the 0n30 and not stopped production.  I dont always agree with their choices of production and thats a fact. Being we have world wide markets in this day and age and the economy isn't so great here in the states they obviously look to the world market just to stay in the game.
I havent purchased a new loco since the Connie. Then I found out it was a Mexican prototype.  Straight to the bench for conversion to American.
bash or trash...


Dunsten, that is the direction On30 is going in, if you don't like it just move along. That is what the participants want so get over it.

If you look at the prices of the 3 foot/30 inch OF baldwin mexican Consolidation at Micro-Mark it has dropped in price from the original offering. That is why everything is going "hinky".
