Marker/internal lights don't work after changing RailBus decoder to Loksound v5

Started by McLean County, July 07, 2024, 01:20:27 AM

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McLean County

Sorry if this has already been covered on the forum (if it has, maybe someone can post a link for me?). 

I have a couple of Rail Buses on my layout that I'd like to add sound to.  I've bought 2 Loksound V5 decoders for this purpose and fitted one.  But I've found that the marker lights and internal lights don't come on.

Reading through this forum, it seems that the 8 pin plug of the standard Bachmann decoder, with the use of a couple of small resistors built into the plug, manages this requirement and turns on the marker lights and internal lights with the headlights, i.e. F0.

The suggestion has been been to swap the 8 pin plugs but that requires some very fiddly soldering (been there and not always successfully!).

Looking at the main board of the Rail Bus, there are a number of small solder pads right next to the leds.  I wonder if these can be used to connect the green or purple wires of the Loksound decoder so that AUX1 or AUX2 can be used to turn of the marker/internal lights.

Does anyone know?  Can anyone shed any light (pun intended) on this?


McLean County

Hold that thought group.  It seems that the Loksound project I've loaded, a Doodlebug, requires F4 to be on before any lights come on, then F0 for headlights and F6 for marker/iternal lights.

Woo hoo!