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Messages - VTBob

HO / Re: Doodlebug 3D Printed Gear Replacement
August 01, 2024, 10:11:34 AM
NWSL has metal gears for the Doodlebug.

HO / Re: Spectrum 4-4-0 Baldwin
July 31, 2024, 04:47:27 PM
UPDATE -- Yes - there are 2 hidden screws that the exploded diagrams do not show clearly. I had to remove 4 detail parts to find them, then I was able to dismantle this locomotive. I found that the running issue was a headlight wire that was pinched & had shorted out under the diecast boiler, and that the bottom plate wires were rubbed raw on the rear axle, also causing a short.

I did buy a new driveline & tender from the scratch-building parts dept a while back so all I have to do is swap the shell. But I have been asking about how to get this shell off for almost 3yrs now. I find it hard to believe that no one has taken these apart on here, or that there's no YouTube videos to point out those hidden screws. I have studied the diagrams, & while there's a very tiny mention of "A" screw on the diagrams, it's impossible to tell where it actually is.

I wish there was a way to post a photo on here without needing some sort of special account somewhere to do so. I'll try to link it from my shop page elsewhere, but I have no idea if it'll work.

HO / Re: Spectrum 4-4-0 Baldwin
July 04, 2024, 08:16:31 PM
I have those, but it's not very clear as to what goes where. It's almost like just a parts list all pictured on to a piece of paper. I have removed, both cab screws, the stack, the pilot. That's all I can find for screws that are visible. Is there a hidden screw somewhere?

HO / Spectrum 4-4-0 Baldwin
July 03, 2024, 11:54:03 PM

How does one get the boiler shell off? I've removed the 2 under the cab screws, and the stack screw, but it's still firmly mounted on there. Is there a screw hidden somewhere that I'm not seeing? I've heard that on the 4-6-0's there's a screw hidden under a dome, but before I go wrenching on the dome, I'd love to know what or if I'm doing anything wrong.

HO / Re: Finding parts
June 15, 2024, 11:23:49 PM
I have the 3rd generation of NYC 4-8-4, & all I need is an axle gear to make it run again -- finding the gear? Almost impossible. Went round & round with the guy from Shapeways, but his gear is for the pancake motor version - 1st gen. It does not fit this one.

Parts used to be available all over, but as time marches on, less & less of the parts are produced, because we seem to be living in a "It's broke? Throw it away & buy a new one" generation.

I'm old school -- if it breaks, fix it, but even I'm not having any luck getting parts.

HO / Re: Truck Assembly For 70 Tonner
April 24, 2024, 09:31:29 PM
Which version of the 70 Tonner do you have? They made a 2 motor & a 1 motor version over the years.

I have 2 of the Shay's - I also built a steel jig to get the new gears from NWSL on with, but just haven't bitten into that nightmare project.

I also have a 2 trk & a 3 trk Climax, while beautiful units, I should have bought brass instead. Neither plastic Climax has moved any farther then 10inches under their own power before the gears crapped out. I have some gearing for them, but even with replacing the main gear box with the bachmann replacements, those cracked as well, so I have 2 very expensive paperweights now. Probably going to place them in my 'for sale - parts units" shelf in my store over here. I'm considerably unhappy with my purchase of the plastic geared logging locomotives.

HO / Re: Broken Shay
March 11, 2024, 11:20:29 PM
I ended up hunting down a master modeler (some years ago) that was repairing the shays, & he gave me a plan to make a steel bar jig to lightly tap the NWSL gearings on to the shaft. That's the easy part. The troublesome part is getting the drive shaft itself out of the truck without damaging the small plastic bearing caps that hold it in place.

HO / Re: HO Climax Replacement Steel Gears-NWSL
October 24, 2023, 10:27:59 PM
The NWSL Shay gears are here:

As for the Climax gearing, it's impossible to find all the gears needed, unless Bachmann creates more. I'm still waiting to find the drive shaft gear with the shanks. I bought my 2 & 3 truck Climax units some 10yrs ago, they moved approx 10inches & had broken gearing. Makes me wish I had bought brass instead, because I now still have 2 very expensive and broken models, with no repair in sight.

HO / Re: Locomotives for 18R
September 10, 2023, 02:35:54 PM
Quote from: jward on September 09, 2023, 12:24:22 PMPretty much anything the real StJ&LC ran including its successors as well, would run well on 18r. I visited the line in 1979 when it was the Lamoille Valley, and they were running RS3s at that time. Will you have a covered bridge on your layout?

I actually do. -- I built the Swanton covered bridge out of balsa wood & It's about 32inches in length. It's currently getting added to my main layout (this afternoon actually)

There's still the Fisher covered bridge in place in Wolcott VT, but they've torn up the rails & changed the outside cladding. It doesn't have the same look as it did when rail ran through it, but I have so many photographs of the line back when it was railroad.
HO / Re: Locomotives for 18R
September 08, 2023, 04:25:19 PM
I model the St. J &LC because I live in Saint Albans VT, where they used to come in off the CV-Richford Sub. I don't know how many times I've traveled up route 36 (Richford sub) & followed the STJ&LC route from Swanton VT out to St. Johnsbury. I model the years 1930 - 1960, only because for a branch line railroad, they had some of the best scenery, not to forget motive power. I've got a few B15 Moguls, as well as the typical 70 tonner units. It's not a terribly large layout, but mine is a branch line off the main line part. I'd share progress pictures, but cannot figure out how to attach pictures here.
HO / Locomotives for 18R
September 07, 2023, 04:44:17 PM

What locomotives can run/will run on an 18R code 83 curve? Due to some space limitations I had to include some 18R curves on my Greensboro Bend (VT) (STJ & LC) layout. Just looking for a list of what I might be able to run up that way? I would assume any 4 axle diesel, not a 6 axle, but more in the ways of what steam can I run?

HO / Re: 4-8-4 Niagara Main gear?
June 11, 2023, 12:05:54 AM
It's not that simple - the main gear cracked, in half. So a replacement gear is required now.

HO / 4-8-4 Niagara Main gear?
June 08, 2023, 10:43:05 PM

I have an HO Scale Bachmann Plus 4-8-4 Niagara that has a main gear cracked axle type thing going on. I have not been able to locate a gear for it. Shapeways only has the Northern gear, which does not fit. I already tried it, it's too big in diameter. Where can I possibly source a gear for it? It used to run beautifully, but now sits on the shelf awaiting a new gear.

Thanks in advance,
HO / Re: Desperate 80 Ton 3 Truck Shay Owner
April 18, 2023, 10:00:20 PM
About the only place to find parts for these things, if the Bachmann parts store doesn't have them, has been Ebay.  I would shop for a basket case unit then you would have a parts unit for yours.
