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Messages - bevernie

HO / Re: Couplers
December 22, 2014, 06:22:58 PM
Just a "cheap" suggestion, but you could put a knuckle coupler on the front car, and that would be an "easy-fix"!! ;D
HO / Re: HO Scale Burglarized buildings
November 12, 2012, 01:51:30 PM
 :)You might also put in an "alarm sound", and that will draw attention! But, you would probably have it "switched", so it would only come on when you wanted it!!
Greetings!! Many times, also, it depends on the particular car. Maybe a roadname, or grafiti, or some other "quirk"!! :o
General Discussion / Re: 1970 Tyco F-9 Mainenance
January 05, 2010, 05:23:24 PM

"a drop of oil here and there. on gears and axles.
Clean the wheels to, I guarantee there is 40 years of oxidation on them.
Especialy if the wheels are brass.
If it has traction tires those are most likely shot with dry rot.
If you just can not get it to work, use it as a static display in the scenery.
Or rip the motor out and you now have a unpowered dummy.
Or put it up on a shelf on the wall as a decoration.
Or trash can it."
!!!!!!! :o!!!!!!!! PLEASE DON'T "TRASH CAN IT."!!!! Send it to me!! I'm always collecting ANYTHING that might even REMOTELY have anything to do with trains, so if you're going to trash ANYTHING having to do with trains, please check with me first!  [email protected]  ;D     
                                                              8)                                Ernie
GREETINGS!! ;D Some time back, I ordered a "COLD HEAT" soldering outfit (off tv), but never used it. ??? It's a battery-powered iron that is supposed to only produce heat at the tip at only the precise moment that you need it. -Never enough heat to damage anything; :o it only melts the solder and causes it to do only what it is supposed to do! ;)
Has anyone used one of these?
I'm thinking about getting mine out and trying it(FINALLY!!)!! ::)
                                                  8)                                        Ernie
General Discussion / Re: Army Rolling Stock and equip
January 03, 2010, 03:15:09 PM

''Not looking for a real life application, looking for coolness for my nine (9) year old.  Making exact recreatons of yards and towns can be fun but making kids smile is a blast.  And while you will never see a Army spur next to a stock yard spur , with a coal depot at the end.  when my is done you will see a happy seven year old girl playing with the farm animals, and a nine year old son moving around tanks and trucks."

:DNow, THAT's what it's all about!!  :o If my layout ever gets finished, it probably won't be very "real-life-ey" ::), but it WILL be FUN!! ;) I plan to have a lot of sounds, action, switching, smoking (buildings AND locos), and anything else my disturbed mind can think of in the name of FUN!! 8)
General Discussion / Re: Army Rolling Stock and equip
December 31, 2009, 10:08:08 AM
 :DGREETINGS!! E-BAY would be a good place to start, and put your "wanted" on "". :o Also, any train shows, flea markets, yard sales, etc. You may have to do some weathering, but that shouldn't be difficult. ;D I went to a train show near Atlanta, Ga. one time, and they were almost GIVING some army cars away. They were "MASH" cars, but they were nice!
THANX! ::)
General Discussion / handrails...Mr. B?
December 30, 2009, 11:10:25 AM
 ;)GREETINGS!! This question is specifically directed to Mr. B, but anyone may feel free to comment.  :o
    I, and probably others, have several engines with broken or lost handrails. Is it possible to order just handrails from BACHMANN? What about horns, or other little "add-on" parts? One particular engine is, I think, a B70-3, and it seems that the handrails are made into the body, is it possible to order the body? ::)
   Final question (for now): Is there a certain number of these parts that can be ordered within a certain postage rate, or is there a specified shipping charge?
   THANX!!  ;)  -And HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! ;D
General Discussion / Re: im tired
July 26, 2009, 09:02:18 PM
 ;DGREETINGS!!-AND GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! >:(  I'll cosider that a challenge, Sir, that I should complete a PERFECT LAYOUT the FIRT TIME!!
   :POf course, we must note that no time limit is set on the completion of that layout, and the standards against which said layout are to be judged are mine, solely, so....  TIME WILL TELL!! ;)
                                                            8)                             Ernie
General Discussion / Re: im tired
July 26, 2009, 07:11:40 PM
 ;DGREETINGS :o!!PLEASE EXCUSE ME, GENE, AND RAY, AND DON, AND EVERYONE ELSE, BUT...     ???   I am attempting something that has never yet been done before (-or so it would seem from reading these posts). I am attempting to build a layout with all the mistakes having been made and thought through before completion of said layout, such that when the layout is finished, it will be just that... FINISHED!! :o
     Yes, I am aware that in attempting such a fete, many of the articles and buildings, and vehicles used in the design and structure of that complexity will have become antiques years ago, but that will just add to the enjoyment to be experienced in a job well done!! ;)
                                                             8)                        Ernie
July 26, 2009, 10:31:23 AM
 ;DGREETINGS!! :oOn page 63 of "PRACTICAL ELECTRONICS PROJECTS FOR MODEL RAILROADERS" by PETER J. THORNE, is an article, including schematic and parts list, for a "HIGH POWERED LIGHTING GENERATOR", as opposed to a "CONSTANT LIGHTING CIRCUIT".
Though yet untried, this seems like a very viable possibility for a smoke unit, since it doesn't depend on track voltage! From the article, it seems that this was designed for use in passenger car lights, but it LOOKS like it can be used on a smoke unit... another "plus" is that it is connected to the TRACKS and not to the SMOKE UNIT, so, therefore, it is NOT IN THE ENGINE!! :o
    The only drawback is something about this cannot be used in a "REVERSING CIRCUIT". ???
    Still, I'm thinking about trying it, as soon as possible! ::)
                                                      8)                                             Ernie
July 24, 2009, 01:22:30 PM
Stephen, your statement that "If it is DC then the more power you apply, the more it will smoke..." caused me to wonder... will a "constant lighting circuit" cause it to smoke at a more constant , and noticable, level? ???
    Just wondering!!! :o
                                                      8)                                     Ernie
General Discussion / Re: When is a lot too much?
July 05, 2009, 09:52:41 PM
 ;DGREETINGS!! :o I have over a hundred engines, and, I've stated on other posts, that is my major reason for not going DCC.  :-[  I've not counted my rolling stock, but a lot of it consists of "special" items (i.e. Bicentennial, old passenger stuff, etc.).
   This evening, we took a trip over to the local GOODWILL STORE, and they had a little plastic train for $2, so I bought it! It's just a little battery-powered thing, but it has some cute little "snow-covered" trees that would look good on my layout (if I ever get it BUILT!! lol). ::)
   My mailbox area is well-decorated with "train signs" warning people to "BEWARE" of the "TRAIN CROSSING", and little plastic trains (one facing each direction and a third in the center). When Pat, our mailman, (or anyone else) opens the mailbox, a sound module (powered by a 6-volt solar supply) goes off with train sounds- a bell, a whistle, a "clacking sound", etc. I really don't know (nor care!) what my neighbors think, but the few that I've talked to really like it! (One neighbor kid liked it so much that he ran down the batteries before I got the solar unit! I don't think he's found out that I've fixed it yet!) :o
     Every time I see something to do with trains, I buy it! Many of my friends bring me items "they new I would like"!  ;)
     Will I ever have too much?? I probably already DO, but I try not to think about it, so I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from telling me!!   lol >:(
                                                        8)                                Ernie
HO / Re: ongoing and future projects.
July 01, 2009, 10:26:44 AM

"I plan to cull about 50 cars and 30 kits, along with a bunch of MIB steamers, but that will take some time. I don't like waste and I have way more than I need."      -BOB

                       Any idea, as yet, what you are going to do with your "stuff" that you are going to "do away with"?  ???
                      If you are going to throw them away, you can throw them at me, and I'll GLADLY pay the POSTAGE!! :o
                                                         8)                                   Ernie   
General Discussion / "SIGNAL RULES" BOOK
June 30, 2009, 07:02:30 PM
     A neighbor gave me a small book that reads as follows on the front:
                                       EAST COAST RAILWAY 
                                         FLAGLER SYSTEM

                                    and INTERLOCKING
                                        SIGNAL RULES
                                        March 1, 1926

                              Supplement No. 1 to Rules
                      of the Transportation Department
                                dated December !, 1923

                                                            J. H. OWEN,
                                                     General Superintendent
                                                         of Transportatio
             H. N. RODENBAUGH

:-\It is 4" x 6" and approximately 1/4" thick (39 pages). It tells, in detail- including pictures of lighted signals- the what and when of signalling, including "Automatic Block System" (CHAPTER 1), "Interlocking Definitions" (CHAPTER 2), Signal Indications (CHAPER 3- this is the chapter with all the pictures of various lighted signals!!) ::)
      :o Has anyone ever seen this booklet, and can anyone estimate its worth- if any??
                                                          8)                               Ernie