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Messages - jdr6

HO / Re: Power for Turnout 44561
June 11, 2015, 08:04:16 PM
Thank you to all for your guidance.  It has been very helpful.  I think I will return the 44561 and get the DCC turnout.  I'm a novice but received the starter set as a DCC and have been trying to build on that.  I currently have four engines and about 20 cars.  My table runs along three walls and is about 30' in total length with track on two levels.  Not sure where I will go from here as far as table space but I have plenty of room for scenery and landscaping, bridges, etc. that I still need to do a lot on.  I read where a 65 year old decided to hire experts to build his layout because he didn't think he would get it completed.  I'm four years older than that but I will keep chipping away at it.  Thanks again to all.
HO / Re: Power for Turnout 44561
June 11, 2015, 06:19:49 PM
Thank you Richardl.  Do I do some splicing into my track wiring to get the power out of the EZ Command Power Pack?  I don't see any input points on that power pack for the turnout.
HO / Power for Turnout 44561
June 11, 2015, 03:45:53 PM
I recently purchased my first Bachmann turnout 44561 and did not realize that it needed separate power.  Question:  Do I need to purchase a separate power pack (recommended Bachmann Power Pack 44212) or is there a way to connect the turnout into my already purchased EZ Command Digital Control Center?