Sent this out on general but it is an HO topic. I have also noticed something else since that posting. I have 2 BNSF GP40s (#s 3001 and 3002) that are less than a year old. A few months ago, 3001 developed a problem of no wheel power while it was runnning (in reverse) in a consist with 3002. Sent it in and was given the explanation of reset to factory specs and lubricated. It has been fine since although I have only been running it indiviually. Now 3002 has developed the same problem. Lights on, no wheel power. However, I HAVE discovered that it WILL run on address 3 (wheels) but address 7 (assigned address) still correctly operates the lights. I have tried to reassign the address but to no avail. I am using an E-Z Command controller.