thank you so much for your help.. I am still pretty much in the dark.. If I can get just one train running on the 72 foot track.. I will be so happy.. and I will use the wire to keep it up on the shelves I will build. after I get better at it.. I would maybe try for the second train.. do you have any ideas for the right train to buy? I like the Bachmann White Christmas Express or the Plainsman which are very close in apparence. I wish there was a dealership of G scale trains around here or a local club.. I ive in Fredonia NY.. I see there will be a Train Show in Hamburg NY whcih is only 30 minutes form me.. it will be Feb 18-19.. so I plan to go there.. but I would like to have a train by then.. but I will take my time and do it right.. I just need some help !! :-) Thank you again for your help.. and any ideas.. I sure welcome them.. any at all!!! ~ray