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Messages - John Tumolo

On30 / Re: National Narrow Gauge Convention-Pittsburgh
September 17, 2024, 10:03:01 PM
John again-Just an update-Got to talk to the Bachmen at Pittsburgh, and learned a few things-first off, they haven't forgotten us On30 Types.  The truth is, their real profit/money comes from HO more than anything else, so while it's their fault we all fell in love with On30, they must pay more attention to the money makers.  They are coming out with several things for us-a tank car to be used as a track cleaning car-one in silver (just begging to be lettered in SOCONY)and three other colors/lettering schemes-black unlettered,Durango and Silverton and White Pass & Yukon Route.  There is a three bay hopper coming in 2025 lettered for EBT that I know folks are chomping at the bit for.  To keep things on the humorous side, they have animated a stock car with either reindeer, cattle or horses bobbing in and out of the windows. The 14 ton Heisler is also back, this time with metal gears to alleviate running problems of the past. Also on display was the new British release by Bachmann- On30/NG7 WOW!  This engine needs to come over here for our layouts-it's really well done.   It was great talking to the guys and finding that while we are a small part of the overall company, we are not forgotten.  Thanks, Bachmann!
On30 / National Narrow Gauge Convention-Pittsburgh
September 05, 2024, 07:51:24 PM
Hey, folks-just got the great news-Bachmann will be in Pittsburgh for the convention!  Like it or not, they are the reason most of us fell in love with On30-visit their stand/display and THANK THEM!!!!!!!  They need to know we support any efforts they put forth for our end of this great hobby. 

On30 / On30 streetcar
August 05, 2024, 06:10:38 PM
Got an odd one here-I won a bid for what was supposed to be a Holiday Streetcar set, but all I got was the streetcar and the car barn.  The streetcar runs fine on my layout, and I'd like to know if I can just add sections of flex-track to the piece of track within the car barn.  Will I be making a mistake, or will this work?  Is there a special piece at "end of track" that is needed to make the car stop and reverse?  Can I use a regular Bachmann power pack like the nice metal ones that came with the on30 sets?  Have I become an externally helical threaded fastener capable of being tightened or released by a twisting force to the head?  Just asking...........
On30 / Re: On30 Kitbash Parts
May 04, 2024, 10:37:57 AM
WOW!  I had no idea this was part of Bachmann parts-I could have used a bunch of the passenger car chassis and roofs for 10 of the Deerfield River Laser passenger car conversions I've built over the years.  If you don't know about these kits, check this out-not affiliated, just a very happy modeler.
On30 / Re: On30 0-4-0 Porter locomotive - couplers?
March 18, 2024, 08:03:22 PM
What you need is Bachmann's EZ Mate LONG Center Shank coupler-their #78024.  Anything less will foul against the front and rear foot plates.  If you can't find the Bachmann couplers, you can use Kadee #146-they also come with the draft gear boxes, should you need them. 
On30 / Bachmann On30 at Springfield!
January 31, 2024, 10:32:36 PM
We took a lot of photos this past weekend at the Amherst Railroad Society and since the files are too big for this site, I'm including the On30 Facebook spot where they were posted.  Great to see and talk to Bachmann while there.  Click on this:

John Tumolo
On30 / Re: Bachmann After Warranty Locomotive Repair
January 20, 2024, 08:43:50 PM
Fully agree-they are great to work with and while you may think $80 is too much to pay, just check with your local hobby shop to see what they charge-oh, wait-they've gone out of business 'cause you never supported them. 
On30 / Re: On30 Combine Car roof removal?
January 20, 2024, 08:40:10 PM
If you haven't attacked it with a screwdriver as of yet, the best way to remove the Bachmann passenger car roofs is to gently squeeze the side of the roof-you can normally "pop" the tabs free of the side and just lift away, one side at a time.  Use a screwdriver only as a last resort, as you will surely scratch the paint.  John Tumolo
On30 / Maine style Prairie in On30
December 11, 2023, 09:57:08 PM
Ok, gang-this just showed up on the On30modeler Facebook site-if a modeler can do this with Bachmann's On30 2-6-6-2, why can't Bachmann, using the molds and parts they have already created, come up with something like this?  Copy and paste this link for photos of what's been created:

Sing along with me: "All I want for Christmas is a 2-6-2, a 2-6-2, a 2-6-2"

Merry Christmas to you all and to our long suffering friends at Bachmann!

John Tumolo
On30 / Re: Wish list?
October 20, 2023, 06:19:32 PM
Ok, gang-I've been asking for YEARS and I shall continue to do so-we truly need a Maine-style Prairie.  With all of the HO mechanisms available to Bachmann, it shouldn't be that difficult.  A model of WW&F's #6 would be ideal, but there are a bunch of different ones that ran on the SR&RL that would do. 
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
October 05, 2023, 10:11:17 PM
Well, once again Mr. Lane and company have done a great favor for all of us On30 fans and provided us with our own publication.  My favorite piece this year is the article by the Master Tinkerer Allen Littlefield who channeled the late great Alan Carroll and created a beautiful rendition of WW&F #8.  I'm fortunate that I had a similar thought several years ago and amassed the bits and pieces needed to do the same.  Finding the time to actually do it is another story, but seeing this article has worked to get my butt in gear and start planning again. I do need to find the fluted domes, but that should be fairly simple.  I love this hobby!
On30 / Re: On30 Forum activity
August 27, 2023, 10:28:53 PM
Quote from: Terry Toenges on August 25, 2023, 03:49:55 PMI would think that if On30 folks don't like to post on Bachmann's On30 forum, then Bachmann could figure that no one is interested in On30 any longer and abandon it.
I would think the On30 crowd would want to keep the On30 stuff coming from Bachmann.
The infinite number of forums aren't the ones that are actually producing the equipment.

Terry-My point EXACTLY.  We need to show Bachmann that we are serious about this end of the hobby, and a lack of participation tells them we just don't care.  We've got to talk this up!
On30 / New On30 Release just announced
August 26, 2023, 02:03:19 PM
Ok, On30 fans-Bachmann hasn't forgotten us-they just announced a new 3-bay hopper to be released in 2024, based on the EBT 3-bays, lettered for EBT and two of the railroads that purchased them from EBT-WP&YR and Durango & Silverton, along with an oxide red unlettered version.  They even thought about what the cars were used for-the EBT has a coal load, as does the oxide red version.  The others are carrying ballast, which is what they actually did.  Obviously, SOMEONE at Bachmann has remembered On30, and I would like to think our friend Lee Riley is smiling down on us.........check this announcement
On30 / Re: New Bachmann On30 Caboose
August 24, 2023, 10:38:25 PM
Fred-I purchased the SR&RL version when it was first released several years ago, and it's always been a favorite.  A few naysayers griped about the width, but overall, I think most liked the construction and the overall look.  John Tumolo
On30 / On30 Forum activity
August 23, 2023, 08:53:41 PM
Ok, fellow modelers-let's not allow this valuable resource to go away.  Please tell all of your On30 friends to start using this forum more often-at least check in once a week.  Believe it or not, Bachmann does monitor this page, and any LEGITIMATE questions/concerns/ideas are read.  This is the only way we all have to keep Bachmann in the loop and to let them see we all really DO care about what they are thinking/planning/doing for On30.  We sadly no longer have our #1 advocate Lee Riley around to lobby for us, but any and all ideas we post on this site will assuredly be read by Bachmann.  It's a shame that this resource isn't being actively campaigned-since it came back online, there's only one page of questions/comments.  I don't want this spot to turn into a place to gripe, I want to see it used for positive activity for our beloved On30.  There are plenty of other places to vent your spleen.  Sorry if THIS whole post sounds like a rant-I just want the hobby that's been an important part of my life for over 20 years now to keep going with the support of the one company that cared enough to get me started.