My layout has a 4% grade with 18" radius curves (yes I know the comments will come that such steep grades and sharp curves are a cardinal sin). However, my spectrum shay, regeared MDC climax and diesels pull short trains up the curved grade just fine.
I would like to get some rod steam engines and am considering purchasing Spectrum's 4-6-0 (low boiler) and 4-4-0. I know these engines will not have a chance at pulling a short train (~2-4 cars) up a 4% grade by themselves. Do they have a chance if they are consisted in DCC and used together to pull up a short train or will the dirvers slip anyway?
My layout has a 4% grade with 18" radius curves (yes I know the comments will come that such steep grades and sharp curves are a cardinal sin). However, my spectrum shay, regeared MDC climax and diesels pull short trains up the curved grade just fine.
I would like to get some rod steam engines and am considering purchasing Spectrum's 4-6-0 (low boiler) and 4-4-0. I know these engines will not have a chance at pulling a short train (~2-4 cars) up a 4% grade by themselves. Do they have a chance if they are consisted in DCC and used together to pull up a short train or will the dirvers slip anyway?