BoJangle you hit the nail on the head with what I am looking for my Train Set did not come with the flying leads which I am looking for since it seems I can not find what I posted about. Sorry if I confused the others I am not good with the Model Railroad lingo since I am an brand new to this. I am not wanting the set track with roadbed as I have already switched an purchased a huge lot of HO Code 83 atlas track at a very good deal off a hobby shop. The track I purchased did not come with the roadbed so I am forced to laying my own roadbed which if I am correct is called Ballast. So BoJangle where can I purchase the flying lead wire that has the connection that plugs into the the EZ command station and the flying leads on the other? Thanks again to everyone who took the time to read and attempt to understand my post and respond I greatly appericate that. Sorry if my attempt to describe what I wanted was poor for that maybe in the future I will be able to post and explain with the correct lingo. Again Thank you all.