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Messages - therailwayinspector

Thomas & Friends / Re: Problem with Douglas' eyes. Help!
September 09, 2011, 06:04:22 PM
What I think it is might be the eyes are painted too far over to one side - I've seen a few models like this about, so they only go to centre and one side. The only way to fix that I think is to repaint the eyes...
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2012: Your Predictions
September 09, 2011, 09:14:23 AM
Hmm... interesting.

One of the comments by the maker of this video says that Henry may be the next engine for LS. He may just be saying that, But I reckon he may have heard something through the grapevine...
We shall have to wait and see... But if Henry IS next for Large Scale, that'd be quite impressive
Thomas & Friends / Re: I Need Some Help
September 01, 2011, 08:49:29 AM
Rather than a fully new model, have you tried a new chasis?
Alternatively, do you know what is wrong with the current one? Is a bearing dry and need oiling? cog broken? Pickups dirty?
Sadly, I think this factor is an excellent example of HiT'S "Here's a new merchandising opportunity" look on the series....
Thomas & Friends / Re: Layout Overhaul
August 15, 2011, 03:03:23 PM
Your layout, your choices ;)
Looks good so far. Good luck on the revamp.
My website can be found here:

There is a link from there to my movies site too (I am currently working on this movie for release in November - do keep an eye out for it!)
Thomas & Friends / Re: Return of the Originals!
August 12, 2011, 05:57:41 AM
You wouold assume there is a contract of some sorts - otherwise Awdry can just sue HiT for using his characters!
Thomas & Friends / Re: Return of the Originals!
August 11, 2011, 07:54:42 PM
I don't think Emily is to blame - a core female character was really needed to battle any comments of sexism, which I can completely agree with. It's more the writers of the series, and a matter of money - new characters = merchandise = profits, and by having old characters in, they can't make profits. That said, the company has got a negative reputation over this by doing so.

I reckon there must be a way for the Awdry's to threaten HiT (or whoever will end up owning Thomas in the future) - Perhaps in the contract? The TV Producers are agreed to use the characters and stories of the books written by Wilbert And Christopher - could that be a loophole- the "characters" created are no longer present (cheeky Thomas, reliable, confident edward, boastful but sensible gordon etc are now all exactly the same - dumb and never learn any lessons etc.)

Ramble over....

I'd love to see Duke return for the narrow gauge, and in addition to those engines listed at top, Stepney and the road veichles get more screen time.
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2012: Your Predictions
August 11, 2011, 09:49:00 AM
Nah tis ok ;D

As said, there are are some interesting predictions.
What out of that so do you think will be the most likely product released next year? For me, it's definately Duck.
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2012: Your Predictions
August 10, 2011, 06:16:32 AM
Quote from: Super Twins190 on August 10, 2011, 02:52:35 AM
Okay, here's 2014.

All very well, can we stick to 2012 on the 2012 thread though? We'll get to 2013, 14 etc ;)  Hope I'm not sounding rude.

Some interesting predictions coming to light.

My predictions for buildings is:

Maithwhaite Station   - a regular appearer in the series, and will be nice and small - a large building like the Steamworks would be expensive and most likely not sell too well in the end. So I can see this small station being introduced.

Non-Rail Characters:
Trevor -   Trevor has been in huge demand on the forums for a start, and would be a much appreciated addition to the range after Terence last year.
Dowager Hatt -   Dowager has been appearing more and more in recent years, so it wouldn't surprise me to see her made into a figure ahead of Lady Hatt.
Thomas & Friends / 2012: Your Predictions
August 06, 2011, 06:46:00 AM
I thought it would be nice to see what everyone thinks will be made for next year's Thomas line.

Do be sensible - 3 locos max if you have a twin set predicted, and just a few items of stock - don't go listing everything that appears in the series because it won't happen in one year!
Do give a reason also for why you think.

For me:

Duck:   Duck has been in demand for a long time now, and what with engines 1-7, 9+10 and diesel available, it only seems the right move to make to release engine 8, which is garruntead to sell well.
Arry + Bert:   With the model for Diesel now out, these two diesels have a very good chance of being made - a simple repaint and two new faces, and they have two more characters to market. With these two Diesels appearing more in the series these days, they will certainly sell well, and will complete a "Devious" team for many fans to go along with their Diesel model, terrorising the other engines.  ;D

Rolling Stock:
Red Coaches:   Again, another model that has been in demand for a long time, I can see these being added to the range to bring more passenger stock out. These coaches have, again, appeared often in the series, can be coupled to any engine and look right, and have a market ready for them.

Buildings are a tad trickier to predict, I shall post mine soon when I have thought more thoroughly about it.

Large Scale:
Emily (The coaches are out, it's only right she is next.)
Brake van - we have the trucks, now we need a brake van for the end.

So, these are my predictions, what are yours?
Thomas & Friends / Re: Stepeny or Murdoch?
August 06, 2011, 06:33:52 AM
I would much prefer Stepney, but I wouldn't mind Murdoch. If you ask me, both are good contenders- they are popular, so will sell well with the fans- Stepney especially now that Hornby have stopped making theirs (the price for theirs was quite high, so didn't go down too well with the buyers I think.)
I have my fingers crossed....
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Never Ending story...
July 26, 2011, 05:35:49 PM
The engines set to work shunting trucks. But Bill and Ben were rough with the trucks.
"Ready, steady... go!" They cried, and bumped them roughly.
"Ooh! ooh! Ooh!" cried the trucks. The twins laughed.
"DO the job properly you two." Scolded Oliver.
"You sound just like Fergus." Teased Bill.
"Lighten up and have some fun!" Joked Ben
Quote from: Mulfred on July 16, 2011, 04:23:37 PM
Knapford looks Awasome. inregards to the Windmill it look smaller then I thoguht it'd be. Based on the pic it looks smaller then the light house. Might just be me like lol

Lighthouses I think would be taller than windmills so they can be seen from a distance away by the ships (not an expert, but I think that would be the case)

However, I do agree that from the pictures the windmill does look really dwarfed! Perspective I think. Still, looks good and I look forward to seeing the finished thing!

As for Knapford - looks nice, but not for me I think. I'm sure it will sell well though.
I don't think seperate expansion packs are available for it- I think the idea is you buy several of these and add them together.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Official New Items Flyer
July 10, 2011, 03:37:40 AM
The windmill looks interesting. Hornby did that one some time ago but is stopped now- but this working one looks interesting. I might actually get this building.
November for the engines now then? Well, at least we'll be getting  them.