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Messages - Loco Bill Canelos

Hi Ken,

Welcome to our world!

Not sure how many you bought but I would suggest you start by taking parts off one to fix up one of the others.  You did not say if they were in running condition. If one was a version 5 chassis and the others were not I would fix the Version 5 loco first.  Complete Chassis are still available. Also some loco shells as well.

The most common way is to buy a parts loco(or two) on Ebay.  You might find one at a train show, or if you have a local train club join them for the best local information. 

I do suggest you always buy a version 5 chassis, as the older versions were somewhat problematic.

Again welcome!!!
Large / Re: Spectrum 2-6-0, how many versions made?
February 03, 2023, 07:37:36 AM
Hey Dennis,

From what you say about what you found in the tender and smokebox, I think at some point the locomotive may have been significantly rewired. I wish I could help but I don't know where to start. Did you check the behind the door like Fred suggested????

It is possible that if it is over painted it is not even the correct loco in the box. Since the loco was originally painted and unlettered it would be kind of a satin color with a silver smokebox.
Large / Re: Spectrum 2-6-0, how many versions made?
February 01, 2023, 07:53:51 AM
Hi Dennis,

Your loco first came out in 2001, it was in the catalog until 2005. It is definitely the original version.  In 2016 Bachmann did run and updated version of these beautiful locos. If you go to the main Bachmann web page you can download some of the older catalogs and check out the details. 

No promises, but I will try to see if I can find those photos and reload them.  No guarantees tho and it might take awhile.

Hi Dennis, 

Try the below listed link and you will see some options:

Have fun,Bill
Large / Re: Glad Page Is Back!
January 27, 2023, 07:58:17 AM

Glad you are back as well, we always appreciate your input, and how well you nagged the Bachman about the new 4-6-0 ;D LOL

All the best!!!
Large / Re: Hey Bachman, Welcome back and a request.
January 27, 2023, 07:52:10 AM

Well I sure appreciate the kind words Thank you!  It is guys like you who have kept me going all these years.

The only input I had was to complain about why it was taking so long to get it back up. I have no formal relationship with Bachmann, and it leaves me free to say what I think.  Like you I have a lot invested in Bachmann Large Scale.

All the credit goes to the good folks at Bachmann, people like 3 rail and the Bachman.
Large / Re: Hey Bachman, Welcome back and a request.
January 26, 2023, 07:30:47 AM
Thank you.  This is great news!  I will look forward to the updates.

My personal best to you!!!

Large / Hey Bachman, Welcome back and a request.
January 25, 2023, 07:34:36 AM
Hello Bachman,

It is great to have the forum back as it clearly was and is a great resource for Bachworld. It is a big morale booster for me to see it up and running. 

On the old forum there were links to parts & service.  These were very useful when responding to someone needing help.  A one button link access was very helpful and a time saver as well and gave me a way to rapidly add a link so the person needing help could go straight to the answer. The other links were useful as well, catalog etc.

All the best to you and the Bachmann Crew, Say Hi to 3 Rail for me.
Large / Re: Loco Bill is back too
January 25, 2023, 07:21:11 AM
Many thanks to you Joe I appreciate the the kind words!

Hey Bachman!! You do exist! I knew you would be back! I am glad too.
Large / Re: Knuckle Couplers for 38 Ton Shay
January 24, 2023, 08:49:36 AM
Hi not the Bachman here.  I would suggest you contact the parts department and ask for an exception.  In the past parts were limited to prevent hoarding, this one does not make sense to me.

Large / Re: What is this missing part?
January 24, 2023, 08:39:02 AM

Terry nailed it and it may be available in the Bachmann estore.  The steps will not fit. All Bachmann sound boards have the "chug" sounds ONLY.  There are no horn or bell sounds so they are operating normally.

Hope this helps.

Large / Loco Bill is back too
January 24, 2023, 08:21:34 AM
Hi All,

I am back and can answer most questions about the history of Bachmann Large Scale rolling stock and sets.

Have fun with your trains!

Loco Bill

I was about to suggest an ANNIE chassis as well, but with the suggestion that you look at the differences in adapting your old body shell to the Annie chassis which is covered in the earlier post I sent you.  Check out the things you will have to deal with and your project will be easier.   The chassis you selected will give you years of great service.  Most of all have fun with the project and do not hesitate to contact us on the forum if you need help.  We have many great members like Adam who are always willing to help!!!!

HI Joe,

Yes you do have a version 2 chassis, and glad it it is still running.  Good news is that any of the chassis for sale will fit your loco just fine.  There is some good detailed advice in the following thread:,30394.msg224039.html#msg224039

Read it thru and you should have all you need to get the job done!   Of course if after reading it you still have questions definitely come back to the forum here and ask them.   

Either this one:

or thyis one:

will work fine.

Have fun with your project!!! 

Loco Bill
Large / Re: C-19 Drawing Huge Power load
July 01, 2021, 10:04:20 AM

It is extremely difficult to diagnose something like this online, but a guess might be that something is binding.  Has the locomotive been run extensively?, has the locomotive derailed causing a short, which may have damaged the electronics??   Do the circuit breakers on the transformers blow after being under load for awhile?  Do other locos run fine on the same track??  Could their be a problem with the connections between the loco and the tender?  Might even be a problem with the transformers!!  All you can do at this point is start eliminating possibilities.

Hang in there!

Loco Bill