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Messages - Falcon the 2nd

Between Toby and Diesel, I personally want Toby to come next for N Scale. He was among the first couple characters in both scales he was previously in and it'd make sense to follow suit with this one. He'd be a generally inexpensive engine to make (considering both his previous equivalents were made much sooner than Diesel's) and his chassis can be reused for Mavis if she is ever made as well. And if it's been a struggle to make Henrietta in Large Scale after Toby's release, I can see the Bachmann team having an easier time translating her to N Scale alongside Toby. Toby's also seemingly gotten less attention in recent years than Diesel, so it'd be nice to give him a major piece of merchandise again to make up for it.

It's difficult to explain and I don't mean offense to anyone else who wants him, but I'm honestly not keen on Diesel being made for the moment. It's not that I am against the idea of Diesel being made to begin with or the fact that his tooling can be reused for other characters, but this line is still pretty new and I'm generally concerned about bringing in an engine with an easily reusable tooling this early into the line. It's been a safe move for rolling stock so far, but engines are generally more expensive investments to make regardless of their scale and tend to be announced less often than rolling stock. For the most part, announcements of engine recolors in HO Scale have been much less rewarding for our patience than that of new toolings.

Don't get me wrong - it helps to have a versatile tooling (especially with no eye mechanism) and things will most likely be different for this line long-term because of the ongoing health crisis. But both other major scales Bachmann did previously had varying character toolings to start out with and I don't think it'd make the N Scale line look good to have a bunch of similar-looking diesel engines in its infancy. Especially if engines will be announced on a basis that is more or less similar to the Large Scale line's.

I'm also uneasy about the idea of the N Scale line's assortment of engines being too similar to Large Scale for a period of time, taking into consideration that we're also yet to see Diesel's Large Scale model released, which already opens up tooling-recycling potential in its respective line. Seeing two lines with very identical sets of characters produced, or being produced, would most likely turn consumers off from one of them, or even both.

Again, this is all just my personal stance on Diesel and I don't mean to talk anyone down from supporting him. I just want to share my concerns in relation to him and hope that some variety between Bachmann's lines can be had, even in the face of a health crisis. I'll be open to him if he's announced, but I still want Toby more between the two.

I'm thinking Edward has a decent chance since James is already made and he'd be cheaper to make in N Scale than in Large Scale, but I'm not sure how soon he'd come compared to a smaller engine like Toby or Diesel and considering his seemingly reduced role in the show. (I'll admit I haven't watched any new episodes in quite some time, let alone kept up with show news, but I at least heard he might've been shunned.)

It's already pretty tough to tell who will come next in N Scale, but a character smaller than Gordon/Henry/Emily will likely come for sure.
Here's what I hope to see surface throughout next year. I'm mainly making safe guesses with a few potential long shots.

HO Scale:
Red Express Coach
Red Express Brake Coach

Narrow Gauge:
Sir Handel
Green Carriage

N Scale:
Ventilated Van
Milk Tanker
Brake Van

G Scale:
Red Coach
Red Brake Coach

To answer the Stepney-related questions:
- Yes, I'd most definitely buy him.
- I can see him selling out almost instantaneously among older fans. If I thought Duck was popular back in 2012/2013, I just might not be ready for Stepney.
- Despite my unfamiliarity with him, I think Ryan feels like the best backup plan since there's just as many good reasons to make him. I'd also suggest Boco, but I'm not so sure with his irrelevance and Daisy's prolonged production in mind.
We can all agree that this season for announcements was pretty anticlimactic. I guess because Bachmann already has a ton of products they're handling, the emphasis of other announcements during the live event and especially as a result of the ongoing pandemic, it would've been safe to expect a low amount of announcements this year around. Still, with the anniversary in mind, it's easy to see where the fans were coming from for a good while.

I'm just glad they've gotten at least one highly-demanded idea taken care of (Origins James) despite the needless prolonging of it. As much as I wanted to attach a screenshot I took of its appearance during the event, the file size limit has prevented me from doing so. I'm sure a high-quality image of it will surface soon anyway.

I already mentioned this elsewhere, but Large Scale Diesel's prototype was rather gratifying - maybe a little too much in context of preceding the event, come to think of it. I'm still happy it was shown off and very interested in seeing how he'll turn out later on.

Perhaps the best way to cope with a dry season of announcements would be discussing when we think most future items will come. There's already a lot in store within the next year and a half.

The starter items of the N Scale line entered their painting phases in January and received their first official photo in March (being the Thomas set) earlier this year, so they cannot be that far way from their completions and releases. My best guess would be within the last 3 months of 2020 and if not, then within the first 3 months of 2021. I'm also guessing that both Origins repaints of Thomas and James should be out around this holiday since they're much easier products to handle and release by that deadline.

Daisy, Peter Sam and Large Scale Diesel are shaping up to be 2021 releases by this time. It may be a bit too early to judge the second set of N Scale items (James and the tankers), but I feel somewhat convinced that they should be out by the end of that year as well. I personally can't account for rolling stock between HO and N since I haven't been as inclined to take notice of them as I usually do with engines. Anyone else is free to do so, however.

That's pretty much my input on the pair of reveals and when I think everything else will come. Props to the Bachmann team for continuing to do what they can in a trying time like this. Here's hoping next February can improve upon this season in any way it can.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Large Scale Diesel
July 15, 2020, 02:46:14 PM
Simply marvelous! I, along with many other fans, have had my hopes that Diesel would transition well into Large Scale and I'm pleased to say that my expectations are being met right of the bat in this sculpted phase. Every major detail of the original character stands out like they should (front ladders, wheel cranks, etc) and this model is destined to look great in its pained phase. I am now strongly considering getting him as a starting engine of sorts upon seeing this sneak peek.

We're off to a great start for a new season of Thomas updates and I look forward to more soon! Keep up the good work, Bachmann staff.  ;)
It's been quite a while since I last logged in, but as we're getting closer to the event, now would be a good time to lend my input on what could come. Keeping my quantities low considering older announcements.

HO Scale:
Stepney - It's become crystal clear that everyone wants this character to happen for a multitude of reasons. I won't go into the specifics since they've already been explained by others, but as an old-school fan of the show, he has my full support and I'll be eager to see him come up.
Red Express Coaches - I admit I cannot think of much HO rolling stock options that I would be interested in besides these. As the Green Express Coaches were brought back not long ago, these feel fairly likely.

Narrow Gauge:
Sir Handel - This is another character lots of people want in their respective line and it's also already been explained as to why. He happens to be my personal favorite of the Narrow Gauge characters, so I'll be happy if he ends up announced.
Can't account for much rolling stock after the brake vans' announcement.

N Scale:
There's not much I want here since we've already gotten James and some tankers announced earlier this year, but I'm open for seeing more basic characters and rolling stock continue to be added overtime.

Large Scale:
Red Coaches - One of the better bets for anything new after Diesel would be these since they were successful HO Scale and are similar in shape to Annie and Clarabel.
Despite Diesel's gratifying return earlier this year, seeing a new engine announced anytime before his release can be considered a long shot. If anyone is to come after him, I'm still hopeful and all ears for Mavis. I've already shared my reasoning for her in the past, but it's not necessary to reiterate them right now since we don't have Diesel on the market yet.

It'd be nice to have pictures for any of the queued products including Daisy, Peter Sam, Large Scale Diesel and the N Scale starting line, but with the ongoing health crisis in mind, it's hard to say if we will end up seeing much.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Large Scale Thomas
February 17, 2020, 02:05:00 PM
I guess resurfacing the old Large Scale thread is less a hassle than making a new one.

Diesel's return most definitely sparks up a whole lot of possibility for new products. My picks for a long-term wishlist is mainly similar to other users', though I think some reasoning for choices would be necessary to share.

Mavis - Personally, I think this is the best new character to announce after the Bachmann team is through with Diesel's production cycle. She is an iconic classic character and serves as a possibly cost-effective option (I.E. Toby's chassis). She also happened to appear in one of Strasburg's Day Out With Thomas events for the first time last fall, so she continues to hold some relevance despite her ongoing absence in the show.
Edward - Another beloved longtimer and one that can hold in high value among fans if he were made. Since he and James are somewhat similar in structure, I also see Edward as a solid option for a new character in the near future.
Oliver - I've often been torn between him and Duck given the choice of just one, but Oliver comes out in my favor. He is smaller in size, complementary to the existing S.C. Ruffey and would become an option if Toad is announced. Duck would also be welcomed if he comes first, but Oliver is just a bit more ideal to me.
Glynn - This one's a bit of a long shot, but I'm still including it as I like the character. I think his shape feels more suited to Large Scale than HO and he would also probably sell better than Winston. The only piece of merchandise Glynn has so far is Trackmaster, so he could use something new by now.
Paxton - An obvious choice after Diesel. Hopefully, they can pay closer attention to his facial proportions if he is considered.

Red Coaches
- Perhaps the best options for new pieces of rolling stock. They sold rather well in HO Scale and they're similar in shape to Annie and Clarabel, meaning they could be cheap to produce.
Henrietta - Toby's been without his signature coach in the line for a long time. It'd be safe to assume that if she is announced, they would incorporate her new face.
Troublesome Van - A frequent suggestion among fans. Though I can't say too much about this option, I'd certainly respect it as a new product.
Toad - As said earlier, announcing Toad would make Oliver a possible engine. He would also serve a good second option for a brake van character after Spiteful Brakevan.
Mail Van - Another long shot. Percy could use a special change of freight at some point! :P

A new starter set is also necessary, either a reintroduction of the currently discontinued Thomas, Annie and Clarabel set or a new one with Toby and Henrietta. I can't say for sure if a James starter set would be a good idea.
Thomas & Friends / Large Scale Thomas (New Thread)
February 15, 2020, 10:33:23 AM
In light of Diesel being brought back into the Large Scale side of the Thomas range, I thought I'd begin a new thread about Large Scale after many months of inactivity for the old one.

Please note that this thread is for Large Scale Thomas only! Any other topics should be handled in other threads.

Similar to the last thread, questions will kick off this one:
-What are your thoughts on Diesel's re-confirmation in the line?
-Have you begun a Large Scale collection or are considering beginning? If so, what items do you own or want to own?
-What new Large Scale products would you want to see made in the future?
1. Yes, I would also buy a Black James.
2. It's not to write off Busy Bee James as a model, but I don't see what stopped Bachmann from painting him completely black.
3. That particular variant of the character is heavily complementary to the existing LBSC Thomas, so the sooner they assess it, the better. Either once they're through with Stepney or if they cannot announce him.
Not expecting too much of NMRA since Bachmann already has a lot on their plate right now, but there are still a few things I anticipate so far.

HO Scale:
Red Express Coaches reintroduction
Tar Tanker reintroduciton

N Scale:
Milk Tanker
Brake Van

Large Scale:
Red Coaches
Thomas & Friends / Re: Bachmann Thomas & Friends in 2020
February 09, 2020, 11:46:32 PM
This is actually the first time I myself have witnessed a full lineup of Bachmann items get shared early. And boy are they (mainly) knocking it out of the park with this variety! :)

LBSC Thomas, N Scale James and the Narrow Gauge Brake Vans all felt like the most reasonable announcements to expect. I still plan on picking up N Scale James and I anticipate more info on him in the future. The brake vans are also strong considerations for adopting Narrow Gauge products. I may pick up LBSC Thomas depending on my household's financial situation.

I will agree that Busy Bee James is a bit of a strange pick, as the aesthetic was only seen for about a minute or so in one episode to my memory, but it's still welcome as a unique announcement nonetheless. The only James model I own is a little worse for wear, so a recolor like this could serve as a reasonable upgrading option even if I'm mainly aiming for his recent repaint.

Large Scale Diesel returning is perhaps the single announcement that makes me the most happy. As someone who's among the many people that have expressed concerns about Large Scale's future through the years and has also been on the edge of adopting said scale for a long time because of its uncertain future, this is a pretty gratifying confirmation to bear witness to. It serves a likely indicator that he wasn't as expensive to sell, let alone manufacture, as we initially thought he was for quite a while and that ideas for engines that require new toolings are back on the table. Large Scale deserved at least a little something special this year and this was more than enough to satisfy.

Diesel will almost definitely be one of the first engines I buy in Large Scale and I'm certain the longer wait will have been worth it for a greater product. And if he is successful enough, I hope more engines are considered after him. I'll continue standing by that Mavis is the next best pick for being a beloved longtimer and the cost-effective chance of sharing Toby's chassis.

Between this assortment, the UK expansion, the launch of N Scale and last year's NMRA announcements, 2020 is almost definitely one of the best years for this line and it'd be fair to assume that it will only get better going forth to this summer's NMRA batch.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Bachmann Thomas & Friends in 2020
February 06, 2020, 07:26:56 PM
I see that the starter set we've been predicting for months has been confirmed ahead of Toy Fair! I will admit I'm way ahead on owning N Scale track as I already bought a couple of packs in anticipation of owning a Narrow Gauge engine.

Nonetheless, I still look forward to buying the Thomas starter set. It serves a convent way to get a collection started and there's always room for backup track on my end.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Bachmann Thomas & Friends in 2020
February 02, 2020, 07:44:02 PM
I'll mainly stick with options that seem cost-effective for my defined expectations this month.

HO Scale:
-LBSC Thomas
-Tar Tanker
-Red Express Coaches

Narrow Gauge:
-Brake Vans

N Scale:
-Thomas starter set

Large Scale:
-James/Toby/Emily with DDC

Stepney and Sir Handel would be saved for this year's NMRA announcements since we still have a long way to go with the already anticipated Daisy and Peter Sam.

Upon seeing the recently posted footage/photos of Thomas and Percy's painted N Scale models, I can say that Bachmann is still mainly on the right track (pun kinda intended) with their new line. I'm still eager to buy both of them whenever it's in my capability and like most others, I would still love to see James confirmed at some point. It'll be fine if he doesn't show up this month and is also saved for NMRA, though a sooner confirmation would be convenient.

Large Scale has been in a pretty rough spot for countless years and even though it's a difficult line to discuss, it deserves at least a little something this year. No new engines or pieces of rolling stock have been financially viable, so equipping DCC to any/all of the three other existing engines is welcomed. If any new engine/R.S. were to be announced, LBSC Thomas and the Red Coaches are still among the more reasonable picks. Options like Mavis and Henrietta will continue to be held off for the long run until enough money is at hand for producing them.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Narrow Gauge Modeling Thread
December 11, 2019, 07:27:03 PM
Quote from: the track master on December 11, 2019, 02:21:45 PM
The narrow gauge couches our out for sale! :)
Just checked TrainWorld and it would appear they are now in stock at long last! I would love to get them after getting my first engine (leaning mainly toward Rheneas) and I think it helps that they are set at a reasonable price.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
December 07, 2019, 05:04:14 PM
Quote from: Chaz on December 06, 2019, 11:40:15 PM
Well it looks like preorders for the HO Thomas models are up in some UK shops with their first batch of characters:

And they revealed the new retail prices for said products in 2020 too which again have increased due to our buddies at Mattel's poor marketing choices.  Perfect example of this is how Gordon (listed as $155 as of 2019) has a listed retail price of £125 confirmed through this shop which is the equivalent of $165...

This is a decent assortment of products to start with for the UK, all things considered. Hopefully they can add more to the selections overtime, whether it'd be in batches or individual additions. Edward and Henry coming next would be convenient for completing the set of Series/Season 1 engines.
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on December 06, 2019, 11:10:46 AM
I am still fairly confident that the narrow gauge carriages will be released by the end of the year. Let's remember that the HO Spiteful Brake Van did not arrive at the Bachmann Warehouse until the middle of December last year. Thus, considering that we are still in the beginning of the month, I could see the narrow gauge carriages arriving somewhere between the middle and end of the month as well.
Those are both fair points. We'll just have to wait through the rest of the month and see whether they end up surfacing.