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Messages - jonathan

HO / Re: steamlocomotive
June 19, 2009, 03:56:58 PM

I am no authority by any means, but all my research has turned up nothing on this locomotive.  I can only guess that it must have been some kind of commemorative thing, as I don't know how any manufacturer would make that amphibious digging thing Oliver Evans invented.  I had to look him up to refresh my memory who Evans was; essentially the inventor of the high pressure steam engine.  I won't even try to spell the latin name for his contraption, although pretty far ahead of his time from what I deduce.

Good Luck,

HO / Re: Wish I had 100 of these.
June 18, 2009, 09:01:52 PM
Thanks, Ray.  It's not up their with my kids, but it's certainly brings me joy. 

If you want to see something not so well organized, check out the ghastly weathering on some of my box cars.  Ah, well, it must mean I need MORE weathering.

Anyway, I've got some recoupling to do...


HO / Re: Athern Genesis
June 18, 2009, 07:23:17 AM
I feel a poll coming on!  I, too, would be very interested to know the average size of a home layout.  By the calculations discussed above, my benchwork area is 122 sq ft.  If I add isle space for walking around the layout, that's an additional 142 sq ft:  total 264 sq ft.  If anyone is interested I would be happy to start a new thread.  We could call it "Average Layout Size" or something similar.  Thoughts?


HO / Re: Wish I had 100 of these.
June 16, 2009, 09:04:43 PM

I never was a fan for those outside braced ore cars.  Like you, I can't explain it, but these little shorty ore car kits are the greatest thing since sliced bread.  I wish one of the major manufacturers (hint hint) would get the molds for these beauties and re-release them.  They must not have sold well when Roundhouse originally put on the market.  I must have bad luck, too, because most modellers I talk to say they see them all the time at train shows.  I never do, and I really, really look.

Yampa Bob,

Thanks for the kind words.  When I start adding people, lights, signs, animals, poles, trash cans, gates, weathering, bushes, etc, etc, I take a few more shots and post 'em.  Just figured this was a good spot to record progress on the build.

R,  J
General Discussion / Re: Most Beautiful Locomotive
June 14, 2009, 09:31:47 PM

I thought about this for a long, long time.  I almost didn't put in a vote because it may sound silly to some.  But what's the worst that can happen?  I may make a few of you smile or chuckle.  It goes back to ones roots. 

What got me interested in trains?  Two things; my grandfather and special agent James West working for President Grant on special assignment with Artemis Gordon.  You see, I was a child of the sixties.  Perhaps Star Trek was my favorite show, but Westerns were the big hit in general.  I never missed seeing that train parked out in the middle of nowhere, wishing I could take my special cargo anywhere there were rails to ride.  Think about it... When you were a kid, and wanted to draw a picture of a train, what did it look like?  See link above. 

In the 20th century,  we escaped the bounds of earth and ventured into space.  In the 19th century we gave up the horse and rocketed about on rails at breakneck speed.  We went from crossing the country in 6-9 months, to crossing in about 10 days, almost overnight.  How did we do it?  See link above.  Come on now,  didn't Baldwin  teach everyone else how to build a locomotive anyway?

I could write a dissertation on this, but I'm sure I've stirred up enough memories to make my point.

BTW did you know the original engine used for the Wild Wild West was a 4-6-0?  The same engine used for Petty Coat Junction.  How 'bout that?  Not very prototypical, hey?  Glad they fixed that.  But who am I telling, you are all train nuts, too.  Or am I just a little nuttier than the rest?

Warm Regards,


PS  Sorry Yampa Bob, this image keeps dissappearing on me.  It's the Inyo 4-4-0 (Baldwin).  Hope you have better luck with the photo than I did.  Addendum:  since I couldn't get the photo to stay put, I just linked to the web page with photo and description.
Thanks  J
HO / Re: Renumbering a Loco
June 14, 2009, 05:54:53 AM

Thanks, glad you like it.  I've set up a second album with the full size photos for those with big broadband.  Don't click on it unless your set up for high speed and lots of RAM.  Unfortunately, you can also see more detail, like cobwebs on the locos that don't get run much, rails that aren't rusted quite to the top, etc. 

Also, notice there aren't any people, lights, block signals, etc.  Plenty of bare benchwork that I didn't photograph.  Lots of work ahead of me... albeit fun work.

As for CVs, I can barely figure out which end of the camera you point with, let alone adjust CVs ;D  Thanks again Yampa Bob for helping me get broken in another piece of the MR puzzle.  If I ever get around to DCC... I know where to go to learn a new language!


HO / Re: Wish I had 100 of these.
June 13, 2009, 10:08:02 PM
CNE wrote, "then again I suppose I could play a little loose with history (these cars were first produced around 1902)."

Remember rule one...

My story is these ore cars were released from ore service in 1924, and continued on serving as ballast cars, and leased by B&LE to haul coal in long consists from WV to Ohio, turn around at the Great Lakes shoreline and head back for more ballast or coal.  That's why you see them in the switchbacks being pulled by late steam and early diesel.  Works for me...  and at least partially true.

R,  J
me, too.  Although whosywhatsits has always worke for me.
HO / Re: How do I post my album?
June 13, 2009, 09:26:07 AM
I can see it.  have you refreshed lately?  Any one else can't see it?
HO / Re: How do I post my album?
June 13, 2009, 06:18:08 AM
My signature line now shows where I keep layout photos.  I really shrunk the photos down, so those of you with dial-up should be able to view them.  Now if I could only take decent pictures.  Will eventually get them in some kind of order so you start at one end of the layout and finish at another.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to scenery.  Will work on photography and PC skills much, much later.


HO / Re: Wish I had 100 of these.
June 12, 2009, 10:38:44 PM

I've only found one other so far.  It was light  LIGHT green.  Penn Central or something.  I repainted it to match the B&O (hull red plus a touch of this and a touch of that).  Now I need Capitol Dome Decals or dry transfers.
R, Jonathan
HO / Re: Wish I had 100 of these.
June 12, 2009, 09:49:12 PM

The car number is 975.  The kit model number is 1427.


Jonathan (RPC, USNret) brother?
HO / Wish I had 100 of these.
June 12, 2009, 09:15:52 PM
Allrighty then,  this is a test to see if I got the system down, now.  I resized this image to "320" wide.  Can you see it?  If so, this is an old Roundhouse kit #1427 B&O Rectangular 20' ore car.  I fell in love with it the minute I saw it on an LHS shelf... abandoned and alone.  I rescued it, and now I'm on a never ending quest to find its identical bretheren and sistern. 

It looks great behind my connies, 44-tonner, and H16-44.  The weathering is all dry-brush.  I think the greenish tint is the reflection off the ground foam onto the car.  I'm a lousy photographer, but will get better.

Regards,  Jonathan
HO / Re: Renumbering a Loco
June 12, 2009, 06:56:47 AM
OK, I'll work on my new hobby, digital photography.  I'll experiment and try another upload in the next couple of days, to see if I get the size right. 

If you were able to see my last photos, I think it's pretty cool how close you can get with a basic digital camera, and still get a sharp image.  The camera is a Nikon Cool Pix.  Spend all my spare change on trains so I can't afford one of those new-fangled digital SLRs.  Depth of field is an issue, however.  Can't get the neat shots like in the mags.


HO / Re: How do I post my album?
June 12, 2009, 05:57:02 AM
Very well,  I'll keep yacking it up.  Thanks.  BTW My dad is from Saskatchawan (sp), so I can understand Canadian, just can't speak it very well, hey.  He brought me south, to Minnesota, where it's much warmer... and the english is much better... oofdah, doncha know.
R, J