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Messages - jsmvmd

Large / Re: RC battery power for Annie Big Hauler
October 07, 2008, 07:07:51 PM
Dear Bill,

I would like to get your procedure for building the trailing battery car for a planned garden rr.  If you would like, you could post it here or contact me via email. 

My address is:  jsmvmdataoldotcom

Thanks a million!  If I can, I will find out who our Sam's Club buyer is and get some information about the Christmas set, if there is one planned.

Best Wishes,

Large / Re: Newbee - Outdoor Set
October 03, 2008, 09:58:23 AM
Dear Brian,

Great tip, the FL LS site!  Already it has helped me!  Especially the part about George Schreyer's book about the TE.  I bought a TE last year to use with my upcoming HO layout. Eventually I will build a small garden rr, using the TE or possibly Airwire and battery power with Al track.

Best Wishes,

Large / Re: RC battery power for Annie Big Hauler
October 02, 2008, 09:53:35 AM
Dear "LR,"

"Atlantic Central" on this forum is a TE user and would have much good information for you to use to compare systems.  Would suggest you do a search for his name and/or TE.

I bought a TE system and will install it as soon as I get my new digs arranged, some time after Christmas.  Will post it when done.

Hey, Bill!  How the heck are ya? Will contact you regarding your battery installation for LS.  Have a great autumn!!!

Best Wishes,

Large / Re: is the mallet dead?
September 25, 2008, 04:01:30 PM
Dear Chuck & Bruce,

Nice round number!  Thanks a million!

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: Mikado axles
September 23, 2008, 08:51:01 AM
Good tip about Bowser, Gene.  I'll remember that one!

Dear "Tass,"

Here is the Bowser link, about 2 hours from my home.  The Bowser folk are very cordial and knowledgable.  If I get there with my friend Ted, I will post some pix of the factory for you. Hope to do this before Christmas.

Best Wishes,

Large / Re: is the mallet dead?
September 22, 2008, 10:17:55 AM
Dear Friends,

Is there any thought to what the MSRP might be?  Similar to the K-27?  What about the initial discount price, if any?  Thanks a million!

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: track plans
September 22, 2008, 09:32:11 AM
Dear NYC Girl,

Others can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the gist of posts from a few years back was contrary to superelevation for model rr's. 
The reason is it is not needed and might contribute to derailments, unless the trackwork is perfect.

Am I right, folks?

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: EZ-Track Psuedo-Easements
September 10, 2008, 05:05:22 PM
Dear Joe,

Printed and saved!  Again, Thanks Two Million!

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: EZ-Track Psuedo-Easements
September 10, 2008, 08:26:38 AM
Dear Joe,

Again, thanks a million!  Will have to scratch my head regarding curves and degrees.  I am much better growing tomatoes.

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: radio control for HO
September 10, 2008, 08:20:57 AM
Dear Sheldon,

My el cheapo Kodak digital camera, about the size of a pack of cigarettes takes very nice videos.  Just the ticket for an informal event.  Hand held or on a tripod, it will work nicely.  Surely one of your friends or club members has one. If not you can borrow mine.  Less than 120 clams at Sam's Club.

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: track plans
September 09, 2008, 12:08:42 PM
Dear Joe,

Thanks a million!

The cork and flex track will be my obvious solution to many of life's little problems.

I will be constructing a new HO layout based on many of Atlantic Central's ideas, sometime soon, as soon as I move my digs, and get out of double harness, if you get my drift.  Still pulling a wagon, though, with 4 lilttle chillen, the youngest is Joey and a train lover!

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: radio control for HO
September 09, 2008, 11:56:55 AM
Sheldon- In your latest post on the HO thread, you said that you thought you would have your system running for your regional NMRA meeting. When and where? Will you be open to the public? I'd sure like to see it close up.- Mike

Dear Sheldon,

My sentiments, too. 

Any chance you could video a running session and post here or on You-Tube?

I should be moving to a new home soon, and will get started with a newly constructed HO layout.  Will contact you off-line regarding circuitry and components.

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: track plans
September 07, 2008, 02:58:20 PM
Dear Friends,

Dumb question, but would easements be indicated or not necessary for better ops?

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: Any suggestions?
August 07, 2008, 10:20:27 AM
Dear Friends,

Great thread!  I learned a lot.

Dear Bill, I wish I were as electronically tuned as you. However, my bent is things biological.  All this stuff is weird to me.  Thus, I have to work very hard with this, not being intuitive.

To YB, My motto is: "I'm an old cowpoke, I don't use no soap, I swings a rope, and eats antelope!"

Thank goodness my teenage son likes electronics and EE.

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: Reversing Track Discussion
August 04, 2008, 11:54:11 AM
Dear Jim et al,

Thanks for the replies.  Jim,  I was familiar with your link at the Sasketoon site, but had forgotten it.  I found a discussion with schematics on another forum at these links.  The schematics are probably similar to Jim's.  Will give it a go!

Thanks a million!