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Messages - jsmvmd

Dear Tom,

It is ProtoSmoke from MTH in a 2 oz brown bottle that I bought 5 yrs ago. Nice cinnamon smell for my (then) wife, whilst I ran smoke in the home for our little boys.

I wanted to post this for you in a timely fashion, but I will stop by the LHS and look at their other stuff and let you know if there is other product.

Best Wishes, and Keep On Smokin'!

Dear Tuba,

Here is an article about smoke fluid:

Dear Mike,

Our LHS carries a smoke fluid, I disremember which brand, that has at least 15 or 20 varieties from cinnamon, pine, vanilla, coal, etc.  If you are interested, I will get the mfr for you.

I seem to remember the Proto2 stuff comes in a 4 or 6 oz white plastic container that looks like a steam engine, with the fluid being poured from the smoke stack.

Best Wishes,

Dear Gene,

Western PA, including Pittsburgh had a lot of what we called "Insulbrick" which was a tar based siding shingle with small aggregate impregnated in the surface.  Our house was a dark dull gray. I have seen reds, etc that weathered ugly and dark.  One still sees a lot of this stuff, especially in the Mon Valley where my mother now lives.

Northern Indiana has lots of white frame houses, mostly small towns of 50 to 150 houses, sometimes less.  Bigger towns have a variety of clapboard, brick, etc.

Lancaster Co, PA has lots of limestone faced buildings.

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: smoke generation
March 31, 2009, 11:01:03 AM
Dear Mark,

Did you try Tim's suggestion to look for the power switch?

My Annie produces a modest amount of smoke.  IMHO, I agree with other esteemed forum members and do not think it is worth it for indoor use.  Outdoors, go for it!

I have not used the Suethe unit in LS.  My MTH O gauge consolidation is a real smoker!

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: great places to visit
March 28, 2009, 01:03:53 PM
Dear Rich,

Not sure if the email got through my spam filter.  And me liking SPAM!

Best Wishes,


P.S.  Very interesting pix of the FL Keys.  I have been there twice with family, but did not see any of that.  What is the part Arnie blew up in True Lies?
HO / Re: Cleaning rotors and brushed
March 26, 2009, 03:52:08 PM
Dear Tim,

Muchos Garcias for the info!  Much appreciated!

Dear Jim,

Found this in Wikipedia:

"Neodymium glass is becoming widely used in incandescent light bulbs, to provide a more "natural" light.

Neodymium glass has been patented for use in automobile rear-view mirrors, to reduce the glare at night."

Pretty neat, eh?

Nice talking to you fellers. I learn a bunch of stuff!

Best Wishes,


Large / Re: G Scale Heavy Hauler CCC
March 26, 2009, 03:41:33 PM
Dear pbroome,

Atlantic Central is a knowledgeable forum member who has posted reams of stuff about his ideas on remote control.  Good stuff. Would suggest you look it up.  Most of it is in the General forum.

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: great places to visit
March 26, 2009, 03:35:42 PM
Dear Ned,

A very nice little rr that I used to pass on the way to the Jersey Shore.


Many times we stopped at Wallops info center on the way to Chincoteague.  How the heck did you fight all those pesky green heads?
What did you do there, or would you have to shoot me if you told?

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: great places to visit
March 25, 2009, 09:42:58 PM
Dear Jeff,

Ditto that on Altoona.

Open invitation to anyone traveling through this area for coffee and pie. Also, a tour if I can get away from work.

EBT is 1.25 hours from Altoona and a lot of fun up close, not too concerned with egregious safety procedures and really neat cobbled up small transportation stuff.

Stasburg, I believe has on of the last K4s Pacifics, sadly outside and rusting.

If passing through, please give me a head's up at JSMVMDatAOLperiodCOM.

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: stripping paint
March 25, 2009, 09:37:20 PM
Dear Friends,

Did not know this could be used as a paint stripper.


The Wikipedia link is very informative.  Lye or alkali burns penetrate tissues, and thus can be damaging to mucous membranes, versus acid burns which form a shallow scar and usually do not penetrate as deeply.

Another interesting note is a 0.5M solution is considered to be caustic.  One humorous note in an old OMNI magazine asked the question: "Got mole problems?  Call Avogadro 6.04 x 10 to the 23rd power."  I guess it is funny to we who like chemistry.

Another one is radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.

Best Wishes,

HO / Re: Cleaning rotors and brushed
March 25, 2009, 03:20:47 PM
Dear Hunt,

How do you determine if these old motors are permanently magnetized and should not be disassembled?  I remember a discussion here a few years ago on that topic.

Best Wishes,

Dear Jim, Gene and Sheldon:

I, too, am "Lost in the Fifties, Again."  Many fond memories of the banging, clanging and smoke of the Conway, PA yard!  Now sadly empty, except for some days when the joint is filled with rolling stock!

Best Wishes,

Large / Re: Bachmann smoke units and LGB Smoke Fluid
March 23, 2009, 06:37:22 PM
I'll second that, Jim.  My Annie blows smoke with the best of them. Well, not really, but several manufacturers' fluid works well.

George Schreyer discussed this on his site:

Too, many members have voiced their opinions that this stuff really gunks up track, etc.  A local man who has an extensive O-gauge layout in his basement uses lots of the stuff in smoke machines to simulate bldgs on fire, steamers running around, etc.  Our local scout troop visited one time, and some of the kids were hacking and coughing after a session.

I prefer to use smoke outside, or with all the windows open if my kids use it inside.

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: Railroad Songs
March 14, 2009, 10:26:15 AM
As I said on another thread several years ago, "Blue Railroad Train" by Doc Watson is a goodun.

Tony Rice did it, too.;topic=8683.0;num_replies=11

Hope you like 'em!

Best Wishes,

General Discussion / Re: Bowser
March 10, 2009, 11:31:51 AM
Dear Friends,

I guess I should build the Bowser light Mike kit I have had on the shelf, eh?  Especially since I have an old garage to pull down!

Thanks for the info!

Best Wishes,
