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Messages - Greg Elmassian

Large / Re: Night before Christmas power supply
September 05, 2018, 03:05:37 PM
If it is not going to be used year round, and only one loco, perhaps a easier solution than putting it down and taking it up, and suffering oxidation while stored is to convert to battery power.

Then there are no power leads to the track, worries about joiners oxidizing the rest of the year, etc. If the loco is converted properly, you can put enough battery in it to run for many hours.

Then then only thing to maintain is to occasionally charge the battery during the year, and if you go to LiIon then the self discharge is very low in storage.

Robby can help you on the battery conversion, and less expensive track than brass, like aluminum. Also aluminum flex is easy to bend without a bender if you don't have really tight curves.

You cannot use a DC regulator to lower DCC track voltage
Press F0, the lights button...

what decoder did you use?


Large / Re: Spectrum 1:20.3 scale rail truck
March 23, 2018, 04:50:59 PM
Do you mean it runs backwards as compared to your other locos?

Large / Re: Bachmann Rail Truck
February 28, 2018, 01:11:02 AM
Not odd, smart... your company can only make 2 things at a time, for example... keep making the same 2 things forever? Once most of the interested people have one, they are done... so you have to make something else.

Large / Re: Stock is in Short Supply
February 15, 2018, 01:08:08 PM
Unfortunately, Bachmann and their owner Kader are not non-profit organizations.

We had the same issues with parts for Aristo (made by Kader) too, and it was revealed that it made more sense to only make parts during the loco production run. In fact your complaint that you only need a $5.50 part is EXACTLY why the parts business is not profitable when people expect "reasonable" prices on parts.

Sure, a full compliment of parts could always be provided, but at the current selling volumes, and to have them all in stock would make them crazy priced. So major subassemblies (full motor blocks) or even a whole new loco are what we have after a production runs "parts" are depleted.

It's simple economics. Many companies, again Aristo as an example, simply cannibalized new locos for the parts needed, but it's much harder to manage an inventory of "partially scavenged" locos... so again not all companies do this.

Sorry, but this is the reality of what is becoming a niche hobby.

The problem was not the wobble per se, but the looseness  "rotationally" which allowed the rod gear to lock up and in severe cases destroy itself. Basically the loco went out of quarter.

Test it carefully, it can damage itself. Try forwards and backwards.

My recommendation is follow the fix you find in the threads.


the one with the NEM suffix matches the 21 pin NEM socket.

It's possible the non-nem one has wires or solder pads, not sure it's available from soundtrax, but may be an oem product.

Large / Re: LED headlight
January 18, 2018, 01:17:01 PM
You use the term "bulb" is this a led or a light bulb? Big difference and no resistor for a bulb normally.

Assume 1 watt or so, get a 5 watt speaker, since you are in large scale.

If you need smaller speakers with higher capacity, look into Visaton

Pretty sure Floquil went out of production in 2013:

Friday, May 17th, 2013

Dear Valued Partner,

I am writing to inform you about changes that are taking place at the Testor Corporation. For over 80
years, we have provided premium paints and finishing systems to the craft and hobby industry. Today,
we announced that we are transforming our business in order to more effectively address the changing
needs of our consumers and their interests.

We've made the decision to exit the following businesses within the Testor® Brand family - Pactra®,
Floquil®, Polyscale®, and ColorArtz®. This will enable the Testor Corporation to return to our foundation
of success – providing premium, innovative product that inspires creativity. We will continue to accept
orders and ship product for a limited time based on available quantities.

Going forward, the following brands will be critical to our success and development – Testor®, Model
Master™, and Aztek®. These brands will be infused with marketing support, innovation and operational

In support of this, we have announced a consolidation of operations at our Rockford facilities. Over the
next several months we will provide updates critical to your order and delivery needs as well as product
availability. We assure you there will be no disruption to service during this transition.
Our commitment to the Testor brand has never been stronger. By implementing these changes, and the
ability to leverage all of Rust-Oleum's world class services, we are more strongly poised to take your
business to the next level through product and merchandising innovations, and increased customer
intimacy. Please contact me or your sales manager directly with any questions.

We appreciate your business!

Best Regards,

Kristin J. Schiro
Director of Sales & Marketing

Large / Re: bachmann wire diagrams question
December 13, 2017, 01:01:15 PM
"J" is traditionally used by electrical engineers on a "header", normally a line of pins (but often solder holes, screw terminals), When it was a row of pins, you could put a Jumper "J" between the pins to set certain operations.

Just a tradition from electrical engineers as long as I can remember (back to the 60's)

Large / Re: Brass Gears
December 13, 2017, 12:29:42 PM
I believe the latest chassis for the big hauler / annie is the same, brass worm gear, steel worm.

One axle won't give you consistent enough pickup, use 2 in each car.

The contact area with the rail is small (that's why real trains work so well) and the cars are not heavy like a loco.

Large / Re: Derailment
December 11, 2017, 03:20:46 PM
I'd have to agree, typically people have problems with the pilot, not the driving wheels.

My guess is like Bill's, cross level or abrupt vertical grade transition.
