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Messages - Len

HO / Re: HO Peter Witt trolley dummy plug...
August 11, 2023, 09:21:47 AM
Bachmann's dummy plug is available here:

The description calls it a "6-pin plug", but it's actually an 8-pin plug with only the 6-pins needed for a dummy plug wired, like this:

I use Flickr and Photobucket, mainly because I already had a bunch of stuff there not related to model railroading.

HO / Re: Thinking of getting a 2-8-4 berkshire
August 07, 2023, 07:22:17 PM
The other thing to watch running big steam on tight curves is trackside clearance. The cab overhang of a big loco on tight curves can smack into scenery items a smaller loco would clear with no problems.

HO / Re: Thinking of getting a 2-8-4 berkshire
August 06, 2023, 05:24:08 PM
Bachmann recommends 22" radius curves for it's Berks. The Rivarossi Berk has a narrower chassis, allowing more play for the driver axles to slide back and forth. This is to allow it to operate on the tigher curves generally found on European layouts, even though the overhang looks rediculous.

August 06, 2023, 05:18:31 PM
If you just purchased it, it should still be under warranty.

General Discussion / Re: Xtrkcad
August 06, 2023, 05:16:24 PM
I'm not familiar with XTrkCAD, but have played around with the trial versions (free) of AnyRail and SCARM. There are limitations to both in the free versions. The prices aren't too bad if you want to unlock the full versions. And the trial versions will handle track plans for most home layouts.

When my repair shop was open, I was asked for help with layout issues so man times I finally broke down and purchased a copy of RR-Track, and over they years just about all of it's track libraries. I find it suits my needs and is pretty straight forward to use.

Generally speaking it's best to use a picture hosting site like Flickr, or whatever, then use 'img' tags to link the URL for the picture on that site into your post. There are instructions of a general nature here:,30172.0.html

Note: Photobucket has changed the link location since that post. Whatever host you use should have instructions on linking on their site.

HO / Re: Turnout Configuration Question
July 23, 2023, 12:49:39 PM
The 'Standard', 18" radius diverging tracks, turnouts also have a manual operation lever.

A 14 or 16 volt AC or DC wall-wart power supply should work just fine. The slightly lower voltage will also extend the bulb life compared to using the 18V output of a power packs accessory output. Terminal strips available at most hardware stores can be used to connect multiple billboards.

The 42764 Flat Log Car come with 33" wheels out of the box. I suspect your tender wheels are also 33".

HO / Re: Turnout Configuration Question
July 13, 2023, 03:34:47 PM
Using standard turnouts with the 18" radius curved diverging leg for a Chistmas layout isn't the issue. The OP wanted to add an inner loop using 26" radius curves to match the outer loop he alread has. The only EZ-Track turnout that works for that, without cutting and fitting special sized pieces, is the #5 turnout as described above.

HO / Re: Turnout Configuration Question
July 13, 2023, 12:41:02 PM
And the #4 turnoug diverging leg is at a 15deg angle to the through leg, not 30deg. That's definately a standard #44562, 9" straight, 18" radius diverging, right hand turnout in the foreground of the Christmas layout pics.

It would not workd very well with the 26" radius curves the OP already has.

HO / Re: Turnout Configuration Question
July 13, 2023, 08:43:32 AM
The 26" radius curves have an 18deg arc. The #4 turnout diverges at a 15deg angle, the #5 at a 12deg angle and the #6 at a 10# angle. There are no standard EZ-Track pieces that will combine with the #4 or #6 turnout to give an 18deg diverging route to match the 18deg arc of the 26" raius curve.

There is a 33.5" radius curve section, item #44508, with a 6deg arc. This can be combined with the 12deg diverging leg of the #5 turnout to get the 18degs need to match the 26" radius curves. You can use 26" radius curves for both the inner and outer loops, but there will be a 2-1/4" inch gap at the midpoint of both ends of the outer loop. This can be filled with a couple of 2-1/4" straight sections, item #44513.

The distance between the inner loop and outer loop will be roughly 14" if the turnouts are connected directly to the outer loop. The #5 turnouts themselves are a bit over 11" long on the straight section.

HO / Re: EZ Streets For HO trolleys
July 11, 2023, 03:35:13 PM
This got to be a real issue with returns at the retail store my repair shop was located with. So I built an HO "death spiral" using various manufacturers track to show potentional buyers what curves the locos they were eyeing would, and wouldn't, get around. I have to admit to being surprised how far in some of the old Tyco/Mantua pancake motor diesals went.

HO / Re: EZ Streets For HO trolleys
July 09, 2023, 12:20:12 PM
Shapeways is offering concrete and cobblestone street sections for trolleys. Add your own rail.
