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Messages - RailMan63

On30 / Re: 2-8-0 Disassembly and drawings
July 13, 2024, 06:35:41 PM
I'd put a Soundtraxx TSU-2200 in it.
I'd hardwire it inside the tender.
I've done several of my On30 locomotives that way.
If you can follow a wiring diagram, and know how to solder, then it's a pretty easy job.
The tender should have a built in speaker enclosure in it.
You just need to figure out which speaker fits your tender best.
I use a Soundtraxx 28mm 8ohm 2 watt speaker such as this one currently available on Ebay:
This should fit your tender.
As far as the missing parts are concerned:
If they're not available on this website, then your best hope will be Ebay.
Good luck!
Large / Re: G Scale Train stopped Running
April 16, 2024, 02:56:31 AM
Yes your track can get dirty pretty fast sometimes.
The problem is friction between the metal wheels and rails.
As I understand it, the black gunk that builds up over time is fine ground metal from both the track and wheels.
It forms a "greasy" film that will stop your train from running if it gets bad enough.
You may be able to make a cleaning tool by using a broom stick, or other long pole, with a Scotchbrite pad attached to it.
Use the tool to scrub the track down, and see if it helps.
Of course, you could look into a track cleaning car, but those can be rather expensive...
For that, I would check Ebay.
I would also advise cleaning all the wheel flanges on the locomotive.
For this, I use a Q-tip dipped in 91% Isopropyl alcohol.
Works great!
I would look into a better power supply for such a large track.
There are many different makers of them so you would probably be better off to ask that particular question over on the forum.
You'll get lots of help, and personal opinions there!
Personally, I use a Bridgewerks 3 amp power supply for almost all of my trains.
Of course , I only run on a 4x5 foot oval indoor track currently, so even a 1 amp transformer is plenty for running simple freights over such a modest layout.
Good luck!

Thinking about buying one of these.
Just wondering if anyone has bought one of these yet,or similar,and if so, what your impressions of it are so far.
This is new to the market, and selling for around $220.00.
Plus shipping,tax,etc.
Large / Re: Beginner issues
December 13, 2023, 08:43:56 AM
For my money, I'd invest in some nice, new,or used, brass track.
Bachmann makes some really nice solid brass track that is held together with small screws on each side of the rails.
I've never had a problem with derailing since I invested in the solid brass track!
It's a bit pricey, and you'll need a box of straight, and one box of curved  tracks,
5 foot diameter minimum recommended. You can get away with 4 foot diameter, but it's a little tight for the 4-6-0.
Check Ebay, and Amazon for the best deals.
That's where I got mine.
Something to consider.
Good luck !
PS: I have the Northstar Express too. It's a version #5 Anniversary chassis.And I love it!
Large / New Version 4-6-0 Parts Avialability
August 30, 2023, 06:08:21 PM
Hi, Mr. Bachmann!
I took advantage of the Labor Day sale to stock up on some new parts for my On30 trains.
I also wanted to perhaps get a few spares for my Version 6 4-6-0.
I noticed that it's not even listed on the parts website.
So, when is Bachmannn  going to offer spare parts for this new version?
How many parts from the Annie are compatible with it?
It would be great if you could give us some idea of when parts will become available for this great new locomotive!
Large / Re: 1991 Big Hauler Commercial
August 11, 2023, 07:57:54 PM
You're welcome,Bill!
I came across it on youtube,and fell in love with it!
It's perfect!
I love the kitten in the gondola, and the expressions on the faces of the kids.
This commercial is not only perfect, it's priceless!
Large / Re: 1991 Big Hauler Commercial
August 08, 2023, 01:28:02 AM
I never saw it before today.
I think that it was pretty great!
Large / 1991 Big Hauler Commercial
August 08, 2023, 12:36:53 AM
A look back at a classic and very cool commercial for the Bachmann Big Hauler.
On30 / Re: Question about a Bachmann 28670
July 22, 2023, 10:15:01 AM
Personally, I like the Soundtraxx TSU-22200.
If there's room in the tender, I also install a Big Bass speaker so it's nice and loud!
Only brown box models come with factory sound.
The green box models come with basic DCC only,unless,of course, a previous owner added an after market sound system such as the Soundtraxx TSU-2200.
And yes, I've noticed that Bachmann ON30 models are often quite slow.
I have no idea why that is...Your model sounds normal otherwise.

Yes sir.
Let's hope they get it fixed for us.
Fingers crossed!
Here's how it's supposed to work:
On the bottom of the reply box,left hand side ,there is a little blue arrow that points down.
Next to it there is text That says "Attachments and other options".
Click on the blue arrow.
Look for the box that says "Drag add drop your files here,or use the button to add files."
Click "Add Files".
A box will automatically open on your screen. It will show a file on your computer.
Generally it's one that you've been using mostly recently to store photos,documents,etc.
If it's the wrong file,on a Windows PC,or laptop,you'll click on the drive you keep your photos on.
For a lot of users,it's usually drive C.
Click on the drive letter for the drive you need to open.
Everyone is different, so what I'm telling you may not apply to your device! My computer is a multi-drive device with 4 HD's and 11TB of storage.
The drive I store my photos on is designated as Drive D,which is a 2 terabyte drive.
So, on my machine,I would click on the icon for drive D.
When the drive opens, it shows all of the various files on drive D.
I select the file folder where the photo I'm looking for is ,scroll down to the photo and then click on it.
It will automatically upload to the website.
You can load multiple photos, or ,if you're done,you can click upload.
The photo should then complete uploading to the website.
And this is where the error message comes up.
It was fine. It worked . And now it will not.
Hopefully they'll fix this issue.
But if not, as has already been noted,is not like we haven't dealt with this issue for years.

They did change it .
I've uploaded several files on the G Scale forum with no problem.
The last photo I tried to upload to this site was only 69kb,well under the 350kb that this site allows.
I'm a computer expert,and I know the difference in file types and sizes!
Now, there's suddenly a problem,again, and I wish they'd fix it permanently.
Check out one of the posts that I uploaded photos to on the large scale side:,37994.0.html

No other train forum that I belong to does this.
The problem/issue is,in my experience, unique to this one.
I'm glad that mylargscale, and gscalecentral, don't have issues with uploading pics.
Hi, Mr . Bachmann.
I'm here to report an issue with uploading photos to this website.
When I try to upload an image, the website says "There was a problem during the uploading of... The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem. "
Why is the website doing this?
Will it be fixed soon?
I'm trying to help a forum member with a DCC install on an On30 2-8-0,and I need him to be able upload some images of the decoder he has.
He thinks it is generic, but he's not certain what he has.
So, having a few photos of the decoder in question would be very helpful!
Many thanks for your time.
Sorry I can't be 100% helpful with the install.
This is how I normally upload photos here on this forum:
Take a few photos of the DCC decoder.
Then (if you have a Windows PC or laptop),download the photos from your phone, or other device to your computer.
You'll have to downsize each image to less than 350KB.
To do that, you need to click on the Windows search bar at the bottom left of your screen.
You then type "paint" in the search bar.
When the computer shows the "Paint App",you'll click on that.
In paint, click File.
Then click Open.
Then select the file that you downloaded the photos to.
Click on the photo you want to modify.
At the top,left of the screen, you'll see Resize.
Click on Resize.
A box will pop up.
In that box, you'll see Horizontal, and vertical with boxes next to them.
Before you start, make sure that the Percentage circle is enabled.
After that, click your mouse cursor on the Horizontal box.
Using your number keys, enter the percentage you want for the horizontal.
If the image is a large file(over 1.5 MB),I enter 25.
The vertical will automatically match the figure that you entered in the horizontal box.
Click Okay.
Then click File.
Then Save As.
It is advisable to rename the resized image in order to preserve the original in case you've miss guessed, and made the file too small.
Don't worry.
By renaming the new file,you've preserved the original.
In short ,you can try again until you get the image file down under the 350kb maximum allowed by this website.
Do that with every image that you want to post here.
It's a bit of work, but it can be done without the need of a photo posting service.
Now, the fun part!
Right below the reply box,on the left hand side,you'll see a blue down arrow.
Next to it it says "Attachments and other options".
Click on the arrow.
Click on "Add Files"
A window will open on your screen.
If you have multiple hard drives, you'll first have to open the drive that contains the file where you put your photos.
Open the file, and then click on the file that you want to upload the this website.
If photo you selected is 350kb, or smaller, it will then automatically upload once you click it.
A yellow bar at the bottom will show how much room you still have available on that post for uploading photos.
If there are multiple photos that you want to upload, then you'll likely have to make several individual posts.
After you're done, just hit the "Post" button.
And you're done!
I know it's a lot of work, and another long winded explanation, but it's how I upload images on websites that have size limitations on the images that people upload to them.
Right now, I am unable to upload any images to this website.
"The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem. "
So, I'm not sure how to get photos uploaded her at the moment until they fix this issue with the website.
Let me know if I can help you any further!

I disassembled the tender and had a look at the wiring this afternoon after seeing your post,but decided it would be too risky to try to trace them to where they go on the pin.
I would if I were replacing the entire motherboard/decoder setup.
But since the wires in the tender are tied in a knot,I decided it's too risky to try messing with it for fear of breaking connections (Bachmann solder joints are famously flimsy) and getting the wrong information to you.
So, I put it back together until I absolutely have to take it apart again.
Sorry buddy!