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Messages - DustyMarie53!

Regarding Harvey size could in theory be a concern because he might be too small, or too weird with the crane to be able to fit in an eyemech.

However. We have a solution. Beau doesn't have an eyemech but is specifically billed as having operating lamp to get around not having that gimmick. So if moving eyes were too hard for Harvey. He could simply be "Harvey without moving eyes, with poseable crane arm." Thus he still has a gimmick but it's not the eyemech. Of course this might not even be necessary, he could work fine, but figured it was worth shouting out.

I don't think they'd make his hook moveable though just cause of the size. Might be too hard to make look good and not super breakable.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Beau Appreciation Thread
June 14, 2024, 09:19:14 AM
Quote from: Cheeky_ULP on June 14, 2024, 12:44:58 AMWhile I would prefer an Arthur or Murdoch model to be a fresh tooling that's accurate to their props, it would not surprise me if the Bachmann UK toolings would be eyed for a "Beau" treatment, should Bachmann be satisfied with his sales and they look into potential similar products (surprise: there isn't a lot of CGI characters they can pull that card with).

I've thought about them doing these two in this style a lot, frankly I still argue that they should. However, I think it is of note that Bachmann seems to be more concerned with accuracy to the reference pictures as of recently, tweaking minor things they show off during streams to make them more accurate. I feel these UK tooling's might be a bit overly detailed and thus not what they would want to use for these characters, but it's hard to say for sure with Beau as our only example right now. I know the Bachmann 9f also had a lot of functionality problems so I would hope Murdoch wouldn't reuse it, but I wouldn't be too surprised if he did.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
June 04, 2024, 08:00:01 PM
Quote from: Awesometrain77 on June 04, 2024, 03:48:26 PMGlad Beau is out . Do well still know if he will be kept as a limited release or will he be a permanent stay in the range . Last I heard they are considering keeping him in the range

As of today, still TBD but he is in the top 3 preorders on trainworld (Or I suppose, was. Mine ships tomorrow).

So I'd say likely he gets another run eventually
Quote from: Awesometrain77 on May 11, 2024, 12:28:47 PMSir Handel has taken a long time but what about the backlog of NG wagons there are 3 wagon projects I belive

Last update iirc was that the first set announced was making good progress, and then the other and the gunpowder wagons haven't been started. Albeit forget what he said for the NMRA 2022 wagon announcement exactly, so don't quote me on those. But the first set and gunpowder wagons are accurate.

Also going to take the time to correct what was said about the express coaches in N scale because it was vague and I partially misremembered. Doug said progress was made, but then also said the same stream that the decision on the design of the coach (whether scaled down from HO or cgi) hadn't been made yet. So, I'm not sure if this means only the chassis is done, that the design is done but still needs licensor approval and thus no guarantee it's done, or he's playing coy before the reveal.
Quote from: thomasj219 on May 09, 2024, 01:01:52 PMNo worries. There were posts that were deleted, and there's definitely a reason.

Fair enough. I'll just move on from this topic and avoid going around in circles.

Moving on Rebecca is a really good model I haven't had the chance to say that yet. Since Sir Handel and Stanley's samples are on the way I hope they'll be just as good. Hoping to see them in June but setting my expectations for the unpainted samples to be revealed in July just to not get my hopes up.
Quote from: Awesometrain77 on April 26, 2024, 11:50:49 AMHannah is a good idea for HO tbh there are some coaches we could see in HO here are some of my picks

• Blue Annie and clarabel - as seen in the great race
•Slip coaches - three face variants
•Work unit coach - green blue and orange
•Faceless brown coaches- same color as A&C
•Herenttia with face
•Hannah - Henrietta repaint with new face and lamp on side
•Dexter- red brake coach repaint  with face
•An Ann - Annie repaint with face
•Yin-Long - Annie repaint with face
•Gordon's special coaches - express coaches repaint
•Green express coach with  buffet - green composite coach with buffet lettering on side

The slip coaches would be an awesome rolling stock piece to go along with Duck. And they all have 3 pretty distinct faces so they'd be a good pick for new OO rolling stock tool.

An-an and Yin-long are pretty niche, plus would require some mods so I doubt they'd be chosen. I'd like An-an though. For a weird reason. I want to own merch of every vehicle that has been produced, the only two I'm missing now are ERTL Jock and Motorized Railway An-an. Since the MR one is a bit expensive getting a Bachmann release would make my life easier, so would a capsule though. Not picky I just want one.
Quote from: Awesometrain77 on May 06, 2024, 03:11:30 PMI can't belive we are getting to see Rebecca's prototype tommorow . I feel we are gonna see her out around the end of the year maybe around November . I feel we will see painted figure packs, narrow gauge wagons , and N scale express coaches soon on Thomas Tuesdays

They said they haven't even started on the express coaches yet a few streams ago so I don't think we'll see them done until late this year at best.
I do think in theory there is something to said about Gator's potential popularity. He's continued to last into the merch, said merch/DOWT events most likely being why the cgi rule exists. It's still A version of Thomas being promoted by Mattel, while model series is basically dead and buried beyond Youtube uploads. I'd still argue the rule is dumb but I get why it exists. I do think Gator is too niche though unless demand here shoots up. Albeit I feel using lack of show appearances since season 18 gets tricky. Norman had supporting roles in 3 BWBA episodes all in the same season. Does that make him more likely than Whiff and Hiro who only had one? Answer is obviously no because of demand from fans here and on other social media platforms but let's just say that isn't a factor. Would that make Norman a better choice because of relevancy? I'm not sure how much the actual show appearances matter truth be told, I imagine the only factor that really matters is what fans at events, here, and so on pitch. Cause like. What Bachmann rep is going to go out of their way to check the episode appearances. If Gator's demand shot up here for whatever reason, I don't think his lack of recent appearances would limit him. Also because the show is over anyway.

TLDR: Gator probably not now, maybe not ever, but I wouldn't rule him out entirely just because he didn't appear more post season 18. I think that's the least important factor when deciding a Bachamnn engine. Fan demand is the big one and I've seen, literally no one request him until this hypothetical so that really speaks for itself now doesn't it.
Quote from: JacobSK on April 06, 2024, 06:35:32 PMCharlie did play a heavy role in the Miller era, but after Season 18 was also relegated to the background. From my memory, Charlie wasn't well liked by fans, and was mostly tolerated in his Season 17 and 18 appearances. While he's got an attractive color palette, it isn't enough to produce a character that wasn't liked, then faded into the background.

Charlie is actually an interesting case. Despite being forgotten by the show he continued to thrive in the merch. In fact, he was one of the few characters that survived into the motorized/push along rebrand of 2020/2021. For comparison's sake, Ryan and Victor (as a single anyway, Victor survived in one push along multipack) did not get this luxury. Now idk if the other toy lines are something they would use for reference hence why I didn't mention it before, but it is certainly interesting. Would Bachmann even have this data or the other merch lines sales data? Probably not, but again, is interesting. In theory this would also make the Logging Locos a possibility since they're super popular in merch and MIR did super well financially merch wise, but I think they're far too intricate and unpopular to justify the tooling costs. Maybe if they ever do get that desperate though lol. This argument against them seems funny considering I proposed Norman of all characters but still. He has a lot going for him (plus he's technically in a trio with Pax and Sid so if they ever made the latter that might push him a bit up as well, forgot to mention that earlier) right now that very well could change. Lot of what ifs. If the model series rule, eye mechs, or tender engines prove favorable him, as well as Charlie would go way lower. Frankly hope the rules change though because I'd love the options to be more open. Would love a Molly personally, on top of the obvious terrier. Your model is very lovely Chaz, love how it came out.
Quote from: Chaz on April 06, 2024, 01:19:07 PMThe thing is, Bachmann made it perfectly clear on the last few Trainworld streams that this year really is the catchup year and there is a lot that they still haven't released yet.  Once more previously announced products are released, that's when they typically announce a lot more.  Last year Ryan and N scale Toby got released in the spring, and later that summer we got Stanley and N scale Diesel and Paxton announcements.  The year before was Daisy and N scale James and then the NMRA was Rebecca (and Beau) and N scale Gordon.  The same applies here, the only difference is that while Beau looks like he will be released in the next month, while Rebecca and N scale Gordon and Emily probably won't.  Yeah that probably means the newly announced products won't actually be released on the year they're announced or the year after but that's not really anything new in the grand scheme of things. It's to be expected at this point.

There's also really no stopping them from saving the projects from being "officially announced" until later while being worked on before their official announcement like the N scale box vans for example.  The van was a new tooling, and yet they were fully painted and ready to go once they were announced.  I doubt that this fully applies to new engines (unless it's a repaint like large scale Paxton), but the point still stands that they could be figuring out/working on other projects behind the scenes for a surprise reveal later.  I'm all for an N scale Henry announcement this summer, and would love to be proven wrong, but I'm not under the impression it will happen until next year once Gordon and Emily are hopefully out by the end of the year, and then we would receive a duo announcement in N scale of both Henry and Edward.  That to me would be a pretty incredible announcement and very fitting for the 80th anniversary of the brand.

I didn't actually consider the fact they could be working on products in the background, that's a fair point. Albeit small correction. The vans weren't new tools. They were scaled down from the g scale ones hence they took less time to produce. This doesn't diminish your point at all since they were still worked on in the background so I could see that happening with Henry for sure. Although of note they made a similar catchup year comment last year and then still had the NMRA show that they did. While the newer catalog seems more seriously abiding by this, I don't really know if the NMRA will as well until we actually see it. Maybe that's too blind optimism but I'm working off the patterns they've given us before. If it's all wagon recolors than oh well, I'm wrong and spring 2025 will be the huge chunk of the announcements. Ultimately this is a wait and see I suppose.

Quote from: Chaz on April 06, 2024, 01:19:07 PMThe thing is, Bachmann typically goes for characters (with a new tooling) who have a lot more of a wider appeal.  Characters aren't really picked so much because of their basis, they're picked because a lot of people like the characters who were used in the show a lot more frequently or have a lot more of substantial following from fans.  I agree that Norman's basis and design a fun one, and there are a handful of other characters that would be fun (in either model or CGI) that would be nice for aesthetic purposes.  However, from a business perspective like Bachmann (or Mattel), Norman is a borderline "nobody" character. No lead role or much of a supporting role, no official introductory episode, not much of a personality, and not a ton of merchandise of him either.  All of these factors lead me to believe that Norman would be a poor seller and Bachmann's typically a lot more mindful about which characters they pick when it comes to new tooling announcements.  I think we can all agree on Whiff, Nia, and Hiro (depending on how Rebecca does) being valid possibilities for sure.  Depending on when Salty gets released I could see Porter eventually being added since he was also used pretty consistently.  Winston in HO would be a fun option too considering he has been in large scale for a while and since Bachmann's adding the figure packs, he would be a pretty natural addition to the range as well at some point.  Other characters though, I'm personally not so sure of, but again I think there's a handful of other characters I think Bachmann will be leaning more towards regardless before even thinking about adding Norman anytime soon.

I feel like we do have to consider the fact Bachmann seems pretty knowledgeable about the general kitbashers given the Tallylyn line and changes they've made for certain Skarloey models. Norman having a basis not repped in 00 at all may be reason enough to consider him over others. He's also a name I've seen brought up on the forums a few times (along with Charlie and Porter) so once we get passed the next obvious group of characters (Nia, Whiff, maybe Hiro, Sidney, I hope not Fernando) I could see his requests rising up. Of course, if KR models or another company makes his basis by the time he's in consideration than this point becomes moot. So it might not be the strongest to base my argument on. But I'd argue we'll already be on the lower tier of characters by the time we get the 4 most likely ones. Even if the model series contract gets changed, I feel Stepney and BoCo are the only two who are really viable at this given time. Eventually they'll have to make new tools based on less popular characters, or just stop entirely. Plus, while he's dull in the show in his merch Norman is a brighter red orange that is pretty unique to him that would more likely be emulated on a model anyway given Bachmann's gloss. To play devil's advocate to my previous post I do think they would more likely do Charlie first, smaller, more unique color, simplistic. Heck I probably want Charlie more you can see my signature, but I wouldn't count Norman out. He doesn't have that much going against him in the grand scheme compared to a lot of other characters I listed in the previous post. If Rebecca ends up as a smash hit though than more tender engines could become viable and would probably take his likelihood down, but again, we'll have to wait and see. Same with Beau, if he does super well Bachmann may try to get more special permissions to do more limited run characters (He still seems to be limited run since Percy recently got a packaging update that only mentions Rebecca on the back, not Beau) without eye mechs so that could be an in for the likes of Stephen. Maybe that's how they get permission for model series characters as well. I guess the thesis of this post is that things could change rapidly, but as of right now I'd argue Norman is higher up on the likelihood compared to a lot of other cgi characters because a lot of them are just as niche. Either way I think we're all in agreement which 3-4 characters will come first, hopefully Hiro is on that list let's cross our fingers.

Quote from: Chaz on April 05, 2024, 08:59:57 PM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on April 05, 2024, 04:18:36 PMThe next new tooling for HO Scale could be Nia, Whiff, or Norman to be the best choices,

I'll admit, you lost me at Norman being one of the "best choices" Bachmann would make for the next new tooling.  The other choices, including Hiro, I could see happening at some point, but I'm not so sure on Norman to be honest.

I think Bachmann's taking the "catch up year" plan a lot more seriously since they seem to be focusing a lot more on making progress on previously announced products.  I'm thinking the NMRA will probably just consist of some rolling stock announcements in HO and N, and once more products are released this year or have made a lot more progress we will probably see a much larger lineup ready for 2025 during the brand's 80th anniversary.  When that happens I think that's when we will see the next new HO engine tooling announcement along with N scale Henry and Edward once Gordon and Emily are eventually released.

I disagree for two reasons. Number 1 the NMRA point. Technically the NMRA announcements are supposed to be reveals for products releasing the following year. It's never really worked out this way but it's supposed to (I think it worked out for origins James and only him lol). So if they wanted say, an N scale engine to tie in with the anniversary or a new G scale engine they'd more likely announce them here than wait for the 2025 catalog, as it would more likely guarantee they make substantial progress or even release during the anniversary year. Then NMRA 2025 would be focused on whatever is coming in 2026. Although this being the case could mean they just announce a green Thomas recolor in N or something like they did with origins James in 2020 lol.

As for Norman, I feel like from a Thomas fan perspective he's a little niche. Not a major character in the show or to fans why would they make him? Well, he has an interesting factor going for him. His basis. Not really present for modelling yet. (I think there may have been a brass kit at one point but idk if it still exists?)

So some general British modelers may want to kitbash him similar to what happened with the Skarloey engines. Granted Norman's basis is still super niche however his smaller size would also make him easier to produce compared to say, Hiro. At least currently I'd argue he's the best candidate for small engine new mold aside from Whiff and Nia we already named. Charlie and Sonny have basis's already existing in OO now, not that this means they shouldn't still be made just makes them lesser candidates cause their fanbase is also nonexistent. Dart, Phillip, Scruff, Stafford, and others are small so therefore the eye mech could be an issue. Den is tied to Dart so he'd be in a weird spot. Frankie could be a fun one because she has a nice basis but same issue as Den of being in a duo or group of 5 and said other characters have factors going against them. The international engines could have the same appeal as Norman but are even more niche I'd argue. A bunch of the others are in model series jail. Heck other tender engines are entirely reliant on how Rebecca sells they've said this on a stream before, so idk if Hiro is really likely at this point. Which sucks because he's one I really want. He'd be the next tender engine for sure. So like, aside from the two we already named, and recolors, who's really left? Timothy and Porter I guess?? Belle and Hurricane since they're not outright big engines maybe but they're both weird as well??? Flynn if they wanted to get really experimental and do a high railer but that brings back the eye mech problem. Ultimately my point is eventually they'll have to start taking more risks and getting more out there and Norman I'd argue is a good one to start with. Whiff and Nia first, and hopefully Hiro as well, after that, it's Norman's time to shine. Sorry for the long ramble, I just wanted to make a case for Norman. Hopefully this was articulated well.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Salty
April 04, 2024, 03:44:50 PM
Salty is on indefinite hold because of issues with his motor being brought over from the old tooling. He'll happen eventually but it's hard to say exactly when.

For other products. The museum coaches in g scale were supposed to come out last month. Beau and N scale Gordon were set for May (seems only Beau is on track for that though?). Rebecca, N scale Emily and her coaches, the figure packs, and Sir Handel are set for late 2024. I believe that is everything confirmed with a set release window but may have forgotten something. Hope that this is of assistance, have a good day
Maybe a silly question actually. But have the lighthouse, square water tower, and other two large figures ever been repackaged in the new style. I feel like they have had to be by now but I'm not remembering ever seeing them.
I'm not remotely upset about these announcements but I feel like the choice of the slate wagons is, not the correct one. Even if these have a quick turn around time it's taking development away from the already in development hell that is the other rolling stock. I feel open wagons in N or anything in G would have been the better filler rolling stock picks. Not that the slate wagons are bad, just a weird choice in my opinion.

I'm also a bit bummed that Brendam bay conflat is gone already. It was the best of the three and hasn't been out for that long. Is a shame to see it go.

As of right now the only things slated for this year are the museum coaches in March, Gordon, Beau, and Tallylyn in May, and in late 2024 Emily and her coaches, Rebecca, the HO figures, and Sir Handel. Idk if I even truly believe all of these products will be out this year, but the lack of new reveals makes me hopeful. Hopefully we get even more than just them.
nvm it literally dropped as I sent that you can ignore me. I still stand by my points though I wish the communication was better