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programming and running dual cab diesel engines

Started by lwmlwm44, December 18, 2008, 02:46:29 PM

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Hi   I recenty bought a DCC Engine.........2 cabs both powered.   Not Bachman and the manufacturer said they could not help me with this issue but to try talking with the folks who made my unit which is a Bachmann EZ DCC unit which I like very much.    Am new at DCC and both engines run well separately from one question is how do I program them to run in facing forwards and the other backwards.   One has to run forward while the other unit has to run in reverse.   Assume I can't run them on the same address as am not able to program one to go one way and the other to run in reverse using the same address.   Do I have to assign a separate address to each engine programming one to go forward an then the other cab to run in reverse.    When I want to reverse the train direction , would need to stop both cabs and address each one separately to go the other direction and then resume operation.

Is there an easier way

Am sure there are folks out there who run 2 cab diesels in conjunction with one another as i see there are a lot of them on the market.



Yampa Bob

Your EZ Command controller came with a DVD that explains how to run two or more locos "in consist", and page 4 of the manual has a section called "Programming forward and reverse operation".

To run in simple consist, both locos are assigned the same address. To change the default "forward" direction of one loco, place only that loco on the track (remove the other loco from the track while programming the one you want to change the default forward direction.) Alternately you can have both locos on the track but with different addresses, change the default direction on one, then assign the other one the same address as the changed one.  Either way will work.

Before attempting this, you should make sure both locos are fairly well "speed matched".   Set both locos to the same address, then place them 1/2 way around the track from each other, turn the throttle to full.  If it takes 8 or 10 laps for one loco to catch up to the other, they are close enough to place in consist.

You wrote:  "A DCC engine with 2 cabs".  Basically you have 2 DCC engines with 1 throttle or "cab".  The word cab usually refers to a complete control unit with a throttle. More advanced DCC systems allow the use of multiple cabs for multiple operators. Not being nit-picking, just thought you should know the difference.   Actually you can have 2 cabs with EZ Command by adding a remote panel and "walk-around" Companion.
I know what I wrote, I don't need a quote
Rule Number One: It's Our Railroad.  Rule Number Two: Refer to Rule Number One.


Thanks for explaining the term Cab.   Yep using the correct terminology does help.    Read the manual and guess I need to reread it again.   Haven't viewed the video yet..........guess it helps to read and view all material before proceeding or asking dumb questions.

Thanks for the method of checking to make sure both engines run close in speed ............figured that would be critical and hopefully since the 2 engines were sold as a set for this purpose that they run close in sync with one another.

Have a good one and a Grand Holiday Season.
