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DCC or Bluetooth control for new layout?

Started by barthslb, January 16, 2019, 02:23:41 PM

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After many years, I am thinking about building a new HO layout, 4x8 in size. In my earlier years I had a layout using older DC control with block controls. I would like this one to be easily controlled (I have two graddaughters) so am considering either a digital or bluetooth iphone controlled train set to get started. I would appreciate any advise on this. Thx.


I would advise DCC since there's far more locomotive options available.

There's a computer program called DecoderPro (Part of the Java Model Railroad Interface suite) that lets you control DCC locomotives from a smartphone using your home network's WiFi.

DecoderPro also makes programming locomotives much easier with a point-and-click computer interface rather than using a throttle to program them.


Train control using Bluetooth technology is simple to use and is in its product development infancy with few features and limited product selection. If simple to use is crucial go Bluetooth; however, if features, product variety, availability and support are significant go DCC.



Any Bachmann E-Z App equipped locomotive will run on DCC powered track permitting the granddaughters to run Bluetooth control equipped locomotives and you to run DCC equipped locomotives simultaneously on same track, each using system specific controller device. 

Caveat - Bachmann is mum about future of Bachmann E-Z App


Thanks for all the responses. One other question I have is about turnouts on DCC or bluetooth. Do I need to use DCC switches or can I just use the cheaper DC switches? Thx.


Non DCC turnouts work just fine with DCC power flowing through their rails, most of the ones on my DCC layout are non DCC.

However, I've never heard of a DCC system that provides power for electrically switched turnouts.  A cheap analog speed controller with accessory terminals or 12-16v 'wall wart' will do the job though.