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Traction Tire #1872 & 3842 (HO Universal) question.

Started by Warflight, March 16, 2017, 06:21:50 PM

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So, I recently acquired the Bachmann Spectrum HO 4-4-0 Southern Green Loco #83406, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it... however, I have come across a TEENSY issue with it.

You see, if I hook more than two passenger cars to it (1860s passenger cars... so, the small ones) it has trouble pulling, and the wheels just spin.

They have ZERO traction. Adding weight seems like it's not going to solve the problem (the engine is heavy as it is) so while getting parts for my 4-4-0 Jupiter, I discovered traction tires...

The problem is, is they are all sold out in the Bachmann store.

So my question is, is whether there is an alternative? Is there a traction tire that isn't sold out that would work? How would one go about removing the side rod/coupling rod, so they can be slipped on?

Someone mentioned "Bullfrog Snot", but the traction tires are 30ยข, while Bullfrog Snot is $25... and I'm only using it for a single engine, and don't own a cradle, so I can't flip it and spin the wheels for application!

Any serious advice would be greatly appreciated!

(that's me newest baby)


You would need a groove milled into the wheel to be able to use a traction tire.



Quote from: WoundedBear on March 16, 2017, 07:29:58 PM
You would need a groove milled into the wheel to be able to use a traction tire.

Well, dang. Maybe I should invest in the Bullfrog Snot after all. I was hoping it would just be an easy fix of putting tires on the wheel. The engine is such a beauty, and so well made, and it's such a shame that it has zero traction! You would think, which how much they charge for the Spectrum engines, that some sort of traction would be standard.

Terry Toenges

That sounds odd that it would have trouble pulling only 2 cars with that one. I don't have so I don't know how they are.
I pulled like 34 old time cars with my Jupiter or 119. Can't remember which. What a difference traction tires make.
Feel like a Mogul.


Tell me about it! I have some old Bachmann 4-4-0s from the 80s that will pull all six carriage cars, with no problems, but they have traction tires... yet, the expensive Spectrum, high end engine, will just spin it's wheels if you ask it to pull more than two.... and even with two, it loses traction. Again, the weight is fine... it's a heavy sucker, but, there are NO traction tires on any of it... just metal on metal, and I'm sure there's probably bits of oil on the track, due to one of the Norris 4-2-0 engines. (The Prussia... it's always that engine)



If there's oil on your track and wheels, you need to clean both. My MEC #83 4-4-0 will pull 4 60' coaches up a 2% grade on a local clubs layout with no problem at all.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.

Terry Toenges

My mistake. It was only 29 cars. I was really surprised, myself, that it would pull so many.
My old layout - My Bachmann old time #119 4-4-0 pulling a long string of 29 old time
cars. At about the right third of the picture is where it begins going up a 2% grade.

Feel like a Mogul.


Yeah, that's just it... my Bachmann #119 will also do that, but, it has traction tires that came stock on it's geared drive wheels...

The Spectrum doesn't have traction tires, and has no groove for them either.


GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY!!! (in Professor Farnsworth's voice)

Okay, an update! I got Bullfrog Snot, and applied it to all four drive wheels on my engine (there are no electrical pickups on the drive wheels) and OMG! It went from an engine that couldn't pull more than two cars up a 0.5% grade, to pulling TWENTY cars up a 5% grade!

It handles the curves just fine, so the concerns of derailing (because there is no traction tire groove) at the local train shop are quite unfounded. The snot went on VERY thin, and cures rather quickly (I left the wheels spinning in the cradle for about ten minutes, and then let it cure for about three hours before flipping it back upright)

The warning about not exposing the Bullfrog Snot to Kryptonite, however, is a serious warning, that should be heeded! (and to the residents of Central City... I am truly sorry about that... fortunately that Flash guy was there to stop the rampaging super toads)


Quote from: Warflight on March 22, 2017, 06:23:46 PM
Okay, an update! I got Bullfrog Snot, and applied it to all four drive wheels on my engine (there are no electrical pickups on the drive wheels)

You are wrong about the pickups. I clearly see driver pickups in the exploded view of your Richmond 4-4-0.



Although they may be on the exploded view, they are not there. This is a Spectrum HO 4-4-0 Southern Green Loco #83406 DCC equipped, and both myself, and the train shop tested them, and the drive wheels don't pick up. Only the tender.

But even if they did... the solution worked PERFECTLY! It's running SO MUCH BETTER than it even has! It's pulling a full load, even up hills (when the wheels just spun without a grade with more than two cars attached) so, regardless, right or wrong... if it's working, then it's working, and it's working BEAUTIFULLY!

I couldn't be happier with the results!


It makes no sense at all that the drivers do not have pickup wipers. Please describe your test that determined the drivers have no pickup. Did you drop the lower gear train cover and check?



One of the tech guys and myself tested it at the train shop with a power supply. No movement when power is applied to the drivers. Only the tender.

I've had it running all night, so if there are pickups (there is metal near the drivers, but it doesn't touch anywhere) then it's a non-issue.

On the up side, I now have an engine (again, my favorite engine) that could have been relegated to the shelf, that is now functional, and can haul a load!