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In-ko-pah RR: Fluorescent lights in 1/24th scale

Started by Ray Dunakin, January 29, 2015, 08:23:20 PM

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Ray Dunakin

I wanted my scratch-built radio repair shop to have fluorescent lights, but of course there are no working fluorescent lights in 1/24th scale. However I had an idea for a way to possibly simulate the appearance of working fluorescents...

I started by using 1/16" acrylic rods to represent the tubes. Small rounded bits of styrene strip were glued to the ends:

The base of the fixture was made from a strip of .100" x .250" styrene. Three 1/8" holes were drilled through it:

I used thin sheet brass to make the reflectors:

After painting the fixture white, I glued on the tubes. To help disperse the light and to give the tubes a somewhat frosted look, I brushed on a very thin coat of fluorescent white paint that I had leftover from a Halloween project years ago:

I marked the positions of the three holes and drilled three larger holes in the ceiling. Then the fixture was glued in place. Three 3mm LEDs were inserted into the fixture, through the holes in the ceiling. You can just barely see the rounded ends of the LEDs showing through in this photo:

When I first connected a battery to the leads I was disappointed... the beam from the LEDs simply made three bright spots on the acrylic rods. However, when I tried photographing it, I found that it looks perfect in photos! Here are some test shots, looking through the windows of the building:

At this point I think I'm done with the radio shop. Next will be the barbershop details.
Visit for photos, step-by-step articles and other information about the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!


Simply outstanding Ray. This is the kind of model building that gets me fired up. Nicely done.


Joe Satnik

Amazing.  Should all be in a museum. 


Joe Satnik
If your loco is too heavy to lift, you'd better be able to ride in, on or behind it.


Absolutely great!  Thanks for posting, Ray.
Mesquite Short Line


Ray Dunakin

Visit for photos, step-by-step articles and other information about the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin

Here are some shots of the building in place on the layout. Note the worn, old sign on the foundation next to the stairs. I painted that mostly by hand, which was a pain. It wasn't very sharp either but didn't need to be. Then I roughed it up with sandpaper:

Here it is shortly after sunset...

Imagine how great this scene will look when all the buildings have interiors and lights:

Visit for photos, step-by-step articles and other information about the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!



It occurs to me that all this wonderful modeling is exposed to some very warm days and cool nights.  How do you preserve these details from the elements?



PS. unbelievably beautiful as always.

Ray Dunakin

Thanks Jonathan! It all holds up pretty well. The buildings are mostly PVC which is weatherproof and UV-resistant. After painting, I also spray everything with Krylon UV-resistant matte clear, and that helps too.
Visit for photos, step-by-step articles and other information about the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!


 Thats amazing work, i thought i was looking at a real building. The picture of the outside looks great, nice work.

Joe Zullo

Your work is so far beyond the realm of the average modeler it needs a new term. I suggest......

Tom Lapointe

As an electronic tech who started his career 40+ years ago  ::) in a small "Mom-&-Pop" style radio-TV shop, love it!!!  ;D  GREAT job on modeling the vintage radios!  8)  Do you have any better photos of the test bench area, Ray?  (Can make out the soldering iron holder, think I see an oscilloscope as well!).  :D OUTSTANDING!!!  8)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ;)  Tom Lapointe


Hi Tom,

The photos you're looking for are all on Ray's website; to wit:

Great job, great documentation Ray!

All the best,


Bachmann Big Hauler fan
Pennsylvania Railroad Set - generation 3 locomotive
Emmet Kelly Circus set - generation 3 locomotive
Open Streetcar
4-6-0 D&RGW "Bumblebee" Anniversary loco
various passenger cars and rolling stock
indoor, temporary at this point
DCC: Digitraxxxxx Super Chief Xtra 8A

Ray Dunakin

Hi, just wanted to mention that you can read about my In-ko-pah Railroad in the June issue of Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine! It's free and can be read online or downloaded to your computer, kindle, iPad, etc.
Visit for photos, step-by-step articles and other information about the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!