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Locomotive Speed

Started by [email protected], March 15, 2015, 12:51:58 PM

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[email protected]

My new (and first) locomotive (DCC) runs at two speeds:  full speed and stop.  Could it be that I need to allow a break-in period, or am I supposed to oil it?  Or is it defective?


Are you running it with a DCC system or with analog DC?

[email protected]

Thank you for your response.  I'm using a DCC control unit called "E-Z Command."  That's what came with my train.


Does your loco just take off and only stops when you press stop?

Does the knob have any effect? If not do the following.

Turn your e-mail command on then press the #3 then see if you can control the speed, the default address of your loco should be #3, I suspect that is the issue.



Sounds like your controller could be defective. It is what supplies the voltage to the motor in the locomotive.
So if its just full speed or stop then I would suspect that the controller is bad.

Do you have any other locomotive that you could test the controller with? If you do try that and see if it does the same thing with that loco. Then you will know if its the loco or the controller.

Good luck

[email protected]

Thank you all for your replies.  I have ordered another train set so I'll be able to tell which is defective.

Here's a new question:  (I hope it's all right to change the subject.)  Where can I find E-Z track Manual turnouts?  All I have found so far are Remote controlled turnouts.  For now, I'd like to keep the cost down.  I don't even mind if they have  steel rails.  (I'm experimenting with Layout Ideas.)

Knuckle coupler question:  How do I tell the difference between magnetic ones and non-magnetic?  In the catalogs, I can get them in packages of 20 or 25, etc, but they don't say whether they're magnetic.  (Please forgive my ignorance.)  So far, it looks like Kadee couplers may be magnetic.  If I can get magnetic couplers, I can get some of those little magnets for the track, and fix some old cars I got from eBay.  (This is all HO, by the way.)


Just about all knuckle couplers are 'magnetic' these days. It just means a magnet will pull the wire (pseudo-airhose) hanging under the coupler to one side, allowing it to uncouple when slack is taken out of the train. I believe the preferred phrase by the marketing folks is "Operating knuckle couplers".

Most "non-magnetic" knuckle couplers say "Dummy Coupler" somewhere on the package. They may, or may not, be compatible with operating knuckle couplers, depending on the manufacturer.

Clipping the wire off an operating knuckle coupler turns it into a semi-operating coupler. It will no longer work with a magnet, but you can use a bamboo skewer to open it manually without having to lift the car.

If at first you don't succeed, throw it in the spare parts box.

[email protected]

All right then there now.  Thank you for the Knuckle Coupler answer.  Now I'll feel a little more secure about ordering them.  Now if I can figure out how to handle them with my Fumble Fists.  I may have to sit in a washtub so I don't loose them.  Is there a special tool for putting the little springs back on?


There is, made by Kadee, but an Xacto knife #11 blade (fresh) does the trick well.

Also, putting a drop of CA GEL glue in the spring at the shank end will help to keep the spring in place.  Just a little.
Keep Calm and Carry On

[email protected]

Thanks.  I can see that an Xacto knife is a Must-Have item.

[email protected]

I don't what CA GEL glue is.  Would Elmer's be all right?  I already have some of that.


CA is the abbreviation for cyano-accrylic in otherwords what most people know as super or crazy glue.


Like ACY said.

And no, if you are referring to Elmers white or wood glue, that would not likely work.  You want the GEL not the liquid, in case I did not make that clear.  The liquid CA wicks too much.  Learned the hard way :-[  Benefit from my misfortune.   On a side note, I later learned, I could disolve the CA liquid glue off the coupler by soaking it in some nail polish remover (Acetone) and could have salvaged said coupler.

You are welcome for the info Rufus.
Keep Calm and Carry On

[email protected]

Super glue!  All right then.  I'll get some of that in the gel form.  Thanks.


Try another engine on the EZ command unit.  At the hobby shop if you have to.  Isolate the problem.  It's either the EZ or the engine.  Bachmann is very good about replacing defective items.