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E-Z Command ® Digital Command Control System

Started by jyoung8442, October 08, 2013, 08:35:34 PM

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I use the Bachmann E-Z Command ® Digital Command Control System and I am trying to understand how I might control low voltage lighting (crossing signals, etc) with this device or do I need another source of power?



Your EZCommand doesn't include any auxiliary power connections. I suppose that, in theory, you could use track power for structure lights and so on but it wouldn't be a good idea, especially with EZCommand. DCC controllers have a limit of how much power they put out on the rails. Running lights and/or animations could limit the power available for trains. Since EZCommand is only rated for one amp (although it apparently puts out about an amp and a quarter), lights and animations might quickly overload your system. A few LEDs wouldn't be a concern, but a bunch of lights, particularly incandescent lights, will make a real difference. Equally important is the fact that DCC systems put voltage on the rails is way too high for most small lights.

The alternatives are surplus train set power packs and wall warts left over from long gone cell phones, electronic equipment, lighting and so on. I use low voltage wall warts (like around three or four volts) for LED circuits and wall warts with twelve volts or so for conventional lighting and animations. I have a friend who uses an old power pack, using the AC accessory terminals for regular lighting and the variable DC turned way down for LEDs. If you do the same thing, be sure to tape the DC knob in place; you'll fry all of your LEDs if you bump the knob and turn it up.
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I still had my old original Bachmann DC unit and I just use it for my accessory power.

Using the accessory terminals on it works fine.



Thanks very much.  I have my original DC unit so will give it a try.