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S4 SoundValue and MRC Tech 6 Walkaround -- no go

Started by edpb, February 26, 2013, 02:52:55 PM

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I returned my MRC Tech 6 Walkaround Controller with this letter:

> I am returning the Walkaround Controller because it can't control a loco unless the loco and the controller are set for loco 3.  My grandkids have another Sound Controller 2.0 and another Walkaround Controller and the same types of locos as mine, and their controllers work as described in your literature with no problems.

> I have a Bachmann Alco 2-6-0 Mogul DCC Sound OnBoard and a Bachmann Alco S4 DCC SoundValue OnBoard.  The Sound Controller 2.0 can control either loco as Loco 3, forward/reverse, lights, and sounds.  The Walkaround Controller can control either loco as Loco 3, but it can't program either loco to be Loco 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6.

> For example, with either loco as the only loco on the track and using the Walkaround Controller, I push P and then 6 and then Enter.  The display says Send, but the loco does not move as the grandkids locos did.  Then I push Enter for the other functions until the display says Loc 6.  Then the loco does not respond to the speed knob nor to any of the buttons for light, bell, horn, or mute.  The loco continues to make its idling sounds.  If I reprogram for Loco 3, then the loco will respond normally to commands from the Walkaround Controller. <

MRC said today that the problem is with the Tsunami decoder -- that it cannot be  programmed from one two-digit address to another two-digit address.  Funny thing -- I have reprogrammed two Sound OnBoard and one SoundValue OnBoard locos.  MRC seems to think that they can't help me.

Any comments?


Programming Tsunami's can be tricky. Sometimes you need a 1k resistor across the rails of the programming track, sometimes you need a booster like Digitrax PTB1.

It would take some experimentation to sort out what you need for the Tech 6. With  my Prodigy Advanced Squared unit, I needed to add the PTB1 into my system in order to do anything with the Tsunami decoders.

There is no problem with your Tech 6.....and there is no problem with the Tsunamis. You just need to get them to talk to each other.

And from your earlier posts, you say you are able to change addresses on other decoders with your Tech 6, so why would you now think there is something wrong with it?
Especially, something wrong enough to warrant returning it?

"When I bought the Mogul I also bought a MRC Tech 6 Sound Controller 2 to run it.  Recently I added a MRC Tech 6 Walkaround Controller.  It plugs into the Sound Controller and I used it to program one of my 70 tonners as loco 04.  Now I have two locos that two grandkids can run independently.  That's as far as Tech 6 can go.  The Walkaround could also program and run up to four other locos, but only one at a time, and switching between them on the fly would be more than I want to give the kids to handle.  For now, with the present layout, I'm satisfied.  When I build my new portable layout it will use the Digitrax Zephyr plus two infrared cabs so we can run three trains.  This thread and others that I have read on this forum have helped a lot, so thanks to everyone.  --  Ed"



Hi Sid,

In my family we have a Tech 6 Walkaround that can program either a Bachmann 2-6-0 Sound OnBoard or a Bachmann S4 SoundValue OnBoard to any loco number from 1 through 6.  It can do it any time I ask it to, and it has never failed.

We also have a second, later purchase, Tech 6 Walkaround that cannot program either loco to any loco address but 3.  It seemed quite clear that the problem is in the second Walkaround -- that is, until you told me that the problem shows up sometimes and sometimes not.

Next I will consult with Soundtraxx support to see if they have any advice.

Thanks for your reply!



Hi Sid,

I forgot to say that the first Walkaround, and the first 2-6-0 and the first S4 are now 150 miles away from here, so I don't know if the first Walkaround can or cannot program the second 2-6-0 or the second S4, which are right here with me.



Hi everybody,

I found this note on the SoundTraxx web site:

> Problem:  My decoder won't change it's address when programming on the main

> Response:  You can only change to the type of address currently not in use when programming on the main.
If using a short address change it to a long address or vice versa. <

When I get my Walkaround Controller back I will have something to try.  I will find out if the Walkaround can send a long address, and if an S4 Tsunami can accept one.  And, my whole layout is the main, except for two short tracks that come off the turntable, which are isolated.  The Walkaround does not program the Tsunami on any of them.



Hi everybody,

I found this in the HO thread "Tsunami decoder in ALCO 2-6-0":

> Remember that the Alco 2-6-0 does not come with a Tsunami Sound decoder, it has a "Sound-Value decoder", which although made by Soundtraxx (makers of the Tsunami decoders), it has less features than either a Bachmann factory installed Tsunami or a user installed Tsunami intended for separate sale. <

Still, the info packed with the loco and with the controller say that the combination should program the loco address to any number from 1 to 6.  Or is that 01 to 06?



Hi everybody,

Last week MRC returned my Tech 6 controller and walkaround controller, and their only comment was "Repaired as needed."  Now I am able to program a loco with the walkaround controller and that controller works as I expected and as described in the instructions.  They did not have my S4, so I conclude that the programming problem was in the walkaround and not in the decoder in the S4.

Thanks for all comments -- Ed


Glad you got it sorted out Ed. I like the MRC stuff, and I'm happy to see you didn't give up on it.
