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5 amp booster and Dynamis with Pro Box

Started by captain1313, April 11, 2012, 04:20:07 PM

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Maybe Capt1313 can elaborate on how he connected them...

I get the impression that he connected the booster to the jack on the dynamis and also had the probox connected to the track.



My new Dynamis from Bachmann to replace the defective one came today.  I have decided on what to do.

I have 2 layouts, one will be permanent and one will be up for Christmas only.  I will be using the NCE Supercab and it's 5 amp booster on the permanent layout.  I can do all of my engine configuring/programming there.

For the Christmas layout, I need something extremely simple for others to use, a total no-brainer.  Visiting family and friends and their children will want to run the train, and if I am not here, they (and my wife) could not even begin to turn the layout on with either the Dynamis or the Supercab.  They are both easy for me or you to use, but you need to know what all the buttons and things do, and that is not so simple to just pick up and figure out if you are not familiar with the layout of the controller first.

I am going to purchase the Bachmann E-Z Command Controller for the Christmas layout.  It's probably the easiest controller to run a train with.  Press 2 buttons and turn a dial.  The only problem is that it only produces 1 amp and I need more.  So I will pair it up with the Bachmann 5 amp booster I already have and have the Bachmann equipment on the Christmas layout and the NCE equipment on the permanent layout.  Both of these combinations have a good track record of the controller and booster playing well with each other.

As for programming, I can do all of that on the permanent layout with the NCE equipment and move the engines to the Christmas layout during the Christmas period.  Most important, for the Christmas layout, I can program each engine with a maximum speed, to protect things against an overzellous child (or adult!).  In fact, I do not even need to install a programming track section on the Christmas layout.

So now I have a brand new, unopened combination of a Dynamis and Probox which will be going up for sale on eBay shortly.  If anyone on this forum would like them before that, I will offer the combination to anyone on this forum for a very good price, about $75.00 lower than the asking price I will put on eBay.  All you pay above that is the actual shipping charges, no handling or markup or sales tax.  Send me a PM if you want it or email me at [email protected].  I also hope this offer does not violate the no sales requirement for the Forum rules, as I am only trying to make the members here aware of it first.


Hello all! Just got my ProBox, extra receiver, etc. as I needed extended range. Been running the Dynamis with TWO 5 amp boosters with no problem but heard the ProBox and extra receivers would help range and coverage as my layout runs 7' above and around my living room! Do I understand that the issue with ProBox & 5amp boosters is strictly programming??? Do that at my workbench when necessary, never on layout, so not concerned with programming. Want to know though before I open up, hook up, fry locos(?) have 9 powered locos and 20 lighted passenger cars up there, thus the two 5 amp boosters!


I also have all the "goodies" but cannot get started. I cannot get any power out to the track. If I by pass the Pro Box and use the power pack to power the 5 amp booster shouldn't I get something to the track? I'm trying to run the Dynamis system.


Hi everyone!! Got my ProBox, two extra receivers all hooked up, doubled checked twice, HAD a great signal on handset,  fired it up through two Bachmann 5 amp boosters, everything lit up, lights on 20 passenger cars, sounds on engines started -- YES!! BUT SIGNAL ON HANDSET WENT TOTALLY AWAY WHEN I HIT "STOP" button to fire off the system!!!All the sounds started, obviously power to track as lights and sound all there, but with no signal showing, engines won't respond to any commands, but they sound great!!! As I have said in a previous message, don't care about service/program track, but don't know why the signal TOTALLY shuts down on my handset when I hit stop button to fire the system up? Then, of course, it shuts down after the 30 second timeout!
Unplugged two extra receivers, checked both on base id 0, etc, etc. HELP!!!!!!


Been fighting the same problem all day. Have no idea why my signal went away. Also on powering up the remote it says my batteries are bad but just put brand new ones in. Checked them with a meter before I put them in. How are your batteries siramicg?


Batteries fine also - brand new and no indication on handheld remote of low battery power


Ive metioned this in another post, one possible cause for the signal drop is a drop in your primary house output voltage below 110vac

Check the voltage with everything turned on while you are tring to run it.



Thanks for the tip; I'm getting 120.5 volts on the power strip (digital voltmeter). Any other suggestions? Great signal till I press "stop" button to energize Dynamis. Everthing fires up but NO signal to operate trains.


Try 1 loco at a time on the layout.  I have 1 Atlas that gives my Dynamis fits.



 Kevin - Thanks for the suggestion but no luck. Took engines off one at a time, still lose signal when
I hit "stop" button; full signal, all bars till then. Hey - Daleshearer have you had any luck with your signal? Anyone else had an idea? Mr. Bachmann?? Worked fine before hooked up ProBox. Took everything apart and no signal with original Dynamis configuration either.


No luck yet. I took everything down to the basics and still no signal. I still can't figure out why my remote says My batteries are bad. Everthing was ok until I hooked up the ProBox. I'll keep trying cause I've got too much invested now.


 dalershearer-AMEN! As to too much invested now --- I also posted the problem on the HO scale discussion board and have gotten quite a few views but no replies! Can't beleive it's just you and me in the world of Bachmann with this issue and no one has an answer!!!! And I would like to think that the folks at Bachmann would advise


Are you plugging the DCC plug into the base unit or the Probox? I believe I plugged it into the base unit - not the probox.
It sounds like a short is happening somewhere. Suggest removing all locos and test with a single loco first. If all else fails contact the service department and ask them to check out the Probox. If it has a problem Bachmann will remedy the situation. :)


Thank you Yardmaster! I did try taking off one loco at a time and restarting with no better results. I will try your suggestion tomorrow as to taking them all off and trying a restart one at a time; please note my "layout" runs above my living room so it's get out the ladder and up and down! Also, the ProBox instructions specifically state to plug TRACK power (I'm using the green plug hard wired) into back of ProBox which I have done, and SERVICE TRACK into Dynamis Command Center which I have NOT done. I do not have a service track up there, I change CV,s, etc on a separate system on my workbench. Is there a possibility that without some sort of connection to back of BaseStation it shuts down signal? I will also try plugging the TRACK power into base station; just don't want to "fry" anything!!!!!