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Looks like I might be leaving the hobby......

Started by BaltoOhioRRfan, October 16, 2010, 03:46:28 PM

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Anyone know the status of the roundhouse Pacific's?

Considering the end of my model railroad career is probably near due to high rising costs at an alarming rate (and lack of a local hobby shop that care about the walk in customers that i can get to) I'm gonna have to drop out of the hobby. But I was hoping to get my hands on those locomotives before I left the hobby in Decemeber. I figure I will go to the end of the year.

a few examples of why i'm leaving the hobby.....

the new Bachmann 4-4-0 Baldwin, No sound DCC Eqquipped retails for $300.00, I don't even make that much in a week. same goes for the 3 truck climax. Both Locomotives i would like to add to my collection but can not see how I can.

the Roundhouse Milk cars were when I first started getting some for a Milk Express were $12. Now in their last run they were selling for $18(thats no the MSRP which went from $16 or 17 to 22)

I guess this months GSMTS will be my last, as will the funeral train I am still trying to gather funds for to make for my fallen pup Purdy(I lost two dogs this year to death, one was medically induced and the 2nd, Purdy died of natural causes) will be my last custom project. I have Purdy's engine done and i have the casket car mostly done, and i still need to get 3 more coaches.

I'll probably keep my website up for people to see the custom work i've done, but before you ask I do not intend to sell any of my collection so if i ever can afford to get back into the hobby i wont have to start all over.
Emily C.
B&O - America's #1 Railroad.

My Collection on FB -
My Collection on YouTube =


I think you have been shopping in the wrong place. Here in the Chicago area no one sells or stocks Bachmann at all.
I have purchased most of mine from Trainworld and The Favorite spot on ebay.
Probably 40 engines and only had to return one to Bachmann for replacement.
They are covered under full warranty.
I got my 4-4-0's (3) and my 4-6-0's (2) as well as 2-10-2's all for under $70.00 each with shipping. All spectrum models.
With almost 10% local tax the shipping is about the same.



I got my richmonds and 4-6-0's for about 100 each. but they were released years ago, i got em when they first come out. the MSRP on the richmonds were lower then the new baldwins.

I live in Baltimore MD but at this time i'm having a falling out with MB Klein for many reasons. so right nw i'm not really shopping there.
Emily C.
B&O - America's #1 Railroad.

My Collection on FB -
My Collection on YouTube =


I cannot comment on other brands here.
I found there the Spectrum 4-4-0 DCC ready, pre order for $169 at Caboose Hobbies.

I sent you other brand info via your Facebook page.
You really need to take time to search the 'Net carefully. There are good prices out there.
I have been buying New York Central Pacemaker freight cars with different numbers off of ebay for less than $20.00, including shipping.

Sometimes Micro Mark has the DCC ready but right now they have the Spectrum 4-4-0 with sound for $231.95. Don't know if it is stock though.
I have bought from MB Klein on line but never had any issue with them.



$169 is still high for me. thats over half a pay check. For bachmann its no problem to hold on to money to buy as they will make em for a while. But i've missed out on other things from other manufactures because they only do one run of things. simply because i didn't have the money to get em by the time they came out. and my LHS which i no longer go to would be sold out of it within a week or two.
Emily C.
B&O - America's #1 Railroad.

My Collection on FB -
My Collection on YouTube =

Michigan Railfan

Now just because you don't have enough money to buy something new right now doesn't mean you have to leave the hobby. I haven't gotten something new for 9 months now. But, I still enjoy the hobby. Now, since Christmas is coming up, I'll be getting somethings new. Now sure it's always nice to get something new often, but since the economy's in a slump, we can't get as much. What you can do until you get more money is to start weathering frieght cars and engines. Maybe add a little more scenery to your layout. Do some kitbashing, or modifying things. Maybe repaint or detail an engine or frieght car. Just saying, you don't really have to give up the hobby for now. Just my 2 cents  ;)



You will find, as you get older, you need something to focus on that doesn't involve your career or your family.  There' a little place in your mind and heart that is your own private passion.  At the present you've chosen trains as your personal passion.  Whether or not you have funds, you will find your mind going there and your passion calling you.  It could be golf, or gardening, or a myriad of other profitless pursuits.  SOMETHING will call to your creative juices.

There is more to the hobby than expensive rolling stock.  It's high time you started planning and building a small layout, even if it's just a simple timesaver puzzle.  Look for leftover scraps to use as building materials. 
When I'm broke (which is often), I work on scenic elements.  You'd be amazed what you can create with some weeds and some free paint sticks from Home Depot.  There are plenty of freebies for building stuff.

I know you will be going to Timonium, with the rest of us hopeless trainlovers.  Look for some cheap track and an old power pack.  For $20-30 you could create a little spot to run the wonderful stock you already have.

Also, stop looking for this year's hotest model.  Look for the model that was the latest thing perhaps three years ago.  You'll find they are 1/3 the price.  That's how I afford my wonderful locos.  In two or three years, I'll be able to afford the latest B&O 4-4-0 modern.  Imagine how cheap it will be at all the train shows by then.

Your work has been inspirational.  Don't give up, just take a break maybe.  The future is not set.



Ken S.

And there's a lack of willingness to help in this hobby too. I may have to throw away a perfectly good Athearn chassis because one truck needs a new sideframe and I can't get part of the old sideframe out. If no one wants to help me with that problem, maybe they can just buy me a brand new engine to repalce the one that I can't use anymore.

Steam is King

Hey B&O,

I understand your frustration. I've been out of the hobby for 20 years and now I've decided to get back into it. I'm really disappointed with the prices. They are too high. $35.00 for a freight car? $50.00 for a building kit? It's enough to push me right back out before I even start. I'll try for awhile I guess. Once I take the plunge, I'm in for the haul.


I guess I'll take a different stand.  How many loco's do you NEED?  I have a nice sized home based HO scale layout with more than 150 feet of track.  I have a total of 4 loco's.  Yup 4.  A 4-4-0, 2-8-0, 2-8-2, and a 0-6-0 switcher.  And they are more than capable of taking care of my railroading needs.

I'm in the hobby to enjoy myself.  Not run my bank account into the ground.  Or have to take out a second mortgage. 

I guess to each his, or her, own but take the hobby for what you can.  Enjoy yourself.  Isn't that what it's all about?  I'd hate to see a layout of your quality sitting around and not being used.  What a shame that would be.

Best of luck whatever you decide.

Southern New Hampshire around 1920 in HO
NCE Power Cab DCC
Long live B&M steam!


I know the feeling. I will be seventy in a few months and live on my SS check this is slightly under $2,000 a month. I am widowed so live with my stepson and share expenses with him.
I have learned to enjoy what I have and can shop wisely so I do find bargains, quite often on ebay.
One big advantage for me is I work out a lot and have learned to control calorie intake which has allowed me to reduce my food bill. I only use a cell phone and do not text people which has allowed a lower phone bill. The land line was costing me quite a lot.
My rolling stock has cost me over $20.00 once when I bought a well detailed kit. I have found some resin kits for under $20.00. Completed resin rolling stock is nice but to expensive for me.
Don't forget, being an inspiration to others can help the model railroad community.
Doing various Google searches can many times give you ideas on how to improve or enhance what you have to work with. Sometimes we have to think outside of our self.
Your mileage may vary.



unlike many other hobbies, it is possible to have a modest budget in this one. i myself am not rich, and have gone through periods of grinding poverty. but i've always found a way to have a layout to work on.

you do good work and are not afraid of modifying things to suit your prototype. why not try scratchbuilding  buildings and freight cars instead of locomotives? the costs will be much less, and you already have the skills you'd need to be successful.....
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA

Ken S.

I'm about to quit myself since I can;t get any help with an engine that looks like it wants to catch fire. There are sparks coming out of the damn cab.

Michigan Railfan

I too, like sparkyjay have only 4 good locomotives. 1 ok Athearn CSX AC4400, 1 ok Athearn P42 phase 5, 1 very good Spectrum HHP-8, and 1 phenomanal Athearn SW1500. It's enough for my needs. I have a decent amount of frieght cars too. I can't really buy anything since I need to save up for a car once I get my license, so I leave it to Christmas for getting my engines/frieght cars.
Quote from: Ken S. on October 17, 2010, 01:28:55 PM
I'm about to quit myself since I can;t get any help with an engine that looks like it wants to catch fire. There are sparks coming out of the damn cab.

Sparks coming from the cab? I say you just leave the engine and get a new one. Use the parts for a scrap yard or something. That's what me and my friend do. We smash stuff, then use the insides for a scrap yard. Looks nice. I also see that you need a new sideframe for an Athearn engine. Athearn has a parts list on there website:
Just find the product number of the part your looking for and look on the left side of the page and find the number your looking for.

Ken S.

I got the sideframes already, installed them last night. I went to test run the engine and found this problem. It's 2 Athearn engiines that I paid less then $100 for that I'm gonna have to spend $500 that I don't have right now to replace. I have an AMD-103 that's only taking power in the rear truck.