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DCC Switches to Program 1 Automatically - Why?

Started by thumper26, November 22, 2009, 09:38:39 AM

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I have the Bachmann DCC Equipped NYC Explorer set and I am attempting to use the Bachmann E-Z Command ® Digital Command Control System with it.  After running satisfactorily for 30 seconds (on Default Program Button #3), the Program Number jumps from #3 to #1 all by itself, the train stops, and the #1 LED stays lit.  When I depress Program Button #3, the train will run OK for another 30 seconds and then the same thing happens again.  I have reprogrammed the train to Button #2 and the same thing continues to happen, so it doesn't appear to be a problem associated with just the #3 Program Button.  When I simply use the supplied basic DC transformer, the train runs fine.

Can someone tell me what might be causing this problem with the DCC Control System, and how I might rectify the problem?  It is getting VERY frustrating!

Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide,



A couple of questions:

Does this occur at the same place on your layout?

Does this happen to be at a turnout?

It might be a short because a similar occurence happened on my layout.

Jim Banner

You are not by any chance connecting both the E-Z Command AND the supplied dc power pack to the tracks at the same time, are you?  That would be a strict no no.  Failing that, the only thing that comes to mind is a problem in the E-Z Command.  If you bought the set from a hobby shop, they may be willing to test your E-Z Command to confirm this before you send it back to Bachmann for repairs.

Growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional.


Quote from: NMWTRR on November 22, 2009, 11:49:31 AM
A couple of questions:

Does this occur at the same place on your layout?

Does this happen to be at a turnout?

It might be a short because a similar occurence happened on my layout.

The set is new and there are no turnouts as yet.  I am only "breaking in" the loco by running on the simple oval with the track provided.

It does not happen at the same place on the track, it seems to be a timing issue - not track location.  It runs the oval non-stop for as long as I want on DC.  It it is only when operating with the DCC operation using Bachmann's E-Z Command ® Digital Command Control System that the problem surfaces.  Since it runs OK on DC, I'm thinking there's no short or interruption on the track; however, this is my first foray into DCC, so could I be wrong?


No, I am not using the supplied DC power pack in concert with the DCC unit.  I completely disconnect the DC transformer from the track when trying to run in DCC.  Unfortunately, I bought the DCC Command Unit from a very reputable seller on eBay, so have no place to take it to have it checked out.

Thanks for your responses...



Who was this reputable seller? Is he a licensed Bachmann dealer? If not you are out of and there is absolutely no warranty on the unit and no recourse you can take with Bachmann. But if he is a licensed dealer and you sent in your warranty card at the time of purchase, then depending on the date of purchase, you should be able to send it in for repairs or replacement.


Quote from: ABC on November 22, 2009, 12:38:44 PM
Who was this reputable seller? Is he a licensed Bachmann dealer? If not you are out of and there is absolutely no warranty on the unit and no recourse you can take with Bachmann. But if he is a licensed dealer and you sent in your warranty card at the time of purchase, then depending on the date of purchase, you should be able to send it in for repairs or replacement.

Seller was  Warranty card sent when bought.  I got it back in June, but just this weekend I was able to open it and set up the train and try the DCC unit.  I guess my next contact is Bachmann and see what happens.

Jim Banner

After all that about warranty, do you perhaps have another locomotive available which you could try to run with your E-Z Command?  If that can possibly be arranged then you can confirm that the problem really is in the E-Z Command and not in the locomotive before you waste any money sending anything to Bachmann.  If that is not possible, then it would probably be a good idea to send the locomotive along with the E-Z Command just in case an intermittent fault in the locomotive is causing the problem.

Growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional.


Quote from: Jim Banner on November 22, 2009, 01:31:07 PM
After all that about warranty, do you perhaps have another locomotive available which you could try to run with your E-Z Command?  If that can possibly be arranged then you can confirm that the problem really is in the E-Z Command and not in the locomotive before you waste any money sending anything to Bachmann.  If that is not possible, then it would probably be a good idea to send the locomotive along with the E-Z Command just in case an intermittent fault in the locomotive is causing the problem.


Unfortunately, my other locomotives are DC only since this is my first attempt with DCC, but you raise an excellent point.  I guess I will start with a phone call to Bachmann and see what they say.  Maybe they are aware of what might be causing the problem and can give me an explanation on how to resolve it when I talk to them.  If not, I'll ask if I should send the loco also.  Great catch, and thanks!
