Installing PH HOBBIES sound system and hit a brick wall

Started by robertalan51, January 23, 2014, 06:03:07 PM

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 :-\Hi Guys.......Installing a PH HOBBIES sound system(S2001S) in a BMANN 2-4-2 and everything was going right until I tried installing the volumn control pot in the top of the tender. I think I might have gotten super glue in the pot. All was working well during my preassembly tests. I installed the pot with super glue and went in for the nite. The next day I started my assembly and did one last sound check. NOTHING!!
No sound from anything bell... no chuff.   I'm stumped. The knob on the pot was stuck with glue and would not turn until I forced it loose. It seemed to turn normally but nothing would function. I tried to buy a replacement from Radio Shack but they didn't have the right one. I bought and tried a toggle switch but not sure which of the 3 terminals go with what 3 wires. I would just like to eliminate the pot all together but do not know how to do it or even if I should. Any ideas would greatly be appreciated. Rob

Chuck N

I think that PH Hobbies as a business hasn't been around for years. If you bought it new, they may have started up again.  I have two of his reversing units and an old non digital stream sound unit.  These were all bought before we moved to Virginia in 1993.  I haven't heard anything about them for years.  Being electronically challenged, I would think that a small pot with similar characteristics would work. 



As has been noted, unless there is evidence to the contrary, PH Hobbies is one with the ages, and has been since Mark Twain was learning to type.  Back when the USA Trains GP7 was model of the year, I bought one of the first here in yUK, and had a PH Hobbies sound system fitted to it at gigantic expense.

It lasted almost three weeks, before dying in a gentle hiss......

Caveat emptor or Carpe diem?

You decide.

Ottawa Valley GRS
G1MRA #3641
16mm Association #9507
Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Preservation Society of Oregon


Hi and thanks for your input . I bought the kit a couple of years ago on ebay . It was new in the original box. Like I said before..... after the first sound test ,it  sounded really cool for a moderately priced system. Unfortunatly the cool sounds didn't make it thru the nite.  Remember when Radio Shack was an electronics store and not a cell phone store selling RC cars? The kids working in there now look at you as if you had 3 heads when you ask a question about electronic stuff.
Oh well.......back to the drawing board. Thanks again for the feedback.

Chuck N


Do you have a multimeter?  If you do measure the resistance of the pot as you turn the dial.  If it doesn't change you probably broke the slider, or is the dial moving on the shaft and the slider is not rotating?  Just an idea.  There are a lot of electronic stores out there.  Years ago I used "Newark" when i couldn't find what I needed at RS.



Hi Robert in reference to your problem. if you have a VOM meter try and measure the resistance on that small potentiometer. There is a web site MOUSER ELECTRONICS that you can purchase one from if you can find the resistance. Or just order a cheap one and try it ya never know it may just work for the price. Going to radio shack anymore is useless to say the least they don't stock small electronic parts any more let alone the folks that work there are as confused about what your asking for. I do have a pH sound sys in one of my engines and I will see if I have the info sheet still for installing it. If I find it ill check and see if it has and values for the componets on it.  the only other place I could figure to get one would to buy the cheapest radio you can and tear it apart and it should have a few on the printed circuit board for volume and tuning. Good luck. Gene


Hi again.....well I decided to soak the pot in a little lacquer thinner and it least I think that's what got the sound working again. I set the tender on my test track with some power on for a few minutes to charge the battery and when I turned the volume pot shaft I heard some crackling in my speaker and I know then I was in luck. So far so good . Buttoned everything up last nite and everything still functions ! Hurray!!  Thanks again for all the feedback. I appreciate it. Rob chicago

Chuck N

Glad you got it to work.  Thanks for the update.


PS I sure wish that more posters would let us know how things turned out. 


I agree with Chuck N here.  Might excavate MY defunct PH unit and see if I can revive it.  I can tell you that back in 1998 or os, I was REALLY ****** at having spent around $400 on top of the cost of the loco - already $400 here in yUK.

Ottawa Valley GRS


HI Robert pertaining to your sound board. I did find a small potentiometer for a sound board in my parts box your welcome to it if you need it. email me with your info and Ill be glad to send it to you. Please don't ask for it if not needed as someone else may need on in the future. THANKS GENE [email protected]


Gene that would be awesome!! the pot on mine after getting soaked with super glue works but not always. its very tempermental now. Thanks for your generous offer. Rob