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adding smoke to Bachmann steam locomotives

Started by geomaciii, August 21, 2013, 10:07:33 PM

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I have a Bachmann Sectrum B&O EM1 2-8-8-4 and a Bachmann Spectrum N&W J 611 4-8-4 and I would like to add smoke units. I have seen some after market units but not sure how they work. any advice would be appreciated.



I'm not sure what you mean by "how they work," whether their mechanics or the effectiveness of their operation. However, these are pretty much the same when it comes to most smoke generators.

The mechanics? Smoke generators have a heating element, similar to a light bulb element, which vaporizes a liquid which is like a mixture of mineral oil and anti-freeze. So ... simple mechanics which yield a simple -- unfortunately too simple to be effective -- product: wispy vapor which doesn't look much like smoke even in the generators with a puffing effect. It also produces an odor which bothers some people.

The rest of the story is that the vapor thus produced quickly precipitates out on the locomotive and adjacent track and scenery. This results in a sticky film which attracts and holds dirt. Now there are better smoke generators than the OEM ones found in most smoking locomotives, but even those leave the mess. Nevertheless, you can get a more convincing effect with an after-market unit like the ones made by Seuthe. They do cost a little more and they are physically larger so they don't fit in some locomotives, but they will come closest to making a believable effect than the regular ones.

You might decide that you want smoke regardless of the problems or perhaps because you have children who would get a large charge out of it. If so, try to go with a Seuthe unit.

                                     -- D


Does anyone know any dealers or (?) that installs them?  I have an HO spectrum 4-4-0 and know I could never work in that small a space.


@ doneldon, Thanks for the info. sorry I wasn't clear about how they work. I understand how they work, my request was on how well they work and if there was one supplier that was better than the other. Did very much appreciate your response and your time to do so Thanks


As Doneldon has already told you, they are not realistic and they leave a difficult to clean film behind.

Personally, I strongly discourage their use as they are just a mess creating gimmick, the novelty of which will soon wear off but the messy residue won't.