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Messages - davesimmons

Can anyone advise me about electronics? I have an elderly Shay loco and the lights, headlight and rear are non functioning. I have made a new circuit which works fine as I want it to except when I run the circuit with a motor connected for testing, the LED light flickers? without the motor, no problem constant brightness? can anyone help me with a cure, I think I may need a capacitor in the circuit, but I am a mechanical man dabbling in electronics and getting a bit out off my knowledge zone?? Help
Large / Re: K27 chuff sensors
June 24, 2013, 04:27:14 PM
Hi again, me with the chuff sensors?

As I previously said my K27 is up and running with the reeds and magnets but sometimes goes a bit haywire running light engine and on 4 foot radius :( curves, as a point of info the Phoenix board is a PB11 v6, don't know how much difference this makes, or whether this model is designed for digital?
I did look at the OVGRS web site and found some useful info, but nothing that refers directly to the PB11v6 sound board, maybe I should ask Phoenix for help?
Large / Re: K27 chuff sensors
June 22, 2013, 03:58:03 PM
Hi each
Thank you all for the replies, greatly appreciated. I forgot to mention in my original query that I was running old fashioned track power?? not digital and not being very up on electronics, didn't want to mangle expensive sound boards or cook the K27 boards!
However, being very much mechanically minded, I have solved the problem with good old fashioned reed switch and magnets.
I have made a small pcb using stripboard? which is attached via the screws in the cover plate over the front pony truck pivot, and fixed a small reed switch close to the front axle, where the 4 magnets are glued on. The reed switch is aimed lengthways between the frames, and allows for the substantial sideways movement of the axle, while still working. The quartering of the magnets may not be perfect, but it sounds great!!
It was a bit fiddly but it works and I am a very happy bunny. I again thank all for your replies

Large / K27 chuff sensors
June 21, 2013, 04:00:34 PM
I am trying to fit the phoenix sound unit PB9 to my K27. I have connected up the unit and have sounds, but am at a loss as to how to use the chuff sensors in the cylinders, am trying to follow instructions which seem to indicate the need to get power into the sensor units before I can get a response? Can anyone help please?? Not very electronically wise so please keep it as simple as possible??
I have installed this sound unit in a previous K27 loco, but then used a reed switch and magnets on the rear axle, worked fine, is this the best way to go?

Many thanks for any help