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Messages - JTX

On30 / Re: Howto disassemble 2-6-0 On30 mogul
December 11, 2008, 10:38:40 AM
yes, that did it. Thanks.
On30 / Howto disassemble 2-6-0 On30 mogul
December 11, 2008, 01:13:00 AM
I recently pulled an On30 set out of storage from 4 or 5 yrs. I want to check lube before running 2-6-0 locomotive but cannot quite remember how to remove top shell.

I know to pull back on the plastic tab on the rear, and the top shell moves upward about 3/16" at the rear, but the front under the smoke stack isn't moving.  I did slide the two wires aside from the front platform to the body.

Can someone remind me is there a screw somewhere hidden that's holding things down.  I tried removing the bottom screw between the pistons but that didn't seem to have any effect.

Thanks for any help,  jtx