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Messages - RichardStern

HO / Bachmann and Lifelike Alco S2 Shell Exchange
February 03, 2014, 10:23:34 PM
I have a Lifelike HO Alco S2 in the "old" ATSF black/silver stripe paint scheme.  I really like Bachmann's sound, but the only Santa Fe paint scheme available from Bachmann for this engine is the newer blue/yellow, which is later than the time period of my layout. 

I'm wondering if it's possible to exchange the shell and truck side frames from the Lifelike unit to the Bachmann unit.  Has anyone done a swap like that? 

HO / Hood Removal, Alco S2
February 03, 2014, 01:38:27 PM
I would appreciate instruction on how to remove the hood of an Alco S2.  I haven't quite got this figured out. 

I want to get one of the new ones with sound, but have done a pretty nice job of weathering the one I have (IMHO) and just want to swap the hoods and truck sideframes with the sound unit. 

HO / 45 Tonner Sound
October 30, 2008, 12:26:05 AM
I just got the new 45 tonner, it is a beautiful engine, and the complex mech runs quiet and smooth.  It's fun to watch, with the little siderods paddling down the track (I suggest painting the rods and counterweights a metallic grey or other color to contrast with the truck side frames, it really makes a difference).  While it has limited pulling power, that was the case with the prototype as well, just means one has to be a bit careful when switching the packing plant it's assigned to not to grab too many cars at once!

I noted in the exploded drawing in the box that the fuel tank casting is called a speaker cover.  This would indicate to me that the engine has been designed with sound in mind.  So, some questions for the Bach Man

- Is Bachmann going to release a later version with sound (as you've done with some other models in the past)?
- Can you suggest a replacement DCC decoder with sound that would fit in the hood? 
