Hello, my name is Jorge, I live in Argentina and model argentine Belrgrano meter gauge railway. GE shovel noses and ALCos RSD 35 or DL 535 are plentifull here. These locomotives are very similar to WP&Y ones, save that they came early to my country, GEs in 1948 70 strong and ALCos in 1962, only 40 units.
These are the locomotives I want Bachmann produce in a not so distan future.
Enclose a link to show my poor kitbashing efforts, some Alco pictures are on, and also ALco and Baldwin Mountains and Santa Fe steam locomotives.
As this thread was dead for so long, I do not know if I could get any response, but I trying.
Wait for your comments
Regards from Buenos Aires
These are the locomotives I want Bachmann produce in a not so distan future.
Enclose a link to show my poor kitbashing efforts, some Alco pictures are on, and also ALco and Baldwin Mountains and Santa Fe steam locomotives.
As this thread was dead for so long, I do not know if I could get any response, but I trying.
Wait for your comments
Regards from Buenos Aires