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Messages - N-Railer

N / train / decoder compatability
May 05, 2008, 09:02:35 PM
sorry if this is a topic that is beat to death BUT...I can't find any information on this so here is the question...

I have a locomotive: item number 85059, CSX Nscale D8-40C dcc ready, is the comapatable decoder item #44915 and most importantly will it fit without modification, thanks a bunch for any help.
ok, so back to my initial question, I am a newbie and while I genuinely appreciate all of the help with this post I am getting quite lost in all of the "veteran" jargon.

to bring it back to a 4th grade level... ;) sounds like I need to create my own dummy.

to refresh the topic: I bought a Bachmann spectrum CSX dash-8 and I want to add second or third engine to pull the load...should I be looking for another dash or what other diesel engine would be appropriate to pair with mine, my ultimate plan is to add a sound decoder in the dummy so I would need a "real" engine with contacts to get the electrical right?

does anybody have a dead CSX engine they want to sell/donate? I  have checked ebay and they never come up broken it is almost always gently used or brand new, and I cannot bring myself to "gut" a perfectly good brand new engine      :-\
N / Re: newbie
March 30, 2008, 06:04:11 PM
I am in the process of building the woodland scenics "scenic ridge" layout, really nice for beginners (like me) and it is a lot of fun, 3X6 <iahve it sitting on a bar right nopw while i work on it. It is primarily styrofoam but don;t let that scare you, it is sturdy...I have a link to a guy I saw on the net who built hte same thing:

awesome step by step adn you have room to creat your own unique layout, I am adding a coal mine and I have alrady laid an inner 8 to make 2 seperate lines, so my son can srive too while I mess around with the dcc line. I can shoot you a picture or two if you want email me at [email protected]

good luck

hmmmm, so buying one to "gut" doesn't seem practical for my budget, I will keep my eyes out for something to fit the bill...

what do you mean "remember the pennsy went belly up?"

for my layout I am not concerned about trains fitting the surroundings (I actually have 2 tomix tomas trains (thomas and james...n scale really cool) for my son to drive, I have 2 line layout, BUT I do like to keep engines realistic with thier loads...which brings up another question, I am working on a military (army) train, I have gathered a couple of pullman sleepers, a kitchen and a flat bed with tank load...what kind of engine and what would it look used by the army to pull a load?
N / sound decoder for my D8-40C
March 27, 2008, 10:35:11 PM
totally new and a little overwhelmed by the "new" dcc tech...I have purchased a digitrax decoder (DZ123PS) for my new loco but I also want to add the sound decoders act as a "decoder" as well or do I need to install both? where do I begin with a sound decoder? very overwhelming?  by the way I am not afraid to solder etc. I just don't know where to begin, besides buying the dcc ready loco (which I did)
N / Re: Dash 8-40C parts
March 27, 2008, 10:28:01 PM
give me a shout if you are gonna scrap yours and buy a new one, I am looking to create a dummy to attach with my dash it lettered up in csx...just a shot in the dark?
N / Should I run a dummy or a second powered loco
March 27, 2008, 10:05:56 PM
this is a total newbie question so please be patient. I am just getting back into the hobby after a 20 year Hiatus...boy things have changed.

I have purchased a new Spectrum series D8-40C CSX Loco, I want to add 1 or perhaps 2 more locos to this run...not the line, I am trying to find a Bachmann dummy to add to my powered loco and I can't...where should I be looking...local hobby shops are no help? OR should I just buy a second powered spectrum and run them attached? also I have a cool set of Bachmann plus Pennsylvania passenger cars (they light up) and combine...what Loco would best represent these cars being pulled, I am aiming towards reality rather than "just what I like"

thanks for helping an "old" newbie!