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Messages - doug c

Thank YOU B'mann  for the info' !! 

"They are indeed sprung trucks, and the bearings turn as well..."

Glad I've been too busy to reach out to our primary local G-gauge supplier again (re: possible spring moldings) about the EOT recently rolled-out'  from Bachmann.    With a possiblity of spotting on one of their ST'025 shelves **   ! 8-)

** IF  they had made an earlier decision regards acquisition for the Train show !    Otherwise the tariffs  chatter may shut-off any consideration of fresh stock  !!

Glad to hear you were able to shake off the Covid',  which is still lurking'round, attacking innocent peoples, due to the cont'd assist of it's "FreeDumb-Covid collaborators"    :-[
Thanks  Wraujr !

Lookin' again at their applicable online document, if the fleet has cars with roller brg. trucks, and the backshop' finds that the factory design of the Fred'equipped truck is not compatible ...ouch !

And unless the backshop' person (within any of our railways) is appropriately skilled regards drilling dem'requisite mounting holes for the batt'box, and has access to appropriate washers'  for sim'height adjustment ......   

....Not potentionally a general acquisition/upgrade as foreseen !?   

I was also earlier, visualizing possible implementation of the roller-bearing truck,  onto other rolling stock from other manufacturers.      Based on noticing mention, ... "Compatible with 1:29 scale rolling stock items with modern roller-bearing trucks"....,    within the product info para'.    LoL
Thanks Bill !

We'll see' if B'mann, will take some time to share ...   ;)

I also sent a email over to a primary local source, asking them if they had considered acquiring them, especially for some of their shelfspace in their booth (saw it on the initial floor plan) within our incoming ST'025.  But if not real springs, I may not be too excited about acquiring, although will let others know about it   ???  ;D

As anyone acquired a unit yet ?

I was wondering if B'mann has real springs on the truck sides, or are they just molded-in look-a-likes'   ;-)
I reviewed the pics within the on-line Cat.,  but did not notice a answering' close-up.  :-)


Thanks ....
Large / Re: Fire Car Kitbash
February 12, 2025, 09:06:46 AM
Looks terrific, even up close    :D

Well done backshop' project for the railway !  8)
Large / Re: Egg Liners
August 03, 2024, 12:40:11 AM
Quote from: Greg Elmassian on July 19, 2024, 11:23:36 AMWow, 7 years later!  I think you need to get some decals and re-do what you can buy!  Greg

Weeeeell, no '-liners here yet,  but I do have a Roland SV-8 vinyl cutter.  LoL

And have in my  cst archive' folder,    a *.cst file of 40mm Cdn Maple Leafs', I created last Sept. primarily to upgrade the decor of a  G-gauge sized (red hi-lited) Lighthouse (by fusion) approx. 116' /1:29th;  acquired the prev. year during the annual end-of-seasonal (summer) products sale at a primary Canadian (...... '-Drug) store !       
A sale that is happening again presently/primarily at sixty % off level;  which includes a lot of irresistible Solar' ....... !      To lite-up' our properties appropriately, and as a bonus help chase off, the increased darkness of winter !!    8-)   

PSRBrwy>Backshop>Paintshop>Graphics>Vinyl Decals desk'   ;-)     
Large / Re: Egg Liners
July 19, 2024, 04:39:47 AM
Shucks,  still no Canadian (or Mexican) themed Egg-Liner.

Although the tongue-in-cheek versions;

Football,  Bumble-Bee, Merry Christmas,  have some potential. LoL 
Large / Re: July 2024 Parts Sale
July 19, 2024, 04:27:56 AM
Yep, also received the teaser email up here, too !

And now as soon as I see this latest version of the line, "free standard domestic shipping"  I just focus on the 30% off aspect.   LoL 

Although if still a regional source with item of interest in stock as comparison,  the shpg costs the last 3-4 yrs. tends to destroy the alternate direct' source deal. 
Even with the brokerage fees & shpg the regional source asking price has embedded.      8-(

Costs (and challenges) of a Railway   LoL
Large / Re: Query; "G scale crossing gate" PN: BCH96214
January 11, 2024, 06:37:16 PM
Thanks Jay! 

Ahhhh, so if I still have a couple sets of brass joiners waiting to be used still (or acquire),  .....great chance of the crossing being seen in the future somewheres on the PSRB rwy !    LoL

p.s. time to get rollin', ..... maybe pop over to the vendor first as they close within 1.5hrs, but of course first layer up sufficiently for the -30c temps today (& tomorrow) !   ::)  :D
Large / Re: Query; "G scale crossing gate" PN: BCH96214
January 11, 2024, 05:35:07 PM
Another reason,  I asked was that it was one of the "Bachmann Large scale" items that was mrkd down 50%, at a local vendor four days ago.

Will be dropping by again hopefully today, as part of my shopping circuit. See if it is still available.  :-)   
Large / Query; "G scale crossing gate" PN: BCH96214
January 09, 2024, 04:24:24 AM
On a vendors webpage, they state "This product is only compatible with Bachmann Steel Alloy Track"

Has anyone successfully upgraded it to brass track (swap out the steel'),  or configured it electrically(?) to work with brass ?

Large / Re: "Large-Scale-Evans-Boxcars "
April 21, 2023, 05:14:28 PM
Thanks Greg .

Late last night, it finally came to mind that, .... don't I have an original Aristo' Evans ?

So down I went .... And yes it was 'hiding' back within the northern depot railyard,  my CN 283000 (also the box was underneath, CART555004 which meant it was a special run via H'C'Canada... possibly one of the 'sample' units, unsanctioned by Lewis back-in-the-day) !

With well-detailed 'solid' side walls. 


Bill, FYI the Aristo' DD 40' steel box cars, open wide !

ex. eight-USN acq'd back when Lewis had a clearance sale of the special military run (factory-installed shiny metal wheels) also with the 'new' open roof walks.   Personally went for them, as they had the least amount of decals to remove, in future 'rwy aquisition' projects in the g-gauge world    ;-)
Large / Re: "Large-Scale-Evans-Boxcars "
April 21, 2023, 05:04:38 AM
So just solid well-detailed (representation/side )doors, within B'mann latest rollout of the (Aristo', "Evans-Boxcars" model ?!
Large / "Large-Scale-Evans-Boxcars "
April 20, 2023, 06:52:03 PM
No mention in their online features listing,  so presume manufacturers' design group were unable to feasibly or economically design the model with opening doors  !?

Have any of the manufacturers of a 'plug-style'door rolling stock unit, ever been successful ? 

Do you have the Bachmann p/n to share ?
Or possible link to it within their parts catalog ?

Thinking I'll be popping into one of local vendors that I've noticed in past with a few diff. B'mann parts. So ...