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Messages - King_of_pc

Maybe you guys are right. Without DCC, Rocky, Judy, Jerome, Harvey, and Diesel 10 would be possible, I think Bachmann should make Rocky, Harvey, Judy and Jerome without DCC, but rather with a long key to operate their functions like for Rocky (in this case) maybe a sliding door to access the arm winch and an external axle where the key engages to operate the hook. There should also be a crane body rotation through 360 degrees without the said key. (I can say the same thing for Judy and Jerome.) For Harvey, only the winch and the crane arm rotation are possible, one of them without a key (rotation of the arm) and one with the said key (raising and lowering the hook), Diesel 10 on the other hand is a different story, he should have pinchy being posed by mini hydraulic cylinders with metal pistons and plastic cylinder jackets. However, it may not be possible to add miniature hydraulic pistons to open and close pinchy, despite being able to rotate. In fact, the whole arm on Diesel 10 should rotate through 360 degrees. Apart from those 5 characters, I sure would like to see more Thomas & Friends and railway series characters being released by Bachmann trains.
Hello, I'm new to this thread, But I would like to add on the future suggestions. To begin, I think Bachmann Should make Rocky the Rescue Crane with DCC on Board. the DCC Decoder will power functions like raising and lowering the arm, raising and lowering the hook (Connected to the piston rod and Crankshaft), and rotating the crane body through 360 degrees of rotation (Connected to a moving eye Mechanism).

Bachmann Should also release Judy and Jerome in my opinion. Again to reiterate, the same functions that are on Rocky, should also be on Judy and Jerome as well as a DCC Decoder

what do you guys think?