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Messages - Nickf

HO / Re: EZ Track Turnouts Power Routing Question
February 21, 2025, 09:14:15 PM
Has anybody compared the older N scale turnouts wiring to the new HO turnouts?
Reading up on this subject, I see that the older N scale turnouts were power routing and just recently they changed the design to be 100% powered.
Maybe the clue is the wiring/connections in the old N scale turnouts.
Can someone tell me what turnouts do route power, I'm in the US if that matters. so something readily available and compatible (if possible) with the EZ Track
HO / EZ Track Turnouts Power Routing Question
February 21, 2025, 01:10:23 PM
So I'm new to Bachmann but not new to HO trains.

Doing some research I come to find out that Bachmann turnouts are powered all the time, regardless if i switch the points or not, power is running 100% through my entire layout.

I want to have some spurs that are unpowered to hold other locos.

Is there a way to modify the turnouts so they do route power when switching, or am I needing to set up block wiring with plastic rail joiners and external switches to turn power on/off to the spurs?

Right now I'm just in the beginning phase of my layout and my first line on my layout will be basically an oval with 2 spurs.

Thank in advance