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Messages - old pilot

On30 / Re: On30 tank car
February 16, 2025, 11:49:28 AM
Thanks for the info on the small screwdrivers. I will look for a set. My jewelers set had done all I needed until these safety straps entered the picture.
On30 / Re: On30 tank car
February 16, 2025, 08:00:17 AM
Good morning, Fred,

Thank you, your advice was spot on and a great help. I just finished taking the tank car apart as per your instructions, except for the ladders which appear to be glued in the holes. I can live with this while I weight decal and weather the car. The only problem I had was the two safety straps holding the tank to the flat car. It took a magnifying glass to see they were held by the smallest phillips head screws I have ever seen. Not having a screwdriver that small, I was able to get enough grip with small needle nose pliers to turn and remove them. Use caution and do it over a large white piece of cloth in case you drop them. The only other advice I can give to your instructions is to use a chisel type blade in an exacto knife to insert in the seam of the tank to gently pry it apart.

This is a great site, receiving help from somebody who has already done what you want to do.
On30 / On30 tank car
February 15, 2025, 06:55:32 AM
As with my earlier post on the boxcar, can the tank be safely/easily removed from the flat car frame? Can the tank be opened to add weight? I know weight can be added to the underside of the flat car portion but I would prefer not to do it this way. It will also make it easier to do a little weathering and decaling.
On30 / Re: How do I remove Bachmann On30 boxcar body?
January 22, 2025, 05:37:14 AM
Hello Yardmaster and Fred Klein,
Thanks for both of your replies, both were very helpful as I just completed my first removal on a 26' boxcar #27099. Once the top was removed, I understand how everything works. I used a chisel blade on my Xacto knife to gently pry on each corner. I will also add that in future removals, besides the brake wheel and shaft, I will remove the couplers and trucks to prevent damage while I'm concentrating on the roof.
On30 / How do I remove Bachmann On30 boxcar body?
January 21, 2025, 01:07:33 PM
I'm new to this gauge but have started to purchase Bachmann equipment while building the benchwork and laying track. I purchased several boxcars, ventilated and regular, and am interested in detailing the inside area that is visible with the doors open, adding visible loads and some weight. No paperwork was in the kits on removing the body so I'm looking for tips on how to remove the body from the frame without doing any damage.