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Messages - TEHNewClearwaterFeatures

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas roundhouse dimensions?
March 30, 2025, 08:37:33 PM
Sorry, but the Tidmouth roundhouse hasn't been made in N scale, yet. :(
QuoteRebecca is already in the Bachmann range now, and between her and Nia, seemed the safer choice of BWBA representation. Any other BWBA characters tend to be a combination of too niche and too expensive to warrant making a new tooling of. If Bachmann were to make anything else from the BWBA era, I feel like Nia is the only one that would get a new tooling, with Gina not far behind her; any other character would need to be something that can be repurposed from an old Bachmann USA tooling or one of the Class 08 repaints.

I for one would LOVE to get my hands on a Bachamnn Nia along with Rebecca.
Thomas & Friends / Thomas-esque track plans
February 12, 2024, 08:31:57 PM
This thread is for posting your own Thomas-esque track plans.
Am I the only person wishing for an HO Whiff & Rocky?
At this point, I'm praying for Bachmann to do HO Whiff & Rocky.