Hello! I am getting back into model trains, and had a question about how I am going to wire my layout. I am using Bachmann products for the most part (the only exception is one controller I will be using for one of my loops of track. The other is a Bachmann one). I would like to be able to create some isolated sections, and do this via parallel circuits that run from the controller to on/off switches that can turn the power on and off for a specific section. This would allow me to mimmic DCC, while using what I have. My question is how would I safely divide my power between the switches, and how would I do this in general? I also saw something about only using plastic fish plates on one side, and not both, which is what I thought you needed to do, so if you could explain that, this would really help. I have also attached a picture of what I would think it would look like, and what I am trying to do here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7zcimfv1v8m79dbct1rnt/Example-of-wiring-copy.png?rlkey=2u6uac6xuggp2feie2de7z6xm&dl=0. Thanks!