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Messages - TRAINSROCK!

Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
March 29, 2025, 06:43:57 PM
I'm excited to see the new products released soon.

I'm heavily leaning on buying sidney and the mainland diesel. (though I hope they improve the face on both of them unlike how the ho paxton looked like. I am mixed on buying paxton I like the character but the face just is a issue with the model where the g guage and the soon n scale models got the face right).

and the tar wagon is a nice return (do want to buy 4 of them as they're always was four in a consist).

the new milk tanker I'll wait to see. (i already got the tidmoth milk tanker I bought one to go with daisy when she was finally released three years ago.  and I bought 3 more of them last month.  so I own four of them (maybe that's a little too much i just was hoping they'll keep the original milk tanker when the new one is released.  but maybe I'll see how the new one turns out and see weather to add four more for daisy).

I'm kind of hoping to see if they might re-release stuff that's been discontinued down the road. some of the items I thought of were arry and bert. (I actually bought them during lockdown five years ago and I got rid of them latter in favor for other products). but If they brought them back I'd say give them a different face so everyone can tell who's who. and no scratches as they both came with a scratch as I've seen reviews everyone seem to have the same issue as me. so maybe improvements over the original ones.

the other I thought of was the ice cream van. (I missed out with this one as I didn't start collecting the bachmann products 8 years ago). so I think this was a nice piece of rolling stock they should think of returning in the future. plus I thought of adding it to my consist for salty.

but I guess we'll see bachmann always amazes everyone with what they do.
Recently I've been thinking about more troublesome trucks. (i did share ideas on more of them). two i thought of were the shortbase wagon (as seen in percy's predicament and busy going backwards). the other is another troublesome oil tanker. (since the one bachmann did was from the baba movie i thought they could add another tanker but this one more based from journy beyond sodor with the oil tanker). this one could be used as a second tanker. one that's good and one that's misbehave since there's four of the open troublesome wagons (troublesome trucks 1 2 4 and counting s.c. ruffy).  as four). so that's what I got to offer for now.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
March 11, 2025, 09:38:26 AM
I'm hoping they show salty all set for shipping. (really been waiting a long time for him).

I did buy the original salty after he was disconnected. than I got rid of him in 2019.

(at that time I thought if I was going to collect the models of the range I wanted to go for the characters of the first 4 seasons and the ones introduced by andrew brenner).

but I am going to get the new version of salty. (I mentioned in the future suggestions fourm that he was always my favorite of the post season 4 characters).

I waited long enough I had bought the live lobster van and the two plank wagans with the brendom bay crates (obviously they're disconnected now I was going to wait till he was released but i thought i'd better buy them while they were still available just wanted to put some rolling stock with salty). and also the sodor salt van the fruits and vegetables van the mr jollys chocolate factory van and both the original blue ventilated and the brendom bay ventilated box can. (just a consist salty would pull at the docks of random products). so I hope he's ready for shipping.

I also hope for samples of bulgy. (I don't have any of the road vehicles as I mostly collect the engines and rolling stock). but bulgy is the one vehicle I'm the most interested in buying. (of course as I've seen some say this would make season 3 the second season after season 1 of characters bachmann has done). that includes oliver toad mavis and now bully. (not counting the city of turro and the appearance of the flying Scotsman).

and I kind of hope for an update with the sodor china clay wagons. (just really excited bill and ben got a piece of rolling stock). and that the wagons are based how they looked like in the railway series.

(I kind of would like to see if they could do more rolling stock base off the railway series).

the one I really thought of is Isabel the auto coach. (she never was in the show but in the books with oliver and toad). she's actually my no. 1 character of the railway series that didn't appear in the show. (originally the aresldale engines were no. 1 but they would finally appear 10 years ago).

I don't know why I just wish Isabel was in the show with oliver and toad. (I don't know if they'll ever do railway series characters but it's just a way I thought of to expand the range with adding rws characters with the ones from the show).

but I guess we'll see.
I actually would want to see the aresldale engines produced. (they were another one of the characters I had in mind for them to do). I just didn't know if they could or not. (they were always my no. 1 picks of characters from the railway series that didn't make it into the show until they finailly did in sodor's legend of the lost treasure). think it would be great with the three small railway engines.

and since i've seen everyone suggesting for harvey (he is another one I did wanted them to do). except the only issue is I just don't know how they would do him with the crane. (they may surprise us if they do him).if they did him we would have both of the major highlighted characters from season 6 him and salty.

and for lastly a reannouncement of duncan. (yes I'm adding duncan again but this time I'm hoping they'd reannounce him again like they did with diesel for the g scale line).

and for the future when the mandate is done. I have a few characters from the older seasons I'd hope they do. (again this is for when the mandate is over with.

Duke (just would like to finish off with the main 7 narrow guage engines).

stepney (he has been the most requested character for bachmann to do and I've always wanted him in the range like everyone else). hopefully he would be the first one they do after the mandate is over with.

d261 (to go with stepney).

and lastly is a different choice and it is arthur. I can say after rewatching season 7 out of the five new characters arthur is probably my favorite of the bunch. (now emily grew on me in latter years and she is in my top 3 favorites of the characters introduced in season's 6 and 7). salty is no. 1 (he was always my favorite of the post season 4 characters). harvey (for being a unique different engine with a crane). and emily at 3 (for growing on me in latter years I prefer how she was with her season 7 and brenner era personality than what they turned her into afterwards). here's why he was going to be named Clarence originally but was changed to arthur as he was named after a child's late grandfather from a contest. second I think of the new characters from season 7 i think he had a lot of potential that they could of done with him of he had returned in the latter seasons. (I remember reading on the show wiki triva for him was brought up for the inspiration of the paint for Ryan). I like his design and he's now in the top 4 favorite list of the newbies from season's 6 and 7.

but as I always say we will see what the future may bring.

I had more ideas of other stuff that popped in my head again. (i always seem to come up with a lot of ideas lately).

the new ideas that I got are den and dart. (let me just say I always thought they weren't that bad of characters when they were first introduced i feel the episodede den and dart in season 19 gave them more development).

i also think they could do them just to give a more of verity of diesels for the range. since there's a lot of class 08 shunters in the range. (both versions of diesel the now discontinued arry and bert paxton and soon sidney and the mainland diesel). just thought den and dart could bring a little more verity of diesels.

the other is a ventilated van that's  similar to the upcoming ones for the 80th anniversary. this one is a special one as a memorial van. one that has the names to honor the people involved with thomas.

the rev w. awdry who started the franchise with the railway series.

david mitton who directed all seven seasons.

George carlin the second us narrator.

Ben forster who did the mr. perkins segments. (I enjoyed the ones from the brenner era more than the early ones I just always thought the latter ones where more enjoyable to me).

Michael angeles the second uk narrator.

and of course britt allcroft the creator of the show. (I didn't write on here but I was sad about her death and she made a lot of joy in the world with the show).

I just thought a van with all the people listed that are no longer with us would be fitting as a tribute to what they've brought enjoyment to the franchise all these years.

so those were more ideas I've came up with. so I thought a van paying tribute to them would be a real special one in thier memory.

so those were more ideas I came up with. (I may come up with more as always I'll just see what else I may think about).
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
February 10, 2025, 09:55:01 PM
I saw bachmann's live stream on thier youtube channel. and they shared a update on the upcoming china clay wagons. they're supposed to be a call back to the railway series. (honestly this is a good move to put lettering on the wagons than just plan red and a nice way to honor the 80th anniversary). one thing I really wish they'd do is update the ho scale henrietta with the face. (I wrote a post asking if they would ever do the go version with the face since the new n scale version of her has the face). as I shared I want to buy toby (I feel of the main 7 engines he's underappreciated). and everyone knows that you can't buy him without henrietta. (I would like that they would do henrietta with the face for the ho line). the n scale versions of the two of them i'm really leaning on. (i don't do the n scale line but toby and henrietta just really are leaning me towards the line and diesel too. really can't wait to see how diesel wil turn out like). I guess we'll just see when the nmra announcements come later this year.
Since I shared my ideas for stuff 13 days ago. I came up with more stuff that came in my head.

For engines in the ho line obviously samson. (yes I've shared a lot I really want him). here's why I shared he has the same chassis as percy and bill and ben. he just seems pretty easy to do (main reason why I want him is because of samson and the fireworks made me like him more). and second is he's pretty similar in design wise to neil from the railway series. (I just always thought samson was close enough to adaption of neil from the railway series to be introduced in the show). so samson is just really the one engine I want the most by this rate.

for rolling stock. obviously bradford.

the slip coaches to go with duck.

the idea of quarry wagons for mavis.

and three ideas for more troublesome trucks. a 8th one for the slate wagon (from journey beyond sodor). and the 9th one in the 16th ton wagon (I'm kind of referring to the ones diesel pushed into the sea with China clay in diesel does it again). and a 10th one using the mail vans. (there was one seen in oliver owns up with a face so I thought that would that would be fitting to use as the 10th troublesome truck.

the last one is more flatbeds (the ones that samson was seen pulling with the dinosaurs on them).

for the narrow guage line. well four I can say is a flatbed wagon.

the green open air coaches (just another edition to add with the red and blue coaches).

and more of the box vans and breakvans. (for these I'm thinking brown). I really like the red and blue ones they released. (I own two of the red box vans and four of the blue ones). yes the red ones were the ones mostly used in the show. I just seem to really like how the blue ones turned out. I think that's why I own four of the blue box vans. Just would like if they did more of the vans in brown. same with the breakvan.

for n scale obviously edward (just to finish the main 7 engine cast).

and down the road I'm thinking oliver. (since they did toad I suspect they'll so oliver eventually). but of course duck might be the next one they do when they announce edward.

and g scale james in the black paint. (since they're doing thomas in the lbsc livery they should do james in the black livery).

yes some of these were ones I already said. but the rest is all new I thought of lately.

I guess we'll see what the announcements in July will bring.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
January 26, 2025, 10:00:56 AM
I checked the catalog last night and they've announced a lot of solid stuff. (I was hoping for new engines but the rolling stock really blew me away). the 80th anniversary vans are a special treat especially since this year is the 80th anniversary of the railway series. (I'm sort of leaning towards the van with the retro logo of the shows original logo wish it was still like that). troublesome truck 7 I was expecting. since they just released the 12 ton vans. (I bought the grey one and the one with the christmas wreth). and I'm happy that sir handel is finished. and the gondolas for the narrow guage line I'm especially excited. (I wanted to buy 6 of the light grey ones one of the dark grey ones and just one of the oxie red). just to represent the ones for tayllan. (still aggravated about duncan canceled I'm sorry for bringing that up again I just was so excited for him I've just never felt disappointed for a bachmann item I was excited for). and the 80th anniversary set is especially nice. I'm also wondering since the set comes with the 12 ton van I'm hoping this means they'll do bradford. (and of course they got to do samson). I just always thought samson would be easy since he shares the same chassis with percy and both bill and ben. (though he might be a new tooling that's why I always wanted him but we'll just see).
I've come up with some new stuff that I thought of recently.

first is Philip (this is a surprise suggestion I've came up with). I rewatched the episodes from season 19 during his introduction 10 years ago. yes I thought he was annoying. (I think he was tolerable in seasons 19-21 i think i got annoyed with him in the last three seasons). but I think he's starting to grow on me. I think he has a simple design that they could do him.

the next two are rolling stock. first the slip coaches. (just a piece of rolling stock to go with duck).

some quarry related wagons for mavis. (much of my ho collection is the secondary characters). for example oliver has toad and s.c. ruffy to pull. donald & douglas have the spiteful breakvan. bill & ben will soon have the china clay wagans. daisy has the milk tanker. and diesel with either the upcoming flatbed with diesel fuel or the sodor diesel company tankers. so I think mavis could use some wagons with rocks loaded into them like how the china clay wagons will look like. (though maybe in a different paint scheme maybe green as I think there's enough of the red wagons). so I just thought duck and mavis could use some rolling stock to go with them like the others I listed.

so these were some ideas I had in the head for awhile now. (they struck me recently and thought i'd share them). and samson and bradford remain as my most wanted items (just was putting it out). and I also think porter is another one they should do (with salty returning to the range eventually). so that's what I got for now.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Bachmann Duncan Thread
October 08, 2024, 11:21:23 PM
Well I'm disappointed. I was really excited for duncan to come after sir handel. but now I'm extremely disappointed. (I've been trying to coupe after I got hit by Helen). and now that duncan is canceled just is more disappointed. (hope he'll come to the line soon).
This is a subject I thought I'd bring up. I'm strongly considering buying the n scale toby model. (with henrietta coming soon and the n scale version of her will have the face she gained in season 18). I've strongly considered buying them. (though I did thought of buying the ho version of Toby but I'm just wondering if they'd ever do a second henrietta with the face in ho). just thought I'd bring that up for a discussion.
as i said before Samson and Bradford are the main 2 engine and rolling stock i really want them to do. (along with the slip coaches as 3 4 and 5). my reason is i thought they would make a nice companion with oliver and toad (of course when they announced they would do oliver and toad a decade ago that's when the first time i got excited for anything bachmann and also when daisy would be the third item i got really excited for). i just think samson would be a great move for bachmann to do (as long as if they did bradford to go along with him). even though they're catching up with the products they announced from two years ago and last year. i just think samson and bradford should be the next one's they should do more than ever in my opinion. and i also hope they'll update the ho henrietta. (i've taking a strong consideration of buying the n scale toby as the n scale henrietta will have the face). i've had thought of buying the ho toby just wish they'd update the ho henrietta with the face. but i guess we'll see.
I had recently thought of some more ideas of rolling stock for the narrow gauge line. (Some I already said and some I had thought of recently).

the green open air coaches (already mentioned those)
more of the break vans in the brown and grey paint (already mentioned those)
more of the box vans in the same color as the break vans just mentioned (again these new box vans are really nice) again mentioned those already
another slate wagon with slate (this one numbered 136 I looked at the Wikipedia page for the talyllyn railway equipment and bachmann has done the slate wagons numbered 101 164 and 178 so they should do the one numbered 136 to the slate wagons)
Some flatbeds (the one example I got is the one used to carry the headmaster's organ in faulty whistles)
the well wagon (the one used in the runaway elephant also add the elephant statue)
the narrow gauge crane with a flatbed (the one peter Sam was pushing in peter Sam and the refreshment lady)
and the side dump wagons (the ones used to dump stones out)

this was just some suggestions I thought of lately since bachmann has done the 6 narrow gauge engines I think they can add some more rolling stock to the line and these are a lot I thought.

Also more of the narrow gauge engines real life counterpart locomotives (since they're soon coming out with the real locomotive skarloey's based off I think they should do the rest of them).

so hopefully they do these one day.
Here's my top four picks I want bachmann to do (hope they give these a announcement in the new year or the next mid year announcements).

Duke (really want them to do him most of all since they've now done all 6 of the original narrow gauge engines I'd just want them to do duke to finish the group despite the mandate).
The slip coaches (to go along with duck and just to add more coaches to the line).
And of course both Samson and Bradford (again Samson and Bradford are my most wanted products after Samson and the fireworks).

Also I had a honorable mention
And D261
Now since there may not be a chance for these two to come in the range due to the mandate I'd like to see these three made if the mandate ends. (I was thinking stepeny and d261 as they both were done in the hornby range and both were made in the take n play range with the original magnets before the new magnets came in and i think that's what ended the range).

those are probably the most I'd like to see come in the range one day.
Thomas & Friends / Bachmann Duncan Thread
August 26, 2023, 09:43:55 PM
Since I've always seen a thread about going over what characters bachmann is going to do I thought I'd do one on the announcement with Duncan.

I was really excited that Duncan got announced cause he was the next narrow gauge engine I wanted them to do. I'm still excited.

since I started buying the narrow gauge engines bachmann has done I just totally like them a lot. (I was going to wait till they did all of them than buy them all but I decided to go ahead and I'm glad I did).

whenever he's released I'll be buying him and the gunpowder wagon (really surprised they're doing that one cause ertl was the only one originally who did this wagon). thought some may disagree I don't mind if Duncan is done like he was in the cgi series (I never cared how good looking the characters they brought back I was more excited about the one's they were able to return).

I've also hoped for duke too (just really want all 7 of the narrow gauge engines despite the demand from Mattel).

this maybe a repeat of what I might of typed on other posts I'm just happy that bachmann has reached all 6 of the original narrow gauge engines.