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Messages - sswcharlie

General Discussion / Re: E-Z Command 'Control Centre'
December 23, 2024, 06:21:10 PM
Thanks for message.  Mine is not the 'plus' version but has the i/o port.   Can the 44907 be used with mine?
General Discussion / E-Z Command 'Control Centre'
December 23, 2024, 01:38:41 AM
Have a E-Z Control Centre.  Happy with it and does what I need.

What does the  i/o port get used for ?

Has anyone built any devices to make use of this port.  Like a handheld knob etc that repeats the settings (speed and direction)   on the master unit  only master  or hand held use at one time.

   OR   is there a second throttle design that allows two controlled locos at once each on separate throttle.

And out of left field X!!   --   would a Fremo modular dcc hand held control work with the E-Z ?  The Fremo has a dedicated loco decoder and plugs into the network.  (works apparently on any network, Digitrax etc)  Has one knob only and a reverse/forward switch

Charles Harris
HO / Re: Bachmann HO Trolley
December 18, 2024, 01:13:09 AM
Hi jward
Thanks for the link.  Magic.

HO / Re: Bachmann HO Trolley
December 15, 2024, 04:29:13 PM
Thanks JonJet for message.  Mainly the drawing I want.  Why does EZ not work.  There is a decoder in this model. See photos.
HO / Bachmann HO Trolley
December 15, 2024, 02:50:36 AM
I have this trolley see photo and have no papers at all.   What is the part # for the trolley and where can I find a exploded drawing of it.   I have pulled it apart and can not figure out the polarity of the plug  8 pin inline plug that goes between the motor and up to the pcb on top.  Should have taken a photo before taking apart!  duh. I have yet to run it.  Will the dcc address be #3 ?   Using E-Z controller.
Charles in NZYou cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment.You cannot view this attachment.   
I have a Digitrax DH126 loco decoder with unknown address and would like to use it on E-Z.
I would like to give a new address, say  #3, and reset the cvs to default.
How do I go about the reset to default ?

Charles Harris
I have a loco decoder ( Digitrax  DH126)  with unknown loco address.  With EZ Command how do I reset CV8  to give defaults for all CVs and loco address to number 3 .   Is there a Arduino solution to use a 16x2 lcd display, to show result?

With the decoder out of locomotive (do not want to run the motor)  how do I set up wiring to achieve the reset.   Using breadboard is it  Tk A to  Red on decoder and Tk B   to blk on decoder ?  I am being a bit simplistic here, old brain.

Charles Harris
HO / Spectrum H16-44 gear ratio
December 18, 2019, 01:44:43 AM

What options do I have for a HO    H16--44  to reduce the gear ratio and increase traction, for a specific gradient on my layout, about 3%.

Is there a lower ratio gear set available, or complete   trucks with gears  off another model.   Recommendations ??
Is there somewhere that lists gear ratios on different models ?

HO / Gas Electric - HO
February 23, 2012, 07:06:36 PM
The square front on the Gs electrics.  Can that be purchased as a spare part ?