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Messages - Hareeiharan

General Discussion / Re: Dynamis Help!
February 17, 2015, 07:37:39 AM
Thank you guys for your replies.

I bought my Dynamis from Amazon, if I am to send back the items to Bachmann, what is the process? If anyone knows, please notify me. Bachmann doesn't have a working help line I suppose. Never my calls were responded ???

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Dynamis Help!
February 13, 2015, 05:44:23 AM
@ Len; Yes I tried factory resetting. nothing happened.

@ AGSB : For your questions, I have only two engines enabled with DCC. So I it's a plain fact I should not have a complication with addresses. but for further clarification, I factory reset the handset and tried on the factory default operation with only one engine. the result is the same. my hand held device is not showing signals. (I hope you understand what I mean. the signal bars on the top right hand corner of the hand held device's screen) I guess, no signals getting transmitted from the handheld device.

to your question, "DO DCC ENGINES OPERATE CORRECTLY?", I want to throw another question to you,  how can anyone check the engine with a complain where commander is not working? :P

The commander shows a stable GREEN, but orange never pops. once or twice it poped and engine gave vibrations, but even before throttling signal goes off and all come to a halt. the major problem I have to be clarified is, "WHY THE SIGNAL BARS ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE HANDHELD?" but when I switch OFF and ON, I see the bars, but they immediately drops down n then no signal. :(
Hi everyone,

I bought a Dynamis EZ command controller, it doesn't work at all. On station, the Green LED is stable, from the handheld device no signal is shown. But it comes and goes. For few minutes (hardly 5 or less minutes) it made my Bachmann DCC locomotive move few inches, and then I never saw the signal back. It's more than a month now and I'm still unable to get it up for running. Few modelling people are saying my decision buying Dynamis is a mistake, where I don't agree that. What could be the problem? Can anyone suggest me something to make my device work. Please