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Messages - tcjeffery

General Discussion / Re: Gauge and Scale?
January 19, 2014, 02:50:26 PM
Great information! He is 6, and autistic so his interest in trains borders obsessive. I have enough of the wooden Thomas track to run throughout my house and I think it is time to move towards something that will be sustainable as he gets older. He has started to spend lots of time watching YouTube videos of home hobbyist's amazing track layouts and the Bachman site has become a favorite for him to gaze through.

Thank you again for all your help and I've got my order in for the 0 gauge circus train.


General Discussion / Gauge and Scale?
January 18, 2014, 02:07:27 PM
I'm new to this and doing it for my grandson. Is there a book, or website that can help me understand the different gauge/scale etc. I want to buy our first train set for his birthday and want to ensure I am buying something that will be sustainable and I can add on to as time goes on.  I was looking at the Ringling Bros Bachman train but don't understand the size part.