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Messages - Richard L. Gardner

On30 / more porter questions
August 21, 2011, 12:04:46 AM
Still working on my porter conversion. I'm looking for drawings for the 0-4-0, at least the side elevation. The quality doesn't have to be all that great, I will do a more accurate drawing in Illustrator as I have one to take detailed measurements from. I'm just looking to save some time from having to measure everything.

Thanks in advance, Richard...
On30 / Re: Porter gear ratio
August 15, 2011, 11:45:53 AM
Thanks... NM-Jeff ! I haven't had nerve enough to extract the motor, just getting the saddle tank off was a chore. I did run across a site telling you how to install DCC that included instructions on removing the motor. Since it involved cutting some wires, I'm putting that off 'till I'm sure I want to go ahead and re-motor.

Richard L. Gardner
On30 / Porter gear ratio
August 14, 2011, 06:18:09 PM
Can anyone tell me the gear ratio of the Bachmann On30 Porter 0-4-0? Thanks in advance, Richard L. Gardner