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Messages - Ken Huck

HO / Re: A new layout for the new house!
September 04, 2020, 10:40:41 PM
Hey Wiley, you still working on your railroad ?  I know you got a lot of stuff crammed in there, but it was
you that got me started on my long trestle and water features.  We'd sure like to see what your you're
up to.  How about checking in ?   ???
HO / Re: Ken's Railroad
September 02, 2020, 10:42:29 PM
Well, I finally followed 'Larry, the cable guys' advice and I 'got 'er done'.

Whew ! ! !  There's about eight hundred little pieces of matchsticks and bamboo
skewer parts used making that bridge.  I am glad I'm finished.  I still have to work
some on the 'bridgeheads' and approaches so...

...more to follow.

HO / Re: Jonathan's Layout #3
August 22, 2020, 08:18:08 PM
WHOO Hoo !  Glad to see someone else getting their feet wet ;).  I've been
gone for the last week and couldn't log on.  When I made one of my pours too
deep and it wouldn't dry in the 'center'.  I sopped up what didn't dry with old
newspapers.  I then let that area dry for two days.  Over a period of the next
few days, I gradually filled in that spot with smaller pours, but still keeping them
about 1/8in deep.  Everything eventually dried.

Keep it up Jonathan and thanks for the pics.

HO / Re: Future layout changes and upgrade
August 13, 2020, 07:07:59 PM

Nothing better than a good story-line to lend credibility for the need of
future development.  Hope you got a real-estate agent as good as mine.

HO / Re: Ken's Railroad
August 12, 2020, 10:20:02 PM
Thanks Jonathon, here's a bit more detail for scratch builders...

...and with the roof removed...

The Cowgirl Saloon out the back door...

With the roof removed.

...and the second floor removed.

And now for a 'covered bridge' update.

As you can see, I've been slowly working on the lattice and starting to experiment on the weathering.

Enjoy.  More to follow...


HO / Re: Ken's Railroad
August 08, 2020, 05:51:22 PM
Back again with another update.

A couple of views from the back side:

Starting to work a little on the 'approach'.

...and here's what it looks like down the street.

Enjoy, more to follow.

HO / Re: Ken's Railroad
August 04, 2020, 03:30:27 PM
A little more bridge update, I've started on the roof.

Work is going a little slower because of all the tedious cut (approximately), split (and split again), glue
(wait 24 hours to dry), then sand smooth...and glue the next piece.

More to follow,

HO / Re: Ken's Railroad
July 31, 2020, 09:48:39 PM
I just knew I forgot something !  ::)
HO / Re: Jonathan's Layout #3
July 31, 2020, 04:25:29 PM
Love them older JD's.  Had a friend down here that restored Olivers.
He passed several years ago and his son took over the hobby.  At
the last count he had a dozen or more.

Thanks for the pics.

HO / Re: Ken's Railroad
July 31, 2020, 03:39:41 PM
Another little update:

With the recent addition of a new country church and school, the poor old souls
in the poor side of town found themselves on the wrong side of Johnny's river so
they decided to build themselves a bridge.

First the void:

I decided to scratch-build something.  So, with three different sizes of match
sticks and split bamboo skewers I set off...

At this point, I wasn't sure what TYPE of bridge I wanted.  A simple truss of some sort
would've been a good choice.  I already had a couple of those.  Then I thought:
A covered bridge !

Next, I started on the lattice that would support the sheathing.

At this point I thought:  What have gotten myself into ?
This is how far I've gotten so far.  Cutting and splitting bamboo skewers takes a

Hopefully, by the end of this quarantine, I'll have made more progress.

More to follow,

Gee, ...a plank roof or a shake one ?

I like that fusion fiber:  Does it take water color like plaster does ?  Does it come in any other
colors besides 'dark mud' ?  Does it have any other name in different countries ?  I really have
a curious mind Sid, and I want know.  Great pictures (again) by the way.  It's always more fun
to see other people's railroads.  Thanks for posting.

HO / Re: logging engines
July 25, 2020, 04:48:04 PM


One of my favorites, a vertical boiler Climax.

...and let's not forget the obscure, Vulcan duplex.

I've got another half dozen or so brass loggers, but as TM203 said, they are sluggish runners.

HO / Re: Sheldon's Layout
July 24, 2020, 10:07:27 PM
Not to change the subject or anything but, was one of those 'tanks'
scratch built from an old broom handle and painted red ?

Those are great photos.  Especially the angle.  Gives your layout a
totally different look.

Thanks for the pics Sid, and the idea.  Gonna have to try that myself.

HO / Re: turntable
July 21, 2020, 08:04:39 PM
Paul, when you want to respond to a 'thread', log on FIRST, then click the
"REPLY" button at the bottom of the 'thread'.   Then your response will be
added 'chronologically' to the end of the 'thread'.  Some discussion usually
do this automatically, some don't.  This one, you have to be logged on first
for it to work automatically.

